OpenVMS Backup Theory and Practice |
John Gillings
Software Systems Consultant, OpenVMS Ambassador
1.0 introduction |
Everyone knows that computer system backups are very important. However, for
some, the act of backing up a system is little more than a voodoo ritual in which poorly
understood incantations are recited over data. Yes, the tape drive spins around, and
something is written, but it is not necessarily a useable backup of the system.
Unfortunately, a backup strategy is usually discovered to be inadequate at precisely the
wrong time: when trying to restore a system after a failure.
As businesses become more and more dependent on their computer systems, the
inability to recover from data loss can result in a complete business failure. Purveyors of
tape systems can tell you the percentage of businesses that go broke within a year after
losing their data. To prevent such disasters, it is vital that backups be integrated into
regular system maintenance. Backups must also be performed in a manner that
guarantees the complete restoration of data.
2. What is a backup? |
2.1 Definition
In this discussion, a backup is defined as a strategy for collecting sufficient
information about the state of a system so that the system can be restored at some time
in the future. Italics indicate key elements in the overall concept of restoring the
state of the system. In particular, there is nothing in the definition about the "contents
of disks." An important misunderstanding about backups is the result of focusing on
disks and tapes and failing to consider the system as a whole. The contents of disk
drives are certainly an important part of the state of the system, but so are the contents
of main memory and of caches or buffers, including controller caches. Even the state
of applications programs that are capable of modifying memory or disks are
important; in other words, anything that affects the current operation of the system is
important. Furthermore, notice that the emphasis is on a strategy rather than a specific
command or procedure. Finally, notice that the objective is to collect sufficient
information, not necessarily everything.
2.2 Key points
By keeping 3 key points in mind, you can ensure that your backup strategy is both
reliable and workable:
- Restore the state of the system
- Use a strategy, not a command
- Collect sufficient information
An additional benefit of knowing your system better will be your ability to
minimize the resources and effort required to perform backups.
3. Why do you need backups? |
3.1 In the real world, things go wrong…
In an ideal world, backups would be unnecessary. Computer systems would work
exactly as intended all the time. Unfortunately, computer systems have no concept of
the ideal world, and Murphy's Law seems to affect the entire computer industry: if
something can go wrong, it will. Think of a computer system as a machine in a
correct or an incorrect state. Enormous numbers of potential system states exist, the
vast majority of which are incorrect. Also, a frightening variety of events can cause
the state of a system to transition from a correct to incorrect. Some transitions are
easily reversible. Others are not. Good backups will allow you to restore your system
to a correct state under all circumstances.
3.2 What sort of things?
Some examples of potentially harmful events are hardware failures, application
errors, operating system bugs (which do happen, sometimes), power failures, fires
(even in someone else's building), floods, and, of course, human errors (such as
entering DELETE *.*;* in the wrong directory or asking innocently, "What's this button
3.3 Backups are data insurance
You can think of a backup strategy as a form of insurance policy: you pay
premiums in the form of capital equipment (extra disk drives, tape drives, tapes, and
so on), storage costs, labor costs, and CPU time. You collect by having your system
restored after a disaster. You must read the fine print to understand what events your
policy does and does not cover.
Besides these basic elements are the "excess" (that is, how much it costs to make a
claim) and the "trade-off" between the premium and the level of coverage -- in other
words, are you paying too much for what you are getting?
4. formulating a backup strategy |
Just as there is no such thing as a universal insurance policy, no single, universal
backup strategy is appropriate for everyone. If there were, everyone would run HP
Universal Backup for OpenVMS/VAX/Alpha/Itanium®, and there would be no need
for further discussion. Backup strategies, however, must be tailored to a specific site and
business model. By understanding your specific circumstances, you can formulate your
backup strategy to maximize coverage and minimize costs.
Be sure to document your strateg fully, including detailed descriptions of daily,
weekly, monthly and annual procedures, and various levels of recovery procedures:
single database, single disk, single node, whole system, and full disaster recovery. A
strategy must go beyond what you do to back up data from disks. Your backup strategy
should be an integral part of your operations beginning with your initial system planning.
4.1 Know your risks
First and foremost, you need a realistic estimate of what your data is worth.
Computer staff can rarely answer this question. You need to ask your accountants and
executives, "If we lost this data, how much would it cost to replace it or to continue
operations without it?" Once you know the value of what you are insuring, you can
realistically judge the cost of the "premiums" required to cover it. You might also
need to know the cost per unit time of missing data so that you can evaluate the cost of
restoring the state of a system after a failure. You might be able to reduce the cost of
the "premiums" by taking a higher "excess" (that is, a longer time to recover).
Note that systems operations staff should not make these kinds of policy decisions.
Their jobs are to provide information to the policy-makers, who can then make an
informed choice. Once a policy decision has been made, you need to implement it.
Also, be aware that costs can be deceptive. For example, a DLT drive is relatively
inexpensive, but to pay an operator overtime to feed it tapes after hours can be very
expensive. A high-capacity tape library that can operate unattended might initially be
more expensive but, over the long term, might be much cheaper -- and more reliable.
Finally, keep in mind that one person's trash is another person's treasure. For
example, most sites would not suffer too greatly if they lost their ACCOUNTNG.DAT file.
However, if your system is a bureau service, and the contents of that file are used to
calculate customers' bills, then losing it could be financially catastrophic.
4.2 Know your data
Conceptually, the simplest and most reliable type of backup is a standalone
snapshot of everything. All disks are saved as full image copies. If you can afford the
down time, this method provides you with the fastest and most reliable recovery path.
You just lay down all the disks and reboot the system. However, this strategy is rarely
acceptable. It is far too labor-intensive because it cannot really be automated (although
some console management products come close to automation). Also, with the large
size of disk farms and disk drives today, a standalone snapshot takes far too long, even
using the fastest available tape drive technology.
By understanding your data, you can reduce the amount of information that you
need to capture to restore the system to a correct state. Even if you have a 50GB
database, it is highly unlikely that all the data changes every day. Therefore, if you can
save just the changes since the last full backup, you might be able to dramatically
reduce the time spent performing backups. The trade-off is that restoring the system
state will take longer because the changes need to be applied to the database after
restoring the last full backups.
Other approaches include segregating different classes of data. For example, if you
can keep all read-only data on a single physical disk, you might not need to back it up
at all. You could burn truly read-only data onto a CD or DVD -- perhaps even making
multiple copies. The CD could then either be read directly or be kept as a backup that
could, in emergencies, be read directly.
4.3 Test your strategy
Testing is the part of a backup strategy that is most often overlooked. Without
testing, you cannot know with certainty that your recovery will work as expected at a
critical moment. The worst possible time to discover a fatal flaw in a backup strategy
is after you suffer a failure. Unfortunately, that is precisely the time such flaws are
often discovered.
To test your strategy, set aside a weekend when the system can be shut down, or
arrange to use some test hardware that is as similar as possible to your production
system. Make the recovery as realistic as possible. Your goal is to bring up a
production system using your written disaster recovery plan. Time the operation, and
document any problems. Then use the results to review your plans.
Should you suffer a real failure, hold a post mortem of the recovery procedure to
review how it worked in practice and what improvements could be made.
5. How should you back up your system? |
Backing up a system requires recording an instantaneous, known system state. The
problem is that the state of any system can change within microseconds, yet recording the
state can take hours. Unless a system can be placed in a special state that prevents
unwanted changes (such as standalone backup), steps must be taken so that the backup
mechanism ignores state changes that occur after the target "known state." This technique
is known as checkpointing. The application code draws a conceptual line, and only
changes that occurred before that point are included in the backup.
Because checkpointing is application-specific, generic system tools cannot perform
online backups of live data without the cooperation of application logic. Unfortunately,
backups are often perceived as a system-related, and application designers do not
integrate backup functions into their applications. In reality, the opposite is true. Backups
are fundamentally application-related. Operating systems must provide tools to assist in
capturing information for backup purposes, but applications must decide which
information should be captured. If you cannot afford down-time for off-line backups,
your application code must build in the ability to make live backups because no "wands"
exist to do it for you magically.
5.1 What tools are available to help you?
The following sections outline tools that you might find useful in performing
5.1.1 Database management systems
Database systems such as Oracle, Oracle/RDB and Ingres interact with
application code at a transaction level, with built-in support for checkpoints.
Although the application must declare the checkpoints, the DBMS does most of the
hard work. Details are beyond the scope of this talk, however.
5.1.2 RMS Journalling
If your applications use RMS files, you can use RMS Journalling to assist in
backups. The application code, however, must still declare the checkpoints
explicitly or implicitly. See the RMS Journalling manual for details of what it can
do for you and how you can use it.
5.1.3 The Backup utility
Although BACKUP is very useful in performing backups, it is really just a tool
for moving bits from one place to another. It has no built-in magic: it simply copies
the files you tell it to copy. If they are the right files, well and good. If not, the
GIGO principle applies. Read the BACKUP documentation carefully to understand
all its features.
5.1.4 The DIRECTORY command
The DCL command DIRECTORY is not really a tool for performing backups,
but, rather, helps you analyze the dynamic of your data. A simple command such
as DIRECTORY/MODIFIED/SINCE=date disk:[000000...] often reveals just how little data has
changed on a particular disk.
5.1.5 Spare disks
With the availability of cheap, large-capacity SCSI disks, having a few spare
disks can be every cost-effective in your backup strategy. With spare disks, you
have much more flexibility in both saving and restoring information. Calculate the
hours of your time a 36GB SCSI disk is worth. Also consider the time for an
engineer to deliver a replacement disk. If a failing disk can be replaced
immediately, you might save yourself much more than the cost of the drive.
5.1.6 Appropriate hardware
Tape drives are constantly becoming smaller, faster, and higher-capacity.
Although having the latest technology might not always be necessary, making sure
that your drive or drives can handle the loads you subject them to is very important.
Far too often a tape drive is added to a system as an afterthought. When
designing your system, think about how long a full backup will take, keeping in
mind that a storage shelf full of disk drives can contain a lot of data. Even with the
fastest tape drives available, a full backup can take several days. In calculating
system costs, make sure you include the price of backups.
5.1.7 Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS (ABS)
If you have a large system, ABS can help automate your backup strategies,
control your tape devices, and manage your media. For example, ABS can quickly
locate which tape contains a specific file.
5.2 Techniques that do not work
A primary motivation for writing this article has been to reveal common practices
that some people mistakenly believe will give them a valid online backup copy of a
disk. True, you might get a useable copy of a disk, but then again, you might not.
Using one of these practices is a bit like buying a cheap insurance policy. When you
try to make a claim, will it be honored? Would you bet your business on it?
The following sections describe some common backup techniques that do not work.
5.2.1 Using the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier
The /IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier has a single purpose: to change the severity of a
"file access conflict" error from ERROR to WARNING. As its name implies, the
/IGNORE=INTERLOCK qualifier causes the system to bypass file system locks that
protect the integrity of the file. The only certainties about a file backed up with an
ACCONFLICT warning is that the file existed and that is was approximately the
same size as the file in the backup. You might get a useable copy of the file, but
you also might get only garbage.
The irony of using /IGNORE=INTERLOCK is that often those files that generate
warnings are just the ones that need to be backed up, because they are the only files
that are being actively modified.
5.2.2 Breaking shadow sets
Another poor backup technique is to break a physical member out of a shadow
set, take an image backup of it, and then put it back into the shadow set. This is a
very poor practice for two reasons.
- First, for the same reason that the /IGNORE=INTERLOCK command is not
reliable, no guarantee exists that files open when the shadow set was
dissolved are in a consistent state. Since OpenVMS Version 7.3 (or Version
7.2 with the latest shadowing ECOs), dismounting a shadow set member
guarantees integrity at the disk structure level but does not necessarily
guarantee the integrity of files that were open at that time. Prior to
OpenVMS Version 7.3, no guarantees existed for the accurate contents of a
removed shadow set member.
- Second, if you reduce a shadow set to a single member, you risk having
latent bad blocks on both disks. Keeping two members in a shadow set at all
times means that a bad block will affect you only if the same LBN goes bad
on both members simultaneously. The chance of this happening is
vanishingly small. Remember that bad blocks are detected only when they
are read; therefore, a bad block can remain latent for a long time. When the
block is read and detected, shadowing software tries to recover the data
from the other member. If the shadow set is dissolved, the bad blocks on the
remaining member are "exposed" because a recoverable backup copy no
longer exists. Similarly, BACKUP copies (and marks as bad) any bad
blocks on the removed member. These bad blocks are exposed if the backup
is ever restored.
5.2.3 Having single-member shadow sets
Another poor practice is to make all disks single-member shadow sets. The
theory behind this is that if a disk starts to show errors, a second member can be
added to the shadow set and allowed to copy up. Then the failing disk can be
removed. Although it is difficult to find fault with this logic, the practice rarely
works. For a start, shadowing software copies corrupt data the same way it copies
normal data. Also, bombarding a sick disk with lots of I/Os might not be a very
good idea. If the disk is bad enough, shadowing software might not wait for the full
copy to complete before kicking it out of the shadow set. You can imagine the
results of that scenario -- not a pretty picture.
Single-member shadow sets are sometimes used to add a member, let it copy,
and then break it out to make the backup. As described earlier, this produces
unreliable results.
Having a single member shadow set is very nearly pointless. As many of you are
painfully aware, shadowing software is notoriously complex and sometimes causes
problems. Single-member shadow sets enjoy none of the benefits of shadowing and
are exposed to the inherent risks of complexity as well. Because physical spindles
are probably the cheapest component in shadowing, you are almost certainly better
off building a two-member set.
5.2.4 Substituting RAID for proper backups
RAID controllers make storage management simpler and much more flexible.
Different types of RAID sets can improve performance or data redundancy, or both,
but they do not eliminate the need for proper backups. You should, however, take
advantage of the features of RAID sets in your backup strategy to make backups
faster and cheaper to perform.
5.3 Techniques that do work
Enough gloom and doom. Ways exist to perform backups of live (or, nearly live)
data safely. At worst, you can minimize down-time to a few minutes. Explanations of
some of these techniques follow.
5.3.1 Using CONVERT/SHARE on simple indexed files
A simple indexed file is one in which records do not depend on each other or on
records in other files. If you can accept the limitation that an update to a record is
either saved or not saved (that is, no partial updates are saved), then you can use the
CONVERT/SHARE command to make an accurate copy of an open RMS indexed file.
This technique assumes that the application code opens the file for shared access.
Consider the SYSUAF.DAT file. If the system manager is resetting user passwords
while the CONVERT operation is taking place, the backup copy will or will not reflect
a particular change, depending on the exact timing of the CONVERT operation.
According to RMS ordering rules, if a particular change is not copied, subsequent
changes are also not copied.
Next consider the somewhat more complex case of adding a new user, which
involves adding a record to the SYSUAF.DAT file and adding a "logically linked"
record to the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file. If a job is performing CONVERTs on both files at the
time, you might get both changes, neither change, or one of the changes,
depending on the order of the CONVERT operations. In this situation, the "database"
as a whole (consisting of 2 files) might be inconsistent because you cannot be sure
that the backup procedure will treat both changes atomically. Depending on the
type of database, this behavior might be acceptable. In this particular case, you
could back up first the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file and then the SYSUAF.DAT file. In that way,
you could get both updates, neither update, or only the UAF entry. (You cannot get
only the rightslist entry.) You can easily automate a procedure that ensures a valid
rights identifier for every username by using the MCR AUTHORIZE ADD/IDENTIFIER/USER=*
command. Therefore, using the CONVERT/SHARE command might be an acceptable
way for you to back up your authorization information online.
5.3.2 Using shadowing correctly
A method exists for safely using shadowing to achieve a nearly online backup.
This method requires a minimum of application cooperation. The procedure is as
- Add a spare disk to a 2-member shadow set.
- Allow the full shadow copy to complete.
- Shut down all applications that use this disk (closing all files).
- Dismount the third member.
- Restart applications.
- Back up the spare disk at your leisure.
This method avoids the problem of bad blocks because each new member is
guaranteed to be free of bad blocks immediately after the copy completes. Also, at
least one good copy of each block is on the original two members. Because you
shut down the application code (closing all files), the files are all in a consistent
Depending on the application, your total downtime might be just a few minutes.
The costs include the spare disk (recall my saying they'd come in handy) and the
time to perform the shadow copy.
5.4 A special case - the system disk/system files
Your system disk is a special case. First, the only supported way to make a full
backup of any system disk is standalone with the /IMAGE qualifier. This method is not
negotiable. Second, the majority of information on the disk is read-only and is readily
available from distribution media. Finally, nearly all the important system disk files
that change are always open: SYSUAF.DAT, RIGHTSLIST.DAT, QMAN$*, other "cluster
personality" files, various log files and journals, and so on. This means that those of
you who regulary perform a nightly $BACKUP/IMAGE/IGNORE=INTERLOCK SYS$SYSDEVICE:
tape:SYSTEM.BCK/SAVE are basically wasting your time and tape. The files that are being
backed up do not need to be (How many copies of HELPLIB.HLB do you really need?),
and the files that do need to be backed up, are not. Note that the same arguments apply
no matter where your cluster files reside.
Again, no universal solution to this problem exists. However, a rough outline for a
backup strategy for your system disk might look like the following:
- Perform image backups immediately before and immediately after upgrades.
(You may also want to do an image restore to tidy up after the upgrade.)
- Copy highly volatile files to a directory on another disk nightly using the
CONVERT/SHARE command. These files include SYSUAF.DAT, RIGHTSLIST.DAT,
- On the other disk, back up the directory that contains the data. This directory
can also be considered tocontain a "hot standby" copy of the data, ready for
immediate use.
- Using CONVERT/SHARE weekly or as required, copy less volatile files such as
VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT to the same location.
- Restart and archive weekly or fortnightly log files such as ACCOUNTNG.DAT,
never "restore" these files in the usual sense.
- Back up other files that change, such as command procedures in the
SYS$MANAGER directory, when needed
- Perform restores by laying down the latest image backup, booting minimum,
and restoring the volatile files as well as any ad-hoc changes. You could even
automate this practice in the startup procedure by using user-defined SYSGEN
parameters (for example, USERD1).
The above list is by no means exhaustive. You need to analyze your system disk to
determine which files change and then decide which ones you need to keep.
5.5 What about queues?
The queue manager database is quite tricky to back up. You must first stop the
queue manager process with using the STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command.
(Warning: this command stops batch jobs that are running.) You can now use the
COPY or BACKUP commands for the SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.* files in the QMAN$MASTER
directory. (However, you cannot back up these file while the queue manager is
running.) When restoring the files, make sure that you rename
SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL to version 1 before starting the queue manager.
Otherwise, this file will be ignored.
Also, note that backing up these files with the BACKUP command is generally not
recommended. Therefore, how can you protect yourself against loss of the queue
manager database? Reconstructing the queues themselves is quite a straightforward
procedure. You can easily use the output of a SHOW QUEUE/ALL/FULL command to
generate a command procedure to build queues from nothing. This is an example of a
backup that is a logical, rather than a physical, copy of the information being backed
Similarly, you can back up your license database by making a copy of the
LMF$LICENSE.LDB file and generating a list of LICENSE REGISTER commands using the
following command:
(Warning: issue this command only against a copy of the license database,
because the command places all PAKs in an ISSUED state, preventing them from
This leaves only the queue entries, which can be divided into 3 groups. The first
group contains transient, ad-hoc jobs that happen to be on the queue when you are
thinking of backing up. Such jobs, it can be argued, should not be restored at an
arbitrary future time, because they have probably already completed, and you cannot
predict the effect of rerunning or reprinting such a job.
The second group contains recurring, self-resubmitting jobs that should always be
scheduled or be running. Although such jobs need to be restored, they are probably
better handled by system or application startup procedures. When starting an
application, check that its associated jobs are correctly scheduled. If not, resubmit
them. This method avoids problems that system crashes, power failures, or data loss
can cause. Another possibility is to use a scheduler product to control such jobs.
The third group are ad-hoc jobs that were scheduled but had not run at the time the
queue manager database was lost. There is no simple answer for the last category, but
I believe such jobs are quite rare. Combined with the rarity of losing the queue
manager database, greatly increasing the complexity of a strategy to account for
doubly rare events seems unreasonable. If necessary, use the output of a SHOW
QUEUE/ALL/FULL command to reconstruct jobs as well as queues.
6. But what if my operation is 24 x 7 x 365? |
If you really run a 24 x 7 x 365 operation that cannot tolerate any down time at all,
then you need to be especially careful to ensure that your backup strategies really work.
No operating system with reasonable performance can be expected to provide your
backups for you. It is therefore mandatory that your application code be written to allow
both backups and restores to occur in parallel with normal processing. No magic wands
exist, but with careful application design and by using checkpoints and journaling and by
having well-designed databases, there are no intrinsic reasons why you cannot achieve
true 24 x 7 x 365 operations. Just do not expect them to happen by themselves or to be
7. Summary |
Hopefully, the information presented here has made you think about the objectives of
making backups and whether your current strategies are achieving those ends. Other
questions you should ask yourself include:
- Do I understand my real risks?
- Do I understand my data?
- Do I have a workable recovery plan?
- Have I tested my plan?
- Am I using the right tools and hardware?
- Am I backing up the right files?
- Does my BACKUP command really work?
- Am I backing up more than necessary?
- How am I dealing with my system disk or files, or both?
- Do my applications have build-in backup capability?
Please contact your local Customer Support Center for more information.