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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
The SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME and SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER item codes can appear as many times as necessary in a single call to $SNDJBC; the set of characteristics so defined in the call completely replaces the set of characteristics defined by a prior call. The SJC$_NO_CHARACTERISTICS item code cancels all defined characteristics for the job or queue. By default, a queue or job has no defined characteristics. The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored. For SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER, the buffer must contain a longword value in the range 0 to 127. This number identifies a characteristic. SJC$_NO_CHARACTERISTICS is a Boolean item code. (The following function codes are valid for SJC_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME item code: SJC$_ALTER_JOB (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER item code: SJC$_ALTER_JOB SJC$_CHECKPOINT_DATAInput value item code. It specifies the value of the DCL symbol BATCH$RESTART for a batch job that is restarted. The buffer must contain a string no longer than 255 characters; this string is the value of the symbol BATCH$RESTART.(Valid for SJC$_BATCH_CHECKPOINT function code) SJC$_NO_CHECKPOINT_DATABoolean item code. It cancels a previous specification of the BATCH$RESTART symbol; the SJC$_NO_CHECKPOINT_DATA item code also cancels a checkpoint in a print job so that the entire job is reprinted. By default, the BATCH$RESTART symbol is undefined.(Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code) SJC$_CLISJC$_NO_CLIThe SJC$_CLI item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for batch jobs. It specifies that the command language interpreter to be executed is SYS$SYSTEM:name.EXE, where name is a valid OpenVMS RMS file name. The buffer must specify a name string from 1 to 39 characters.The SJC$_NO_CLI item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the command language interpreter to be executed is the one specified in the user authorization file. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_CLOSE_QUEUEThe SJC$_CLOSE_QUEUE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that jobs cannot be entered in the queue. If the queue is closed, you can specify the SJC$_OPEN_QUEUE item code to permit jobs to be entered in the queue. By default, the queue is open.Whether a queue is open or closed is independent of any other queue states (such as paused, stalled, stopped). (Valid for SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE, SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_CPU_DEFAULTSJC$_NO_CPU_DEFAULTThe SJC$_CPU_DEFAULT item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues. It specifies the default CPU time limit in 10-millisecond units. The buffer contains this longword value. The value 0 specifies unlimited CPU time. You can specify a value that represents up to 497 days of CPU time.The SJC$_NO_CPU_DEFAULT item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues. It specifies that no default CPU time limit is to apply to the job. It is the default. A CPU time limit for the process is included in each user record in the system user authorization file (UAF). You can also specify any or all of the following: a CPU time limit for individual jobs, a default CPU time limit for all jobs in a given queue, and a maximum CPU time limit for all jobs in a given queue. Table SYS-54 shows the action taken when you specify a value for SJC$_CPU_DEFAULT.
(Valid for SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE, SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_CPU_LIMITSJC$_NO_CPU_LIMITThe SJC$_CPU_LIMIT item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues and batch jobs. It specifies the maximum CPU time limit for batch jobs in 10-millisecond units. The buffer must contain this longword value. The value 0 specifies unlimited CPU time. You can specify a value that represents up to 497 days of CPU time.The SJC$_NO_CPU_LIMIT item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for batch execution queues and batch jobs. It specifies that no maximum CPU time limit is to apply to the job. It is the default. For information about the action taken when you specify a value for SJC$_CPU_LIMIT, see the description of the SJC$_CPU_DEFAULT item code and to Table SYS-54. (Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE, SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_ENTER_FILE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_CREATE_STARTBoolean item code. It specifies that a queue be started after it is created. By default, a queue remains stopped after it is created.(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE function code) SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NAMESJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NUMBERThe SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NAME and SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NUMBER item codes are input value item codes. They specify the default form for a specific output queue by name and by number, respectively.When you specify a default form for an output queue, the queue uses the queue-specific default form, rather than the systemwide default form, to process any job that does not explicitly specify a form. For SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NAME, the buffer must specify a form name. The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored. For SJC$_DEFAULT_FORM_NUMBER, the buffer must specify a longword value. You should use only one of these item codes to identify a default form for the queue. (Valid for SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE, SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_DELETE_FILESJC$_NO_DELETE_FILEThe SJC$_DELETE_FILE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a file should be deleted after the job completes. The file that is deleted is the batch or print file submitted for execution. You cannot specify this item code with the SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code, which alters the parameters for an already existing job; you can make a file deletion request only when a job is first submitted to the queue.The SJC$_NO_DELETE_FILE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a file should not be deleted after execution of the job. It is the default. You can specify this item code with the SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code; this makes it possible to cancel a file deletion request that was made when the job was first submitted to the queue. (Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_DESTINATION_QUEUEInput value item code. When you specify the SJC$_ASSIGN_QUEUE function code, SJC$_DESTINATION_QUEUE specifies the name of the execution queue to which the logical queue is assigned. When you specify the SJC$_ABORT_JOB, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, or SJC$_MERGE_QUEUE function code, SJC$_DESTINATION_QUEUE specifies the name of the queue into which jobs are placed. By default, jobs remain in the original queue.The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored. (Valid for SJC$_ABORT_JOB, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ASSIGN_QUEUE, and SJC$_MERGE_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_DEVICE_NAMEInput value item code. It specifies the name of the device managed by the output execution queue. The buffer must specify a string from 1 to 255 characters. In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, the SJC$_SCSNODE_NAME item code is used to specify the name of the node on which the device is located.This item code cannot be used with the SJC$_AUTOSTART_ON item code. (Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_DOUBLE_SPACESJC$_NO_DOUBLE_SPACEThe SJC$_DOUBLE_SPACE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that the symbiont should print the file with double spacing.The SJC$_NO_DOUBLE_SPACE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the symbiont should print the file with single spacing. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_ENTRY_NUMBERInput value item code. It specifies the entry number of the job on which to perform the function. The buffer must contain this entry number.(Valid for SJC$_ABORT_JOB, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_DELETE_JOB, SJC$_SYNCHRONIZE_JOB function codes) SJC$_ENTRY_NUMBER_OUTPUTOutput value item code. The buffer must specify a longword into which $SNDJBC will write the entry number of a created job.(Valid for SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_FILE_BURSTSJC$_FILE_BURST_ONESJC$_NO_FILE_BURSTThe SJC$_FILE_BURST item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that burst and flag pages are to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_BURST for a job, it specifies the default for all files in the job; if you specify it for an output execution queue, it specifies the default for all jobs executed from that queue.The SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a burst page is to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE for a job, this item code specifies that a burst page is to be printed preceding only the first copy of the first file in the job; if you specify SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE for an output execution queue, the item code specifies this behavior as the default for all jobs executed from that queue. The SJC$_NO_FILE_BURST item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no burst page should be printed. It is the default. (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_BURST item code: SJC$_ADD_FILE (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_BURST_ONE item code: SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE SJC$_FILE_COPIESInput value item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies the number of times a file is printed. By default, a file is repeated once. The buffer must specify a longword value from 1 to 255; this value is the repeat count.(Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_FILE_FLAGSJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONESJC$_NO_FILE_FLAGThe SJC$_FILE_FLAG item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a flag page is to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_FLAG for a job, this item code indicates the default for all files in the job; if you specify it for an output execution queue, SJC$_FILE_FLAG indicates the default for all jobs executed from that queue.The SJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a flag page is to be printed preceding a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONE for a job, this item code specifies that a flag page is to be printed preceding only the first copy of the first file in the job; if you specify SJC$_FILE_FLAG_ONE for an output execution queue, it indicates this behavior as the default for all jobs executed from that queue. The SJC$_NO_FILE_FLAG item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no flag page should be printed by default for jobs within the queue. (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_FLAG item code: SJC$_ADD_FILE (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FLAG_ONE item code: SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE SJC$_FILE_IDENTIFICATIONInput value item code. It specifies the file to be processed. The buffer contains a 28-byte value that identifies the file to be processed. This value specifies (in order) the following three file-identification fields in the OpenVMS RMS NAM block: the 16-byte NAM$T_DVI field, the 6-byte NAM$W_FID field, and the 6-byte NAM$W_DID field. These fields occur consecutively in the NAM block.If you specify SJC$_FILE_IDENTIFICATION, you must omit the SJC$_FILE_SPECIFICATION item code. (Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_FILE_SETUP_MODULESSJC$_NO_FILE_SETUP_MODULESThe SJC$_FILE_SETUP_MODULES item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a list of text modules should be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before a file is printed. The buffer must contain a list of text module names, with a comma separating each name.The SJC$_NO_FILE_SETUP_MODULES item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no text modules should be copied before printing a file. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_FILE_SPECIFICATIONInput value item code. It identifies the file to be processed. The buffer must contain the file specification of the file to be processed. The $SNDJBC service converts the file specification to the corresponding file identification and proceeds as if the SJC$_FILE_IDENTIFICATION item code had been specified. If you specify SJC$_FILE_SPECIFICATION, you must omit the SJC$_FILE_IDENTIFICATION item code.(Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_FILE_TRAILERSJC$_FILE_TRAILER_ONESJC$_NO_FILE_TRAILERThe SJC$_FILE_TRAILER item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a trailer page is to be printed following a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_TRAILER for a job, this item code indicates the default for all files in the job; if you specify it for an output execution queue, SJC$_FILE_TRAILER specifies the default for all jobs executed on that queue.The SJC$_FILE_TRAILER_ONE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that a trailer page is to be printed following a file. If you specify SJC$_FILE_TRAILER_ONE for a job, this item code indicates that a trailer page is to be printed following only the last copy of the last file in the job; if you specify it for an output execution queue, SJC$_FILE_TRAILER_ONE indicates this behavior as the default for all jobs executed on that queue. The SJC$_NO_FILE_TRAILER item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It specifies that no trailer page should be printed. It is the default. (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_TRAILER item code: SJC$_ADD_FILE (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FILE_TRAILER_ONE item code: SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE SJC$_FIRST_PAGESJC$_NO_FIRST_PAGEThe SJC$_FIRST_PAGE item code is an input value item code. It is meaningful only for jobs queued to output execution queues. It specifies the page number at which printing should begin. The buffer must contain a nonzero longword value specifying this page number.The SJC$_NO_FIRST_PAGE item code is a Boolean item code. It is meaningful only for jobs queued to output execution queues. It specifies that printing should begin with the first page. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_ADD_FILE, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_FORM_DESCRIPTIONInput value item code. It provides operator-supplied information describing the form. By default, the form name is used. The buffer must specify a string of no more than 255 characters.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_LENGTHInput value item code. It specifies the physical length of the form in lines. The buffer must contain a nonzero longword integer value. By default, the form length is 66 lines.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_MARGIN_BOTTOMInput value item code. It specifies the bottom margin of the form in lines. By default, the bottom margin is 6 lines.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_MARGIN_LEFTInput value item code. It specifies the width of the left margin of the form in characters. By default, the left margin is 0. The buffer must specify a longword value.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_MARGIN_RIGHTInput value item code. It specifies the width of the right margin of the form in characters. By default, the right margin is 0. The buffer must specify a longword value.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_MARGIN_TOPInput value item code. It specifies the top margin of the form in lines. By default, the top margin is 0.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_NAMESJC$_FORM_NUMBERThe SJC$_FORM_NAME and SJC$_FORM_NUMBER item codes are input value item codes. They specify a mounted form for the queue by name and by number, respectively. For SJC$_FORM_NAME, the buffer must specify a form name. For SJC$_FORM_NUMBER, the buffer must specify a longword value. You should use only one of these two item codes to identify a form in queue and job related function codes.The SJC$_DEFINE_FORM and SJC$_DELETE_FORM function codes include and delete, respectively, a specified form name and number from the system job queue file. The mounted form indicates the stock type of the output queue. A job cannot execute on an output queue unless the stock type of the form specified (by name or number) for the job item code is the same as the stock type of the mounted form specified for the queue. For more information about how the stock type of a form affects job processing, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored. (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FORM_NAME item code: SJC$_ALTER_JOB (The following function codes are valid for SJC$_FORM_NUMBER item code: SJC$_ALTER_JOB SJC$_FORM_SETUP_MODULESSJC$_NO_FORM_SETUP_MODULESThe SJC$_FORM_SETUP_MODULES item code is an input value item code. The buffer must specify one or more text module names, with a comma separating each name. This item code specifies that these modules should be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before each file that is printed on the form.The SJC$_NO_FORM_SETUP_MODULES item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that no device control modules should be copied. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_SHEET_FEEDSJC$_NO_FORM_SHEET_FEEDThe SJC$_FORM_SHEET_FEED item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the symbiont should pause at the end of each physical page so that a new sheet can be inserted.The SJC$_NO_FORM_SHEET_FEED item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the output symbiont should not pause at the end of every physical page. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_STOCKInput value item code. It specifies a name for the paper stock. The buffer must contain a string of 1 to 31 characters. By default, the name of the paper stock is the form name.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_TRUNCATESJC$_NO_FORM_TRUNCATEThe SJC$_FORM_TRUNCATE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the symbiont should truncate lines that extend beyond the right margin. Specifying SJC$_FORM_TRUNCATE cancels SJC$_FORM_WRAP. The SJC$_FORM_TRUNCATE item code is the default.The SJC$_NO_FORM_TRUNCATE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the output symbiont should not truncate lines that extend beyond the right margin. (Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_WIDTHInput value item code. It specifies the physical width of the form in characters. The buffer must contain a nonzero longword integer. By default, the form width is 132 characters.(Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_FORM_WRAPSJC$_NO_FORM_WRAPThe SJC$_FORM_WRAP item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the symbiont should wrap lines that extend beyond the right margin. Specifying SJC$_FORM_WRAP cancels SJC$_FORM_TRUNCATE.The SJC$_NO_FORM_WRAP item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that the output symbiont should not wrap lines. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_DEFINE_FORM function code) SJC$_GENERIC_QUEUESJC$_NO_GENERIC_QUEUEThe SJC$_GENERIC_QUEUE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a queue is a generic queue.The SJC$_NO_GENERIC_QUEUE item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a queue is not a generic queue. It is the default. By default, a queue is an execution queue; see the Description section for a full discussion of the types of queue. (Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_GENERIC_SELECTIONSJC$_NO_GENERIC_SELECTIONThe SJC$_GENERIC_SELECTION item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that an execution queue can accept jobs from a generic queue. It is the default. It is meaningful only for execution queues.The SJC$_NO_GENERIC_SELECTION item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that an execution queue cannot accept jobs from a generic queue. (Valid for SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE, SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_GENERIC_TARGETInput value item code. The buffer must specify a queue name. This queue name identifies an execution queue that can accept jobs from a generic queue. This item code is meaningful only for generic queues.This item code can appear up to 124 times in a single call to $SNDJBC. The set of queues defined in a single call completely replaces the set defined by a prior call. The string can contain uppercase or lowercase characters (lowercase are converted to uppercase), numeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If the string is a logical name, SYS$SNDJBC translates it iteratively until the equivalence string is found or the number of translations allowed by the system has been performed. The maximum length of the final character string is 31 characters; spaces, tabs, and null characters are ignored. (Valid for SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_HOLDSJC$_NO_HOLDThe SJC$_HOLD item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a job cannot execute and must enter a holding status.The SJC$_NO_HOLD item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a job can execute immediately when used with the SJC$_ALTER_JOB function code. It makes the following types of job eligible for execution: (1) a job that is holding because it was specified with the SJC$_HOLD item code, (2) a job that was refused by the symbiont, and (3) a job that was retained after execution. It is the default. SJC$_NO_HOLD does not release a job that is specified with the SJC$_AFTER_TIME item code. (Valid for SJC$_ABORT_JOB, SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_JOB_BURSTSJC$_NO_JOB_BURSTThe SJC$_JOB_BURST item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that burst and flag pages are to be printed preceding each job. It is meaningful only for output execution queues.The SJC$_NO_JOB_BURST item code is a Boolean item code. It specifies that a burst page is not to be printed preceding each job. It is meaningful only for output execution queues. It is the default. (Valid for SJC$_ALTER_QUEUE, SJC$_CREATE_QUEUE, SJC$_START_QUEUE function codes) SJC$_JOB_COMPLETION_STATUSOutput item code. Use this item code to receive the completion status of the job being synchronized.You can omit the IOSB in the $SNDJBC call and receive the completion status in this item's value. (Valid for the SJC$_SYNCHRONIZE_JOB function code) SJC$_JOB_COPIESInput value item code. It specifies the number of times that the entire print job is to be repeated. The buffer must contain this nonzero longword integer value. By default, the print job is repeated once.(Valid for SJC$_ALTER_JOB, SJC$_CREATE_JOB, SJC$_ENTER_FILE function codes) SJC$_JOB_DEFAULT_RETAINBoolean item code. It specifies that you want the job to be held in the queue as specified by the queue's retention policy.For more information about user-specified job retention, see the /RETAIN qualifier for the PRINT or SUBMIT command in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.