| For a newly
installed system disk, you can back up the disk. (At this point, you
could reinstall OpenVMS onto the disk instead.) For a
newly upgraded system disk, if it is not going
to be a shadow set member, back up the system disk as a safeguard
before proceeding with the next steps. If your newly upgraded system
disk is going to be a shadow set member, you can re-form it in a later
step. As an optional precaution, you can back up the system disk
as well. | Section 7.2 |
| Register any
licenses that were not registered during the installation; for an
upgrade, register any new licenses. | Section 7.3 |
| New
installations only (optional): Set system parameters to
enable volume shadowing. | Section 7.4 |
| Alpha
upgrades only: Tune BAP system parameters. | Section 7.5 |
| If you set system
parameters to enable volume shadowing or removed hardcoded BAP system
parameters, run AUTOGEN and reboot. | Section 7.6 |
| If you want to form a shadow set for a system
disk, you can do this now or later. If you upgrade a disk in a volume
shadowing environment, re-form the shadow set. | Section 7.7 |
| New
installations, some upgrades: Perform the following tasks
that generally apply to new installations only but could also apply
after an upgrade: | |
| | Create proxy files,
if required. | Section 7.8.1 |
| | Set up the queue manager
and start the default batch and print queues. | Section 7.8.2 |
| | Configure a multihead system,
if applicable. | Section 7.8.3 |
| | Configure DECnet if
it was installed. After an upgrade, perform only if DECnet was added
during the upgrade. | Section 7.8.4 |
| | Configure TCP/IP Services
for OpenVMS if it was installed. After an upgrade, configure TCP/IP
Services only if it was added during the upgrade. | Section 7.8.5 |
| | If you are using neither
DECnet nor TCP/IP Services, install and configure third-party networking
software, if necessary. Networking software is required to download
patches and for certain layered products. | Section 7.8.6 |
| Initialize or
configure the following products, as needed: | |
| | Initialize CDSA. | Section 7.9.1 |
| | Configure Availability Manager. | Section 7.9.2 |
| | Configure Kerberos. | Section 7.9.3 |
| | Configure SSL for OpenVMS. | Section 7.9.4 |
| | On Integrity servers using
services that depend on WBEM Services for OpenVMS, configure WBEM
Services for OpenVMS. | Section 7.9.5 |
| | On Integrity servers using
services that depend on WBEM Providers, configure WBEM Providers for
OpenVMS. | Section 7.9.6 |
| | On Integrity servers that
use Instant Capacity (iCAP) or Temporary Instant Capacity (TiCAP), configure
the iCAP software. | Section 7.9.7 |
| | On Integrity servers that
use HP SIM services, configure HP SIM. | Section 7.9.8 |
| | Initialize and run the Performance
Data Collector base software (TDC_RT). | Section 7.9.9 |
| | Prepare your OpenVMS system
and your PC to run OpenVMS Management Station, and follow procedures
in Appendix H. | Section 7.9.10 |
| | Install OpenVMS Debugger
clients on a PC. | Section 7.9.11 |
| Create or edit
a system-specific or clusterwide login welcome message SYS$MANAGER:WELCOME.TXT
(optional). | Section 7.10 |
| Upgrades
only: Examine command procedures for which the upgrade
may have provided new template files. | Section 7.11 |
| Add and remove
operating system files (optional). | Section 7.12 |
| Alpha only:Expand the system
libraries using LIBDECOMP.COM (optional). Integrity servers only:If necessary, compress the system libraries using LIBDECOMP.COM (optional,
HP recommends keeping libraries in expanded format). | Section 7.13 |
| Download and
apply any relevant OpenVMS or networking patches that are available
(optional but recommended). | Section 7.14 |
| New
installations, some upgrades: Install and configure layered
products. | Section 7.15 |
| Alpha upgrades only (optional): Reinstall DECevent software
(which is automatically removed during an upgrade) | Section 7.16 |
| New
installations, some upgrades: Create print queues. | Section 7.17 |
to have layered products, print queues, and other products or devices
start at boot. | Section 7.18 |
| Installations
and possibly upgrades: Create user accounts. | Section 7.19 |
| Run the User Environment Test Package (UETP) to test the system (optional). | Section 7.20 |
| Back up the system
disk and start a systematic routine for backing up the application,
data, and user disks. | Section 7.21 |
| If the system disk was pulled out of the shadow set and all the appropriate
postupgrade steps recommended in this chapter thus far were performed
on that disk, then re-form the shadow set once again. | Section 7.22 |
| Upgrades
only: Reboot cluster members, if applicable. | Section 7.23 |
| Tune your operating
system: After the system has run for at least 24 hours with users
or a typical application workload on the system, run AUTOGEN to collect
feedback. If necessary, modify the MODPARAMS.DAT file. | Section 7.24 Section 7.25 |