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X.500 directory service v4.0 security

The Compaq X.500 Directory Service supports a subset of the Simplified Access Control scheme from the 1993 edition of the standard. This allows administrators to define policies that control access rights (such as read, browse, modify, remove) to entries and individual attributes within a particular part of the directory (naming context).

The Compaq X.500 Directory Service allows for the authentication of users by name and password. It also allows access to be restricted based on network address and for chained operations. X.500 V4.0 on Tru64 UNIX has been certified with the Entrust V5.0 security product.


A user is authenticated by a distinguished name and password.

Access control

Certain objects in the directory can have a prescriptive ACI (Access Control Information) attribute. Any subordinate object is protected by whatever prescriptive ACI protects the relevant branch of the Directory Information Tree. A prescriptive ACI, together with the distinguished name of an authenticated user, can grant these kinds of access:

  • Read
  • Compare
  • Browse
  • Add
  • Modify
  • Remove
  • Filter Match
  • Rename
  • Return DN
  • Disclose on Error

Trust relationships

You can use NCL to set up a trust relationship between two DSAs.

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