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HP OpenVMS Systems

Advanced Server

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Advanced Server for OpenVMS

The Advanced Server for OpenVMS software evolved from the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) product to provide tighter integration with the OpenVMS operating system and the enhanced Microsoft Windows integration features originally introduced with OpenVMS Alpha.

HP intends to support the latest HP OpenVMS releases as well as the latest Windows operating systems. However, not all new technologies will operate with Advanced Server in all environments. Customers refreshing their Windows environments to the latest PC desktop that include Intelligent Network Interface Controllers (NICS), hyper-threading, and support for plug-and-play hardware devices could experience server crashes and system instability. In such complex environments, HP will make its best effort to provide support but cannot guarantee a resolution in all cases.

There are no plans to port Advanced Server for OpenVMS to the Integrity platform. It will remain on Alpha. For customers migrating to the Integrity platform, we recommend the HP OpenVMS Common Internet File System (CIFS) based on Samba.

Please refer to the CIFS for Samba home page. HP OpenVMS will continue to qualify and test the Advanced Server for OpenVMS product on future releases of the OpenVMS Operating system and the Alpha platform for the foreseeable future but we recommend migrating to the HP OpenVMS Common Internet File System (CIFS) based on Samba for both the Alpha and Integrity platforms.

More Information

» Latest Release of Advanced Server for OpenVMS
» Upgrading PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) to Advanced Server for OpenVMS
» Documentation
» Latest PATHWORKS Products SPD
» OpenVMS Services and Support
» Contact Us
» File and Print Servers Homepage
Main features

  • File and printer sharing in a Windows networking environment
  • Windows domain functionality, including trusts
  • Windows share and NTFS-style permissions, plus the option to use OpenVMS protections and ACLs to control access to resources
  • Enhanced integration with Microsoft Windows and enhanced compatibility with legacy applications, such as support for:

    • The option of configuring the server as a member server, enabling participation in pure (native-mode) Windows domains (domains in which all domain controllers are Windows systems).
    • Extended File Specifications on OpenVMS ODS-5 disk volumes. ODS-5 is an extension to the existing ODS-2 disk structure, and adds the ability to use extended file names that can be more easily mapped between Windows and OpenVMS. ODS-5 expands the available character set and filename length to be consistent with Microsoft Windows. (The ODS-2 file system continues to be supported.) *
    • Alias file names created for files whose names do not conform to the limited format conventions imposed by legacy applications.
    • Support for COM capabilities that deliver enhanced integration of the Windows and OpenVMS environments. *
    • Extended character sets and certain languages foreign to Western Europe, making available a broader set of characters for objects manageable by the Advanced Server, such as file names, user names, group names, and file and print share names. You can configure any one of a number of languages. For a list of the languages tested and officially supported by HP, see the latest SPD. *
    • OpenVMS Registry (based on the Windows Registry) for storage of server configuration parameters (which can be viewed and managed by a Windows based editor). *
    • Option to manage server printers from Microsoft Windows*, using Windows:

      • Print services dialog box interface
      • Add Printer wizard,  including installation of the required drivers for the printer on the Advanced Server for automatic downloading to the clients as needed
  • Support for the POLYCENTER* Software Installation (PCSI) utility on OpenVMS.
  • Support for WINS, LMHOSTS file, and DNS to resolve NetBIOS names, enabling Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity
  • Load balancing and automatic failover for client service requests sent to servers participating in an OpenVMS Cluster — includes support for dynamic cluster load balancing in WAN environments, provided by HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, and using a DNS server to resolve the cluster alias name, instead of WINS or LMHOSTS
  • Ability to allow domain users to log in to their OpenVMS account using their domain user name and password (domain and OpenVMS passwords are synchronized automatically; only one password for users to remember, and only one user name/password combination for administrators to manage!)
  • Comprehensive ADMINISTER command-line interface for local and remote management of domains and servers
  • Remote management of the server from Microsoft Windows systems
  • Full browser service functionality
  • Support of TCP/IP, DECnet and DECnet-Plus, and NetBEUI
* Advanced Server for OpenVMS only