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X.500 directory service v4.0

Installation Requirements

» software requirements

» hardware requirements

» further information

Software Requirements

For Tru64 UNIX Systems

     Tru64 UNIX Operating System V4.0d to g.

     Tru64 UNIX Operating System V5.0

     DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX V4.0c or later

For OpenVMS Alpha Systems

     OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V7.1-2 or later

     DECnet-Plus V7.1 ECO6 or DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 ECO2 for OpenVMS Alpha
     or later

     DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5.0A or later is required for
     RFC1006 transport and LDAP protocols

Hardware Requirements


Supported For Compaq Tru64 UNIX: Compaq X.500 Directory Service is supported on all valid Compaq Tru64 UNIX AlphaServer configurations. Refer to the configuration charts listed in the Tru64 UNIX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx) for further information on supported hardware configurations.

For OpenVMS Alpha: Compaq X.500 Directory Service is supported on all valid OpenVMS AlphaServer configurations supported by DECnet-Plus. Refer to the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Description (SPD 50.45.xx) for further information on supported hardware configurations.

Disk Space Requirements

The counts below refer to the disk space required on the system disk or specified file systems. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. The counts below refer to the space required to install the X.500 Server, Administration, and Application Programming components.

The Base component is a mandatory component for all installations. Permanent disk space requirements for the components are cumulative. Directory data files are not included and will require additional space which can be on a non-system disk.

Tru64 UNIX Systems (for both installation and permanent use)
Component File System (Kbytes):
User /var
Base: 3000 500
Server: 4000 50
Administration: 4300 600
Application Programming: 7800
Look-up client: 8300
Reference Pages: 300
Release Notes: 300

Directory data files are stored in the /var file system.

OpenVMS Alpha Systems (installation)
Component Blocks Kbytes
All: 40000 20480

Disk space required for use (permanent):

OpenVMS Alpha Systems (permanent use)
Component Blocks Kbytes
Base: 6000 3072
Server: 18000 9216
Administration: 7000 3584
Application Programming: 1000 512
Look-up client: 5000 2560

To run Compaq X.500 Directory Service on OpenVMS VAX, you must use V3.1.

Memory Requirements

The performance of this product is dependent on the amount of system memory. The memory size suggested for most typical hardware configurations is at least 128 Mbytes for systems running the Directory Server. On these server systems, memory usage increases in proportion to the amount of data stored in the database.

Further Information

» Software Product Description (SPD)

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