Deploy this powerful programming language on the 64-bit RISC Alpha platform
HP Pascal is an implementation of the Pascal[*] language that accepts programs compatible with either level of the ISO specification for Programming languages - Pascal [ISO 7185-1987] as well as ANSI/IEEE 770X3.97-1987. HP Pascal also meets the Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS-109) requirements by accepting programs conforming to the ANSI standard. HP Pascal also accepts many features from the Extended Pascal standard (ANSI/IEEE 770X3.160-1989 and ISO 10206).
The compiler has been validated for both levels of the ISO unextended Pascal standard and for conforming to FIPS-109. Containing extensions to the standards, HP Pascal generates optimized, shareable code that takes full advantage of the Alpha hardware and the virtual memory capabilities of the HP Tru64 UNIX Operating System. The language contains control statements, data types, and predeclared procedures and functions.
Country List Price for USA.
Part# | Part Description | Loan-EMEA Only | SPD |  |
QL-098AE-AA | Pascal for OpenVMS/Alpha Workgroup Licence |  |  | 5780 |
QL-098AG-AA | Pascal for OpenVMS/Alpha Departmental Licence |  |  | 11560 |
QL-098AQ-AA | Pascal for OpenVMS/Alpha Enterprise Licence |  |  | 20241 |
QL-126A2-AA | Pascal for OpenVMS/VAX Departmental Licence |  |  | 13884 |
QL-126A5-AA | Pascal for OpenVMS/VAX Enterprise Licence |  |  | 25740 |
QL-126AA-2B | Pascal for OpenVMS/VAX and Alpha Personal Licence |  |  | 1670 |
QL-126AA-3B | Pascal for OpenVMS/VAX and Alpha Concurrent Licence |  |  | 2567 |
QL-126AB-AA | Pascal for OpenVMS/VAX Workgroup Licence |  |  | 6933 |
For further information on how to order this product, please contact your local authorised HP Business Partner. Click here for more information if you don't have a local contact. |