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DIGITAL SNA access server migration guide

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Verify Hardware and Basic Network Connections

Check the hardware and make sure that all basic network connections are in place and working properly. Possible checks could include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Verify that all connection parameters associated with existing access routines are configured on the OpenVMS systems and the IBM host mainframe.
  • Review the network environment to ensure that all networks are already configured and working properly.
  • Check that all required DECnet and/or TCP/IP protocols are installed and properly configured.

Set Parameters for the RJE Server

DECnet SNA Gateway-CT and DECnet SNA Gateway-ST systems use a gateway resident Remote Job Entry (RJE) server.

DIGITAL SNA Access Server for Windows NT does not include a resident RJE server. Therefore, OpenVMS RJE access routines must specify the /SERVER parameter to use an RJE server on an OpenVMS system. Otherwise, an attempt is made to use a nonexistent gateway-based RJE server.

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