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DIGITAL SNA access server migration guide

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide

Finding More Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

To learn more about DIGITAL SNA Access Server for Windows NT:

DIGITAL SNA Access Server for Windows NT Installation and Configuration Guide

To learn more about IBM connection parameters for SNA applications:

DIGITAL SNA Access Server for Windows NT Guide to IBM Resource Definition

To learn more about Microsoft SNA Server:

Microsoft SNA Server Planning Guide

Microsoft SNA Server Enhancements Guide

Microsoft SNA Server Installation Guide

Microsoft SNA Server Administration Guide

Microsoft SNA Server Reference

Managing Microsoft SNA Server

Microsoft SNA Server 3270/5250 Applet User's Guide

Microsoft SNA Server LUA Programmer's Guide

To learn more about DECnet SNA Gateway-ST and
DECnet SNA Gateway-CT:

DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport and Synchronous Transport Management

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide