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Step 3: Create a Configuration to Use with Access ServerOnce the SNA Server is configured, you use the Access Server Manager to create a new configuration. Once the configuration is created, you can do the following:
You'll be using the parameters that you recorded in the Access Server Configuration Worksheet(s) (see Chapter 3). If you're migrating an existing DECnet SNA Gateway, recall that the access name and name mapping information was collected from the SET ACCESS NAME commands in the DECnet SNA Gateway configuration file. You can review the access name information that comes from the DECnet SNA Gateway configuration file in Figure 3-5 in Chapter 3. The following sections show you how the parameters from the preceding examples are entered into the Access Server Manager configuration dialogs. The procedures to use are only summarized here. For a complete description of the procedures for entering configuration information into the Access Server Manager, see Chapter 5 of the Installation & Configuration Guide. [Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide