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HP OpenVMS Systems


HP OpenVMS Systems

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HP OpenVMS systems

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Evolving business value

» Business Systems Evolution
» AlphaServer systems transition planning
» Alpha RetainTrust program

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disaster proof
HP Integrity server animation
HP Integrity server animation
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HP OpenVMS network partner solutions

HP works closely with OpenVMS business patners to develop industry-leading networking products and solutions. Visit the following partner Web sites for more information:

Business partner Products and services Description
» ArrAy Incorporated Software engineering services OpenVMS outsourced engineering services in the areas of integration, maintenance, porting, and testing.
» CTI Communications SNA & Bi-Sync Comm links Data file transfer to and from host mainframe systems using dial-up and Internet connections.
» Data Access Incorporated OpenVMS SNA IBM solutions Mainframe Gateway for OpenVMS can be used to replace any current HP OpenVMS SNA Gateway product.
» Digital Networks Networking solutions Leading edge, multi-technology solutions focused on device and console management, fault tolerance and disaster recovery, workgroup switching, and video applications.
» Ericom Terminal emulation PowerTerm terminal emulators enable PC users to run client/server, network, and legacy applications on powerful OpenVMS host computers.
» PARSEC OpenVMS network training Training classes in TCP/IP Services and DECnet Plus for OpenVMS. Customized on-site classes in Advanced Server, PATHWORKS server, or IBM SNA Interconnect on a contracted basis.