Compaq Office Server V6.1 provides a client/server collaboration and
messaging office environment to users of OpenVMS systems, using a wide range of
clients (both PC and legacy systems using Video Terminal access).
Features include:
- Nested folder support (to ten levels)
- Ten shared mail areas
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) V3 support over TCP/IP
- IMAP4 Client (Internet Messaging Access Protocol) support
- An integral POP3 server
- Fault tolerance, allowing reconnection of clients without user intervention
- Load balancing, with one server or cluster supporting thousands of clients
- The ability to create, send, reply and forward mail from the Internet,
with personal access to the Office Server File Cabinet from any Web browser,
anywhere - dependent on the usual OpenVMS authorization - in conjunction with
Office Server Web Interface.
- Multiple client support, including Outlook and Exchange - in conjunction
with the MAPI Driver for Office Server
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) administration client, allowing day-to-day
administration from Windows NT V4.0 or Windows 95/98
- File Cabinet Only installation option that deactivates local and remote
mail, redefining Office Server as a hugely scaleable information repository
- Distributed File Cabinet, allowing users on their local system to access
messages and documents of any type on remote Office Server systems as if they
were local
- Multiple backbone support:
- X.400
- VAX-based Message Router and DDS Service
- Refined VT interface for MailWorks migrators, and comprehensive
server-based migration tools
- Client Access Licensing
- Full ALL-IN-1 VT functionality retained, to protect investments in legacy
- One common kit for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX processors
For more information, refer to the following topics:
» installation requirements
» frequently-asked questions
» top
» back to Office Server page