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HP OpenVMS Systems


HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS servers and desktops (VAX and Alpha)

HP's IBM Interconnect products can leverage your investment in HP OpenVMS servers and desktops by providing interactive access to applications on IBM host systems.

Use them to deploy multiplatform applications using APIs, transfer files or provide record-level access to data, redirect printer output, and allow your IBM 3270 users interactively access OpenVMS VAX and Alpha applications.

SNA data transfer facility for OpenVMS (server)

The SNA Data Transfer Facility (DTF) for OpenVMS extends the data transfer capabilities of most networked systems to IBM OS/390 systems in an SNA environment. The DTF product provides a client/server style of operation, providing transfer support for the following network systems:

  • OpenVMS systems running OpenVMS
  • Microsoft Windows systems running PATHWORKS

The node running the OpenVMS DTF server software is referred to as the server node. All DTF file requests go through this server node, which communicates with the IBM system through a HP SNA Gateway. The OpenVMS DTF Utilities software is an optional component of DTF. It can be installed on any OpenVMS system where you need to transfer files using the recoverable copy feature. The Utilities software must also be installed if IBM users will be requesting recoverable copies involving that OpenVMS system. It is not necessary to install the OpenVMS/DTF Utilities software on the server node since these utilities are included in the DTF Server software package.

» Software Product Description: SPD 27.85

SNA 3270 application services

HP SNA 3270 Application Services provides a library of callable routines and other components for building OpenVMS applications that support processing of 3270 data stream. When used with the HP SNA Domain Gateway, these 3270 data stream applications can be accessed from SNA networked 3270 block mode terminal and PC users. The HP SNA 3270 Application Services software provides the following components:

  • An API for developing 3270 stream applications
  • An OpenVMS print symbiont for printing ASCII files on SNA-attached LU Type 1 or Type 3 printers and non-SNA LU Type 0 printers
  • OpenVMS DECforms support for building forms-oriented applications for 3270 terminals
  • A mechanism for testing applications without an SNA network

» Software Product Description: SPD 38.70

SNA 3270 terminal emulator for OpenVMS

HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS (3270 TE) is a layered software product that allows users of VT terminals (or other HP terminals or personal computers in VT100, VT200, or VT300 mode) on suitably configured OpenVMS systems within a network to access IBM host-based applications originally developed for IBM 3270 display stations in a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) networking environment interactively through a HP SNA Gateway.

» Software Product Description: SPD 26.84

DECwindows SNA 3270 terminal emulator for OpenVMS

If you use DECwindows, the HP DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS (DECwindows TE) allows users of supported OpenVMS systems and X terminals in a network to access applications running on an IBM mainframe. DECwindows TE also provides access to IBM applications for PC users running on HP's PATHWORKS network operating system. DECwindows TE runs in the DECwindows Motif environment.

» Software Product Description: SPD 31.58

SNA APPC/LU6.2 programming interface for OpenVMS

HP SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface (APPC) for OpenVMS is a layered software product that allows user-written applications running on networked OpenVMS systems to exchange messages with cooperating applications in an IBM host. The APPC product is a set of subroutines called by OpenVMS programs that act as Logical Unit 6.2 (LU6.2) transaction application programs. The APPC software exists in the OpenVMS system as a shareable image. Access between the cooperating HP and IBM applications is through a HP SNA Gateway.

» Software Product Description: SPD 26.88

SNA 3270 data stream programming interface for OpenVMS

HP SNA 3270 Data Stream Programming Interface (3270 DS) allows user-written applications, running on networked OpenVMS systems, to exchange messages with cooperating applications in an IBM host. The 3270 DS software exists in the OpenVMS system as a shareable image. Access between the cooperating HP and IBM applications is through a HP SNA Gateway.

» Software Product Description: SPD 26.87

SNA application programming interface for OpenVMS

HP SNA Application Programming Interface (API) for OpenVMS is a layered software product that allows user-written applications running on suitably configured OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems within a network to exchange information with cooperating applications on an IBM host. The API software exists in the OpenVMS system as a shareable image.

» Software Product Description: SPD 26.86

SNA remote job entry for OpenVMS

HP SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS (RJE) is a layered software product that allows suitably configured OpenVMS systems within a network to function as an SNA/RJE workstation or group of workstations that can transmit batch jobs to an IBM host and receive job output. The OpenVMS system user can prepare batch jobs in files, submit jobs, and obtain the job output.

» Software Product Description: SPD 26.85

SNA printer emulator for OpenVMS

HP SNA Printer Emulator for OpenVMS (PrE) is a layered software product that allows suitably configured OpenVMS systems within a network to receive printable data from IBM host-based applications that were originally developed to produce output for an IBM 3287 printer in system mode that is connected to an IBM 3274 cluster controller in an SNA networking environment. The Pre Access software allows OpenVMS users to direct the received output either to be printed via the OpenVMS Print Symbiont or spooled to a disk file.

» Software Product Description: SPD 26.70