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Reference Manual

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  1. The file must be open in the OUTPUT, I-O, or EXTEND mode when the WRITE statement executes. (See Table 6-15.)
  2. Executing a Format 2 WRITE statement releases a record to the I-O system. The contents of the record keys enable later record access based on any defined key.
  3. When the file description entry has a RECORD KEY IS clause, the prime record key value is unique unless the DUPLICATES phrase is specified. When a program later accesses these records sequentially, the retrieval order is the same as the order in which they were written in the program.
  4. The program must set the value of the prime record key data item before executing the WRITE statement.
  5. If the file is open in the sequential access mode, the program must release records in ascending or descending order of prime record key values, depending on the sort order specified in the RECORD KEY clause. If the file is open in the extend mode, the first released record must have a prime record key value that logically follows the last record in the file according to the prime key sort order.
  6. If the file is open in the random or dynamic access mode, the program can release records in any order.
  7. When the file description entry has an ALTERNATE RECORD KEY clause, the alternate record key value is unique unless the program specifies the DUPLICATES phrase. When a program later accesses these records sequentially, the retrieval order is the same as the order in which they were written in the program.
  8. The invalid key condition occurs for any of the following:
    • The file is open in the sequential access mode and in the OUTPUT or EXTEND mode, and the prime record key value does not logically follow the prime record key value of the previous record.
    • The file is open in the OUTPUT, EXTEND, or I-O mode, the prime record key value duplicates an existing record's prime record key value, and the program does not specify duplicates on the prime record key.
    • The file is open in the OUTPUT, EXTEND, or I-O mode, and the value of an alternate record key (for which duplicates are not allowed) duplicates the value of the corresponding data item in an existing record.
    • The program tries to write a record beyond the externally defined file boundaries.
  9. When the program detects an invalid key condition, WRITE statement execution is unsuccessful. The following results occur:
    • The contents of the current record area are not affected.
    • The WRITE statement sets the FILE STATUS data item for the file to indicate the cause of the condition.
    • Program execution continues according to the rules for the invalid key condition.
      See the rules for the INVALID KEY phrase, Section 6.6.10.

Technical Notes

  • WRITE statement execution can result in these FILE STATUS data item values:
    00 All All Write is successful
    02 Ind All Created duplicate primary or alternate key
    21 Ind Seq Attempted key value not in prime key sort order (invalid key)
    22 Ind, Rel All Duplicate key (invalid key)
    24 Ind, Rel All Boundary violation (relative or indexed files) or relative record number is too large for relative key data item (invalid key)
    34 Seq Seq Boundary violation (sequential files)
    44 All All Boundary violation. An attempt was made to write a record that is larger than the largest or smaller than the smallest record allowed
    48 All All File not open, or incompatible open mode
    92 Ind, Rel All Record locked by another process
    30 All All All other permanent errors

    In order to detect "device full" (file status 34) on a sequential WRITE operation, each WRITE needs to be followed by a call to SYS$FLUSH to ensure that an attempt has been made to write any buffered records to disk. For more information, at the OpenVMS system prompt, type


Additional References

6.9 END PROGRAM Header


The END PROGRAM header indicates the end of the named COBOL source program. Alternatively, the end of a named COBOL source program can be indicated by the end of the program's Procedure Division.


must contain 1 to 31 characters and follow the rules for user-defined words. It must be identical to a program-name declared in a preceding PROGRAM-ID paragraph.

Syntax Rules

  1. An inside PROGRAM-ID/END PROGRAM pair must be contained within the outside pair.
  2. The END PROGRAM header must be present in every program that either contains or is contained within another program.
  3. The END PROGRAM header indicates the end of a specific COBOL source program.
  4. The END PROGRAM header starts in Area A.
  5. The only COBOL statements that can follow an END PROGRAM header are as follows:
    • An Identification Division header of another program
    • Another END PROGRAM header

    The last END PROGRAM header must reference the outermost containing program.
  6. If a program includes an END PROGRAM header and if it is not contained in another program, the next COBOL statement, if any, must be the Identification Division header of another program to be compiled.

Additional Reference

Section 3.1.1 paragraph in Chapter 3


  1. This separately compiled program (PROG-NAME-A) (1) contains one program (PROG-NAME-B) (2).

                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-A.  (1)
                        PROCEDURE DIVISION.
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-B.  (2)
                        PROCEDURE DIVISION.
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-B.
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-A.
  2. This separately compiled program (PROG-NAME-A) (4) contains eight other programs (5) through (12). Also, (6) is contained within (5), and (7) is contained within (6). (9), (10), and (11) are contained within (8). (5), (8), and (12) are directly contained within (4).

                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-A.  (4)
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-B.  (5)
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-C.  (6)
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-D.  (7)
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-D.
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-C.
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-B.
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-F.  (8)
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-G.  (9)
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-G.
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-H.  (10)
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-H.
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-I.  (11)
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-I.
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-F.
                        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.
                        PROGRAM-ID. PROG-NAME-J.  (12)
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-J.
                        END PROGRAM PROG-NAME-A.

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