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DIGITAL SNA access server migration guide

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide

What is Affected During the Migration?

The following components of your network system may be affected by the migration:

  • The DECnet SNA Gateways (both hardware and software) that will migrate to DIGITAL SNA Access Server.
  • The IBM hosts (both hardware and software) that are connected to the existing DECnet SNA Gateway and will eventually be connected to the Access Server Gateway.
  • The node on which Access Server, the Microsoft SNA Server, and the Windows NT Server will reside once the migration is completed.
  • Any OpenVMS access routines that include hardcoded references to node names which may change as a result of the migration.
  • Any transition hardware or software needed for the migration.

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide