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HP OpenVMS Systems


HP OpenVMS Systems

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Transition Consulting Workshops

HP's Transition Engineering and Consulting (TEC) Group provides Transition Consulting Workshops.

These two-day workshops allows companies to explore the possibilities for re-engineering their enterprise to match the challenges posed by the advent of business on and over the Internet — e-business and e-commerce. These workshops are sponsored by HP with System Integration partner participation.

  To arrange a transition consulting workshop:  
  Request Workshop  

Consultants and architects will:

  • Introduce key business and IT professionals to a range of e-business strategies including e-commerce, global value chain, e-channel, and knowledge management.
  • Help define business requirements and model existing system.
  • Architect an e-business solution based on defined business requirements (both present and future).
  • Identify the role your OpenVMS investments/systems can play in the new architected e-business solution.
  • Propose a specific solution set package appropriate for implementing your companies e-business strategy.