COMPAQ Office Server MAPI Driver connects Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP and
mail-enabled applications to COMPAQ Office Server or ALL-IN-1 servers.
Note: Where these pages refer to COMPAQ Office Server, they
apply equally to ALL-IN-1 Version 3.2, unless otherwise stated.
COMPAQ Office Server MAPI Driver enables users of messaging applications
- Look up and use Office Server addresses
- Create, store, and work with messages and documents in the Office
Server File Cabinet
- Use the Office Server system to send and deliver messages
- Process and send mail on behalf of another user
For more information, refer to the following topics:
» file
cabinet operations
» messaging
» addressing
» supported
» installation
» frequently-asked
File Cabinet Operations
With COMPAQ Office Server MAPI Driver you can use your messaging client
to work with items in your Office Server File Cabinet to:
- View and read items
- Copy and move items between folders and drawers in the Office Server
File Cabinet, and between the Office Server File Cabinet and other message
stores that you use with your messaging client
- Create, print, save, modify, and delete items
- Manage shared drawers, add drawers to, and remove drawers from, your
Office Server File Cabinet
- Create and manage groups, for sharing Office Server drawers
- Create and delete Office Server drawers
- Reserve items, cancel reservations, and see who has reserved items
» top
With COMPAQ Office Server MAPI Driver, you can:
- Send, forward, and reply to messages
- Add or link attachments to messages
- Request delivery and read receipts for messages
- Choose whether or not to send a read receipt when one is requested
- Receive notification of the receipt of new messages
- Auto forward and auto reply
» top
With COMPAQ Office Server MAPI Driver you can:
- Look up, and send mail to, addresses from the following Office Server
- Nicknames
- Personal distribution lists
- System distribution lists
- Office Server user profile and network profile
- Office Server Mail directory (X.500, DDS, or, on Office Server
only, LDAP)
- Office Server Groups
- Send mail to any of the following types of address that are supported
on your Office Server system:
- Message Router
- OpenVMS Mail
- X.400
- Microsoft Exchange
- Add Office Server full name addresses in the form "Firstname
Lastname", and find matches for both fully-entered and partially-entered full
- Add, and send to, local Microsoft Exchange addresses (where users
have Office Server as their default Message Store), without the need to define
their SMTP or X.400 addresses
- Add local Office Server addresses (where users have Microsoft
Exchange as their default Message Store), without the need to define their SMTP
or X.400 addresses
- Process and send mail on behalf of another user (known as Mail
Surrogacy, or Manager/Secretary functionality)
» top
Using COMPAQ Office Server MAPI Driver, you can work with items in the
following formats:
- Text
- Rich text
- WordPerfect (see Frequently-Asked Questions for details)
- Other file types for which an appropriate viewer or application is
installed on your PC
» top
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office server MAPI driver page