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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Guide to OpenVMS File Applications

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DATA BUCKET structure #1
DATA BUCKET structure #2
Data compression
Data files
    creating with FDL$CREATE routine #1
    creating with FDL$CREATE routine #2
Data reliability
Data storage, file organization and
Data types
DATA_AREA attribute
Date-information option
DATE primary
DCL commands
    for Analyze/RMS_File utility
    for the Edit/FDL utility
DCL interface for enabling RMS statistics gathering
Deadlock detection, record locking
Default extension option
Default extension quantity
    $CREATE fixing of value
    determining factors
    for multiple area file
    how determined for indexed files
    set permanently using FAB and XAB
    set permanently with FDL editor
    setting with DCL
    setting with VOLUME/EXTENSION=n
    specified by RMS
Default file specifications #1
Default file specifications #2
Deferred-write processing
DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #1
DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #2
DEFINE command
Defining symbols to USEROPEN routine
DELETE attribute
DELETE command
Delete service #1
Delete service #2
    high-level language equivalents
    run-time options
Design graphics mode
Design mnemonic
Device component
DID-abbreviated directories
Direct access mode
Directory component
DIRECTORY/FULL command for checking RMS statistics status
Directory specifications
Directory trees
Disconnect service
Disk structure
    basic concepts
Double tape mark
DOWN command #1
DOWN command #2
Dual format, ISO 9660 CD and Files--11 CD
DUMP command
Duplicate keys, null key processing
EDIT/ACL command
Edit/FDL utility (EDIT/FDL)
    calculating bucket size #1
    calculating bucket size #2
    calculating bucket size #3
    calculating extension size
    contiguous files
    creating areas for index structures
    creating FDL files #1
    creating FDL files #2
    default value
    invoking a script
    optimization algorithms
    Optimize script #1
    Optimize script #2
    specifying run-time options
Empty fixed-length file cells, effect on sequential search of relative files #1
Empty fixed-length file cells, effect on sequential search of relative files #2
EOF (end-of-file), label
EOT markers
EOV (end-of-volume), label
Equal-or-next key option #1
Equal-or-next key option #2
Equivalence strings
Erase service
Error checking
Exact key match
EXIT command
Expanded string #1
Expanded string #2
Expanded string #3
Expiration date field
Extend contiguity options and controls
Extend operations
Extend placement controls for various file organizations
Extended character set
Extending a file
Extending RMS subdirectories
    invoking by way of $EXTEND service
    placement and contiguity options
    two methods
EXTENSION attribute
Extension size
    performance #1
    performance #2
Extents #1
Extents #2
Extents #3
FAB$B_BKS field #1
FAB$B_BKS field #2
FAB$B_BKS field #3
FAB$B_BKS field #4
FAB$B_BLS field
FAB$B_DNS field
FAB$B_FAC field
FAB$B_FNS field #1
FAB$B_FNS field #2
FAB$B_FSZ field
FAB$B_ORG field
FAB$B_RAT field
FAB$B_RFM field
FAB$B_RTV field #1
FAB$B_RTV field #2
FAB$B_SHR field
    FAB$V_MSE option
    FAB$V_SHRGET option
    FAB$V_UPI option
    list of options
FAB$L_ALQ field
FAB$L_DNA field #1
FAB$L_DNA field #2
FAB$L_FNA field #1
FAB$L_FNA field #2
FAB$L_FNA field #3
FAB$L_FOP field
    FAB$V_CBT option
    FAB$V_CTG option
    FAB$V_DFW option #1
    FAB$V_DFW option #2
    FAB$V_DFW option #3
    FAB$V_DFW option #4
    FAB$V_DFW option #5
    FAB$V_DFW option #6
    FAB$V_DFW option #7
    FAB$V_MXV option
    FAB$V_NAM option
    FAB$V_NEF option #1
    FAB$V_NEF option #2
    FAB$V_OFP option #1
    FAB$V_OFP option #2
    FAB$V_OFP option #3
    FAB$V_PPF option
    FAB$V_RCK option
    FAB$V_SQO option
    FAB$V_TMP option
    FAB$V_UFO option #1
    FAB$V_UFO option #2
    FAB$V_WCK option
FAB$L_MRN field
FAB$L_MRS field
FAB$L_NAM field #1
FAB$L_NAM field #2
FAB$L_NAML field
FAB$L_STV field
FAB$V_CTG option, problem with fragmented disk
FAB$W_DEQ field #1
FAB$W_DEQ field #2
FAB$W_DEQ field #3
FAB$W_GBC field #1
FAB$W_GBC field #2
FAB$W_GBC field #3
$FABDEF macro
FABs (file access blocks) #1
FABs (file access blocks) #2
FABs (file access blocks) #3
Fast-delete option #1
Fast-delete option #2
FDL AREA section
    POSITION attribute
    VOLUME attribute
    ASYNCHRONOUS attribute #1
    ASYNCHRONOUS attribute #2
    ASYNCHRONOUS attribute #3
    ASYNCHRONOUS attribute #4
    ASYNCHRONOUS attribute #5
    DELETE_ON_CLOSE attribute
    END_OF_FILE attribute
    FAST_DELETE attribute #1
    FAST_DELETE attribute #2
    FAST_DELETE attribute #3
    FILL_BUCKETS attribute #1
    FILL_BUCKETS attribute #2
    KEY_GREATER_EQUAL attribute #1
    KEY_GREATER_EQUAL attribute #2
    KEY_GREATER_EQUAL attribute #3
    KEY_GREATER_EQUAL attribute #4
    KEY_GREATER_THAN attribute #1
    KEY_GREATER_THAN attribute #2
    KEY_GREATER_THAN attribute #3
    KEY_GREATER_THAN attribute #4
    KEY_LIMIT attribute #1
    KEY_LIMIT attribute #2
    KEY_OF_REFERENCE attribute #1
    KEY_OF_REFERENCE attribute #2
    LOCATE_MODE attribute #1
    LOCATE_MODE attribute #2
    LOCK_ON_READ attribute #1
    LOCK_ON_READ attribute #2
    LOCK_ON_WRITE attribute #1
    LOCK_ON_WRITE attribute #2
    LOCK_ON_WRITE attribute #3
    MANUAL_LOCKING attribute
    MANUAL_UNLOCKING attribute
    MULTIBLOCK_COUNT attribute #1
    MULTIBLOCK_COUNT attribute #2
    MULTIBLOCK_COUNT attribute #3
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #1
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #2
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #3
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #4
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #5
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #6
    MULTIBUFFER_COUNT attribute #7
    NOLOCK attribute #1
    NOLOCK attribute #2
    NONEXISTENT_RECORD attribute #1
    NONEXISTENT_RECORD attribute #2
    NONEXISTENT_RECORD attribute #3
    READ_AHEAD attribute #1
    READ_AHEAD attribute #2
    READ_REGARDLESS attribute #1
    READ_REGARDLESS attribute #2
    TIMEOUT_PERIOD attribute #1
    TIMEOUT_PERIOD attribute #2
    TIMEOUT_PERIOD attribute #3
    TRUNCATE_ON_PUT attribute #1
    TRUNCATE_ON_PUT attribute #2
    UPDATE_IF attribute #1
    UPDATE_IF attribute #2
    UPDATE_IF attribute #3
    WAIT_FOR_RECORD attribute #1
    WAIT_FOR_RECORD attribute #2
    WRITE_BEHIND attribute #1
    WRITE_BEHIND attribute #2
FDL (File Definition Language) #1
FDL (File Definition Language) #2
FDL (File Definition Language) #3
    predefined attributes using FDL$PARSE routine
FDL FILE section
    ALLOCATION attribute #1
    ALLOCATION attribute #2
    ALLOCATION attribute #3
    BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS attribute #1
    BEST_TRY_CONTIGUOUS attribute #2
    BUCKET_SIZE attribute #1
    BUCKET_SIZE attribute #2
    BUCKET_SIZE attribute #3
    BUCKET_SIZE attribute #4
    BUCKET_SIZE attribute #5
    BUCKET_SIZE attribute #6
    CONTIGUOUS attribute #1
    CONTIGUOUS attribute #2
    CONTIGUOUS attribute #3
    CONTROL_FIELD_SIZE attribute
    CREATE_IF attribute
    DEFAULT_NAME attribute #1
    DEFAULT_NAME attribute #2
    DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #1
    DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #2
    DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #3
    DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #4
    DEFERRED_WRITE attribute #5
    DIRECTORY_ENTRY attribute
    EXTENSION attribute #1
    EXTENSION attribute #2
    EXTENSION attribute #3
    GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT attribute #1
    GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT attribute #2
    GLOBAL_BUFFER_COUNT attribute #3
    MAXIMIZE_VERSION attribute
    MAX_RECORD_NUMBER attribute
    MT_BLOCK_SIZE attribute
    MT_CLOSE_REWIND attribute
    MT_NOT_EOF attribute
    MT_OPEN_REWIND attribute
    MT_PROTECTION attribute
    NAME attribute #1
    NAME attribute #2
    ORGANIZATION attribute
    OWNER attribute
    PRINT_ON_CLOSE attribute
    PROTECTION attribute
    READ_CHECK attribute
    REVISION attribute
    SEQUENTIAL_ONLY attribute
    SUBMIT_ON_CLOSE attribute
    SUPERSEDE attribute
    TEMPORARY attribute
    USER_FILE_OPEN attribute #1
    USER_FILE_OPEN attribute #2
    WINDOW_SIZE attribute #1
    WINDOW_SIZE attribute #2
    WRITE_CHECK attribute
FDL files
    creating data files
    creating with FDL$GENERATE routine
    examining with ANALYZE/RMS_FILE
    generating from a data file
FDL KEY section
    DATA_AREA attribute
    DATA_FILL attribute
    INDEX_AREA attribute
    INDEX_FILL attribute
    LEVEL1_INDEX_AREA attribute
    TYPE attribute
/FDL qualifier
FDL RECORD section
    BLOCK_SPAN attribute #1
    BLOCK_SPAN attribute #2
    BLOCK_SPAN attribute #3
    CARRIAGE_CONTROL attribute
    CARRIAGE_RETURN attribute #1
    CARRIAGE_RETURN attribute #2
    count field format attribute
    FORMAT attribute
    Fortran attribute
    Fortran carriage control attribute
    MSB_RECORD_LENGTH attribute #1
    MSB_RECORD_LENGTH attribute #2
    PRINT attribute
    PRINT carriage control attribute
    SIZE attribute
FDL routines
    FDL$CREATE routine #1
    FDL$CREATE routine #2
    FDL$CREATE routine #3
    FDL$GENERATE routine
    FDL$PARSE routine #1
    FDL$PARSE routine #2
    FDL$PARSE routine #3
    FDL$PARSE routine #4
    FDL$RELEASE routine #1
    FDL$RELEASE routine #2
    FDL$RELEASE routine #3
FDL SHARING attributes #1
FDL SHARING attributes #2
FDL SHARING attributes #3
FID-abbreviated names
File access sensing tags
FILE ATTRIBUTES structure #1
FILE ATTRIBUTES structure #2
FILE ATTRIBUTES structure #3
File characteristics #1
File characteristics #2
File corruption
File default extension quantity
    with multiple areas
File design attributes
File disposition
FILE HEADER structure #1
FILE HEADER structure #2
FILE HEADER structure #3
File headers
    Files--11 structure
File identifier field
File names
File-opening options
    adding records #1
    adding records #2
    data reliability
    file access and sharing #1
    file access and sharing #2
    file disposition
    file performance
    file specification #1
    file specification #2
    for indexed files #1
    for indexed files #2
    for magnetic tape processing #1
    for magnetic tape processing #2
    for nonstandard file processing
    record access
File organization option
File positioning
File processing
    many files
    nonstandard file
    single file
File protection
File section number field
File sequence number field
File-set identifier field
File sharing #1
File sharing #2
    compatibility with subsequent record access
    interlocked interprocess #1
    interlocked interprocess #2
    multistreaming #1
    multistreaming #2
    no-access function
    user-interlocked interprocess #1
    user-interlocked interprocess #2
    user-interlocked interprocess #3
    user-interlocked interprocess #4
File specification parsing
    conventions used by RMS
    for input file
    for output file
    for related file
    logical name
    search list
File specifications
    applicable services and routines
    components #1
    components #2
    default #1
    default #2
    default #3
    for remote file access #1
    for remote file access #2
    for remote file access #3
    format #1
    format #2
    format #3
    length limits
    primary #1
    primary #2
    program supplied
    related #1
    related #2
    related #3
    related #4
    using logical name #1
    using logical name #2
    using name block
    using search lists #1
    using search lists #2
    using search lists #3
    using SYS$DISK
    using wildcard characters
File specifications parsing #1
File specifications parsing #2
File structures
    options on OpenVMS systems
File tags
    requirement for
File type field
File types
File versions
        category summary
        in an OpenVMS Cluster
    contiguity #1
    contiguity #2
    FDL #1
    FDL #2
    FDL #3
    FDL #4
    header #1
    header #2
    header #3
    initial allocation
    internal structure
    locking in an OpenVMS Cluster
    magnetic tape #1
    magnetic tape #2
    organization #1
    organization #2
    organization #3
    reserved, list of
    specifying one or many
    volume configurations #1
    volume configurations #2
    volume configurations #3
    volume configurations #4
Files--11 CD, on dual format CDs
Files--11 disk structures
    file headers
    home block
    levels compared
    reserved files
Files--11 On-Disk Structure
    comparison of ODS Levels 1, 2, and 5
Files, truncating
FILE_ID option
FILE_NAME option
Fill factor
Find service
    compared with Get service
    effect on next-record position
    high-level language equivalents
    improved performance
    key matches and
    requirement for end-of-file test
    run-time options
FIRST command
Fixed-length cells
Fixed-length control fields
    size option
Fixed-length records
Flush service #1
Flush service #2
FORMAT attribute
Formats for ANSI magnetic tape volumes
Fortran program example
    calling the FDL$CREATE Routine
    remote file access
    using the CONVERT Routines
Fragmented files
Free service

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