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HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS
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Invokes the OpenVMS help facility to provide information about a command or topic.
HELP [topic /qualifier]
Specifies the command or topic for which help is desired.
Controls whether output to the screen stops after each screenfull (page) of information is displayed. The /PAGE qualifier is the default. If you specify /NOPAGE, output continues until the information display ends or until you manually control the scrolling.
#1 |
This example displays information about using the ADMINISTER ADD command from OpenVMS system command level.
#2 |
This example shows how to enter the HELP ADD command while you are using the ADMINISTER command-line interface.
LOGIN is a synonym for the LOGON command. See the LOGON command for further information.
Logs the current user off the network. Logging off ensures that no one can use your account to gain access to shared network resources. You may use LOGOUT as a synonym for the LOGOFF command.After a successful logoff, the domain and server being administered is recomputed. The domain name is set to the local server's domain, and the server name is set to the name of the local server.
LANDOFOZ\\TINMAN> LOGOFF SCARECROW was logged off successfully. |
This example assumes that the user SCARECROW was logged on to the network. The LOGOFF command logs SCARECROW off the network.
Logs a user on to the network and sets the user name and password used for further network access. You may use LOGIN as a synonym for the LOGON command.If a user is currently logged on, a warning is issued and an option is given to log the current user off before logging the new user on. After a successful logon, the domain and server being administered is recomputed. The domain name is set to the name of the domain to which you have logged on. The server name is set to the name of the local server, if the local server is a member of the logged on domain; otherwise, the server name is set to the name of the primary domain controller of the logged on domain.
LOGON [user-name [password]] [/qualifier]
See the restrictions described for the LOGON password parameter.
Specifies the user name by which you are identified on the network. If you do not enter a user name, a prompt appears.password
Specifies the password for the user account. The password is displayed as you enter it. If you do not enter a password, or you enter it as an asterisk (*), a prompt appears. The password is not displayed as you enter it in response to the prompt. If your password contains lowercase letters, blanks (spaces), or other nonalphanumeric characters, enclose it in quotation marks, unless you enter it in response to the password prompt. Passwords entered on the command line are accepted as uppercase characters unless they are enclosed within quotation marks. However, if you are prompted for a new password because your password has expired, the password you enter will be accepted as caseless. If you want your new password to include lowercase letters, you must use the MODIFY USER command with the /PASSWORD qualifier to define the new password. (The MODIFY USER command requires administrative privileges.)
Specifies the name of the domain to which you want to log on. This is called the logon domain. By default, the domain name is the name of the local server's domain.
#1 |
LANDOFOZ\\TINMAN> LOGON SCARECROW "OverTheRainbow" The server \\TINMAN successfully logged you on as Scarecrow. Your privilege level on domain LANDOFOZ is user. The last time you logged on was 10/08/01 07:48 PM. |
This example logs on the user named SCARECROW to the domain LANDOFOZ. Because the password contains lowercase letters, it is enclosed in quotation marks.
#2 |
LANDOFOZ\\TINMAN> LOGON Username: LION Password: The server \\TINMAN successfully logged you on as Lion. Your privilege level on domain LANDOFOZ is ADMIN. The last time you logged on was 10/08/01 07:50 PM. |
This example logs on the user named LION to the domain LANDOFOZ. Because the user name and password were not specified on the command line, prompts are issued. The password is not displayed as it is entered. If the password includes lowercase letters, do not include the password in quotation marks.
LOGOUT is a synonym for the LOGOFF command. See the LOGOFF command for further information.
Changes the attributes and memberships of an existing local or global group.
MODIFY GROUP group-name [/qualifiers]
Use of this command requires membership in the Administrators or Account Operators local group.
Specifies the name of an existing local or global group that you wish to modify.
Adds the specified members to the group and does not change any existing membership for unspecified members.If the group being modified is a local group, you can add user accounts and global groups from the domain being administered and from domains it trusts. To specify a user account or global group in a trusted domain, enter a domain-qualified name (domain-name\member-name), such as KANSAS\DOLE, where KANSAS is the name of the trusted domain, and DOLE is the user or group name defined in the trusted domain. If you omit the domain name, the user account or group is assumed to be defined in the domain currently being administered.
If the group being modified is a global group, you can add user accounts only from the domain being administered.
Specifies a string of up to 256 characters used to provide descriptive information about the group. Enclose the string in quotation marks if it contains lowercase letters, blanks (spaces) or other nonalphanumeric characters. /NODESCRIPTION indicates that the description is to be blank. If the /DESCRIPTION qualifier is not specified, the current description remains unchanged./DOMAIN=domain-name
Specifies the name of the domain in which to modify the group. The default is the domain currently being administered. Do not specify both /DOMAIN and /SERVER on the same command line./REMOVE_MEMBERS=([domain-name\]member-name[,...])
Removes the specified members from the group and does not change any existing membership for unspecified members.If the group being modified is a local group, you can remove user accounts and global groups from the domain being administered and from domains it trusts. To specify a user account or global group in a trusted domain, enter a domain-qualified name (member-name), such as KANSAS\DOLE, where KANSAS is the name of the trusted domain, and DOLE is the user or group name defined in the trusted domain. If you omit the domain name, the user account or group is assumed to be defined in the domain currently being administered.
If the group being modified is a global group, you can remove user accounts only from the domain being administered.
Specifies the name of a server that is a member of the domain in which to modify the group. Do not specify both /DOMAIN and /SERVER on the same command line.
This example removes the user SCARECROW from the group MUNCHKINS.
Modifies attributes of an existing directory or print share.
MODIFY SHARE share-name [/qualifiers]
Membership in the Administrators, Account Operators, or Server Operators local group is required to administer directory and print shares. Print shares may also be administered by members of the Print Operators group.
Specifies the name of an existing directory or print share that you wish to modify.
Controls whether you are prompted for a confirmation before removing all permissions from a share. The default is /CONFIRM if running in interactive mode. When the prompt is issued, the default response is shown, and you may accept the default by pressing Return or Enter. If you type YES, TRUE, or 1, the operation is performed. If you type NO, FALSE, 0, or enter Ctrl/Z, no action is performed. If you type anything else, the prompt is repeated until you type an acceptable response. No prompt for confirmation is issued if running in batch mode./DESCRIPTION="string"
Specifies a string of up to 48 characters used to provide descriptive information about the share. HP recommends that you limit the string length to 32 characters. Enclose the string in quotation marks if it contains lowercase letters, blanks (spaces) or other nonalphanumeric characters. /NODESCRIPTION indicates that the description is to be blank. If the /DESCRIPTION qualifier is not specified, the current description remains unchanged./HOST_ATTRIBUTES=(attribute-type[,...])
Sets host-system-specific attributes for the share. Host attributes are valid only for directory shares on HP OpenVMS servers. For the value of attribute-type, you can specify one or more of the keywords DIRECTORY_PROTECTION, FILE_PROTECTION, and RMS_FORMAT, as follows:
DIRECTORY_PROTECTION=(ownership:access[,...]) Specifies the default OpenVMS RMS protections for subdirectories created in the shared directory. The protection of existing subdirectories is not affected. Specify the ownership keyword as any of the following: Ownership Description OWNER File owner (also applies to SYSTEM) GROUP Users in same UIC group WORLD All other users Specify the access keyword as any combination of the following: Access Description R Read-only access. Users can display files that they have permission to access in the directory. W Write access. Users can create files in the directory, and can edit and delete files that they have permission to access. Write access implies delete access. E Execute access. Users can run program files that they have permission to access in the directory. Owner access is also applied to SYSTEM. The default RMS directory protection is OWNER:RWED, GROUP:RWED, WORLD:RE. FILE_PROTECTION=(ownership:access[,...]) Specifies the default OpenVMS RMS protections for files created in the shared directory. The protection of existing files is not affected. Specify the ownership keyword as any of the following: Ownership Description OWNER File owner (also applies to SYSTEM) GROUP Users in same UIC group WORLD All other users Specify the access keyword as any combination of the following: Access Description R Read-only access. Users with access to the directory can display files stored there. W Write access. Users with access to the directory can edit and delete files stored there. Write access implies delete access. E Execute access. Users with access to the directory can run program files stored there. Owner access is also applied to SYSTEM. The default RMS file protection is OWNER:RWD, GROUP:RWD, WORLD:R. RMS_FORMAT=record-type Specifies the OpenVMS RMS record format of files created in the shared directory. The record-type keyword can be one of the following: Record-type Description SEQUENTIAL_FIXED Files created in the shared directory are RMS sequential files with fixed length 512 byte records. STREAM Files created in the shared directory are RMS stream format files. This is the default. UNDEFINED Files created in the shared directory have no specific RMS format. The format is defined by the application writing the file. /LIMIT=connect-limit
Specifies the maximum number of users who can connect to the shared directory at one time. /NOLIMIT, the default, specifies there is no maximum connection limit./PERMISSIONS=([domain-name\]name=access[,...])
Specifies the access permissions for the directory share. These permissions control network access to the directory share, and determine which users or groups can access the shared directory, and the type of access they are allowed. When a directory is shared, the default is to grant FULL access to everyone. This permission allows anyone to do anything they wish to any of the files or subdirectories in the directory tree.Use the /PERMISSIONS qualifier to add permissions to a resource for specified users or groups. Use the /NOPERMISSIONS qualifier to remove all permissions for all or specified users or groups. If you remove all permissions from a share, no one will be able to access it, and only the owner will be able to change the permissions.
The permissions list name=access is a list of users and groups allowed to access the shared resource, and the type of access granted to each user or group. It must be enclosed in parentheses, and consists of one or more name=access pairs, where name can be any valid user or group name from this or another trusted domain.
To specify a user or group name in a trusted domain, enter the domain-qualified name (name), such as KANSAS\DOLE, where KANSAS is the name of the trusted domain, and DOLE is the user or group name defined in the trusted domain. If you omit the domain name, the user account or group is assumed to be defined in the domain of the server currently being administered.
Access depends on the type of share being modified.
If the share is a directory share, access can be any one of the following:
Access Description NONE Prevents any access to the shared directory, its subdirectories, and their files READ Allows viewing file names and subdirectory names, traversing to subdirectories, viewing data in files, and running applications CHANGE Allows viewing file names and subdirectory names, traversing to subdirectories, viewing data in files, running applications, adding files and subdirectories, changing data in files, and deleting subdirectories and files FULL Allows viewing file names and subdirectory names, traversing to subdirectories, viewing data in files, running applications, adding files and subdirectories, changing data in files, deleting subdirectories and files, changing file and directory permissions, and taking ownership of files and directories If the share is a print share, access can be any one of the following:
Access Description NONE Prevents any access to the printer Allows printing of documents MANAGE_DOCUMENTS Allows holding, releasing, and deleting of print jobs, and changing the order in which jobs print FULL Allows printing of documents; holding, releasing, and deleting of print jobs; changing the order in which jobs print; aborting and restarting of jobs being printed; pausing, continuing, and purging of the print queue; changing of print queue settings; removal of the print queue; and changing of print resource permissions /SERVER=server-name
Specifies the name of the server on which to modify the shared resource. The default is the server currently being administered.
#1 |
This example modifies the directory share named TORNADO. All permissions for the group EVERYONE are removed, and the user SCARECROW is granted FULL access to the files and directories in the share.
#2 |
This example modifies the print share named TOTO. The maximum connections allowed to the shared resource is set to 5.
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