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Advanced Server (OpenVMS) ordering information

Both the Advanced Server for OpenVMS and PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) products are included in the CD-ROM media kit (QA-A93AA-H8) and are available on both the Operating System and Layered Products Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM.

Both products are licensed in the same way.

Purchase each product by licensing the clients or applications that use the services provided by the product. There is no additional fee.

Access to either server requires the Client Access License (CAL) PWLMXXXCA07.03 (this is the PAK product name). Customers with RTNV service contracts (Rights to New Versions) will automatically receive update licenses.

In the US and Canada, for answers to your pre-sales technical, ordering, or licensing questions and for the most direct solution for your needs, telephone us at 1-800-282-6672.

Advanced Server Media and Documentation:

Item Order Number
Documentation Kit QA-A93AA-GZ

Advanced Server Client Access Licenses:

Item Order Number
1-user license QM-5SUAA-AB
10-user license QM-5SUAA-AC
25-user license QM-5SUAA-AD
50-user license QM-5SUAA-AE
100-user license QM-5SUAA-AF
250-user license QM-5SUAA-AG
500-user license QM-5SUAA-AH
1000-user license QM-5SUAA-AJ

Advanced Server Client Access Upgrade Licenses:

Item Order Number
1-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CA*
1-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CB**
10-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CC
25-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CD
50-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-AF
250-user license QM-5SUAA-AG
500-user license QM-5SUAA-CE
100-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CF
250-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CG
500-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CH
1000-user upgrade license QM-5SUAA-CJ

* QM-5SUAA-CA allows multiple licenses per PAK (number of licenses specified on a single line-item of an order appears on a single PAK).
** QM-5SUAA-CB allows only one license per PAK.

Connects Might Already be Provided...

If you have purchased an HP AlphaServer System, you might already have two single-user licenses (QM-5SUAA-AK) for connecting to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS or PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

With these licenses, you can connect from any two client PCs in your network and explore the benefits that HP's OpenVMS file and print servers offer. You do not need to order these licenses separately; they are immediately available for your use as part of the HP Enterprise Integration Server License Package (QP-5LVA*-AC) included with most AlphaServer systems.

The prerequisites for taking advantage of the free licenses shipped with the EIP are as follows:

  1. Ensure that your system meets the hardware and software requirements stated in the Software Product Description (SPD).
  2. Install the Advanced Server software. See the appropriate Advanced Server Installation and Configuration guide for more information.

Media (binaries and online documentation) is shipped with the Alpha Software Product Library (SPL) or can be purchased separately.

More Information

» U.S. Prices: OpenVMS Software Catalog
» European Prices: EMEA Software Catalog
» Locations of HP Offices Worldwide
» EIP Software Product Description (SPD)
» Latest PATHWORKS Products SPD
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» File and Print Servers Homepage