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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Appendix I
Appendix I HP OpenVMS I64 Serial Multiplexer (MUX) Support for Integrity Servers
     I.1     Conforming Devices
     I.2     Device Installation
Appendix J
Appendix J SHOW CLUSTER Keypad Commands
     J.1     Using the Keypad
     J.2     Redefining the Keypad Keys
     J.3     Redefining the Arrow Keys
Appendix K
Appendix K System Parameters
     K.1     How the Parameters are Described
         K.1.1         Parameter Categories and Attributes
         K.1.2         Values for Parameters
     K.2     Parameter Descriptions
         K.2.1         System Parameters
Appendix L
Appendix L Configuring Devices with SYSGEN (VAX Only)
     L.1     SYSGEN Device Table (VAX Only)
     L.2     Configuring VAXstation 2000 and MicroVAX 2000 Devices (VAX Only)
16-1 Sample Transaction Log
22-1 Sample SHOW CLUSTER Report
25-1 USB Configuration
25-2 Hub Tiers
25-3 UCM Architecture
A-1 Keypad for an LK201-Series Keyboard
C-1 Format of an Accounting Record
C-2 Format of an Information Packet
C-3 Format of a File Name Packet
C-4 Format of an Identification Packet
C-5 Format of an Image Name Packet
C-6 Format of a Print Resource Packet
C-7 Format of a Resource Packet
C-8 Format of a User Data Packet
F-1 Format of a Security Audit Message
F-2 Audit Header Packet Format
F-3 Audit Data Packet Format
G-1 Command Qualifiers Used in Save Operations
G-2 Input File-Selection Qualifiers Used in Save Operations
G-3 Output Save-Set Qualifiers Used in Save Operations
G-4 Command Qualifiers Used in Restore Operations
G-5 Input Save-Set Qualifiers Used in Restore Operations
G-6 Output File Qualifiers Used in Restore Operations
G-7 Command Qualifiers Used in Copy Operations
G-8 Input File-Selection Qualifiers Used in Copy Operations
G-9 Output File Qualifiers Used in Copy Operations
G-10 Command Qualifiers Used in Compare Operations
G-11 Input File-Selection Qualifiers Used in Compare Operations
G-12 Input Save-Set Qualifiers Used in Compare Operations
H-1 File Header Record Format - Alpha and I64
H-2 File Header Record Format - VAX Only
H-3 System Information Record Format - Alpha and I64
H-4 System Information Record Format - VAX Only
H-5 Node Transition Record Format
H-6 RMS File Record Format
H-7 Class Record Format
H-8 Class Header Format - Alpha and I64
H-9 Class Header Format - VAX Only
H-10 Class Prefix Format
H-11 CLUSTER Class Record Format
H-12 DECNET Class Record Format
H-13 DISK Class Record Format - Alpha and I64
H-14 DISK Class Record Format - VAX Only
H-15 DLOCK Class Record Format
H-16 FCP Class Record Format
H-17 FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE Class Record Format
H-18 I/O Class Record Format
H-19 LOCK Class Record Format
H-20 MODES Class Record Format
H-21 MSCP_SERVER Class Record Format
H-22 PAGE Class Record Format
H-23 PROCESSES Class Record Format - Alpha and I64
H-24 PROCESSES Class Record Format - VAX Only
H-25 RLOCK Class Record Format
H-26 RMS Class Record Format
H-27 SCS Class Record Format
H-28 STATES Class Record Format
H-29 SYSTEM Class Record Format
H-30 TIMER Class Record Format
H-31 TRANSACTION Class Record Format
H-32 VBS Class Record Format - VAX Only
H-33 VECTOR Class Record Format (VAX Only)
J-1 SHOW CLUSTER Default Keypad
5-1 Screen Control Keys
6-1 AUTOGEN Phases
6-2 AUTOGEN Execution Modes
6-3 Files Used by AUTOGEN
7-1 BACKUP Input and Output by Operation Type
7-2 Summary of BACKUP Qualifiers by Type
7-3 Save Operation Quick Reference
7-4 Restore Operation Quick Reference
7-5 Copy Operation Quick Reference
7-6 Compare Operation Quick Reference
7-7 List Operation Quick Reference
9-1 Keywords for the /FORMAT Qualifier
11-1 Report Formats
14-1 Default Functional Address Mapping for Token Ring Devices
18-1 PPPD Command Summary
21-1 SCACP Commands
22-1 Classes of SHOW CLUSTER Information
22-2 CIRCUITS Class Fields
22-3 CLUSTER Class Fields
22-4 CONNECTIONS Class Fields
22-5 COUNTERS Class Fields
22-6 CREDITS Class Fields
22-7 ERRORS Class Fields
22-8 LOCAL_PORTS Class Fields
22-9 MEMBERS Class Fields
22-10 SYSTEMS Class Fields
23-1 Device Type Codes
24-1 SYSMAN Commands
24-2 /SELECT Qualifier Examples
A-1 ACL Editor Keypad Commands
A-2 Additional ACL Editing Keys and Key Sequences
A-3 ACL Editing Keys on the Supplemental Keypad
B-1 ACL Section File Variables
B-2 CALL_USER Function Codes
C-1 Summary of Accounting System Services
C-2 Fields in an Accounting Record Header
C-3 ACR$W_TYPE Fields in an Accounting Record Header
C-4 Types of Accounting Record
C-5 Fields in an Information Packet Header
C-6 ACR$W_TYPE Fields in an Information Packet Header
C-7 Data Fields in a File Name Packet
C-8 Data Fields in an Identification Packet
C-9 Data Field in an Image Name Packet
C-10 Data Fields in a Print Resource Packet
C-11 Data Fields in a Resource Packet
C-12 Data Field in a User Data Packet
D-1 Stage 3 Maps
E-1 Identification Record Format (Length USG$K_IDENT_LEN)
E-2 File Record Format (Length USG$K_FILE_LEN)
F-1 Description of the Audit Header Fields
F-2 Description of Audit Event Types and Subtypes
F-3 Description of Audit Event Flags
F-4 Description of the Audit Data Packet
F-5 Types of Data in Audit Packets
L-1 SYSGEN Device Table (VAX Only)
L-2 VAXstation 2000 Autoconfiguration Table (VAX Only)

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