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Rob Eulenstein, Multivendor Systems Engineering
This article provides hints and tricks for using Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) on OpenVMS systems. Dynamic volume expansion, which was first available in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 and HP OpenVMS
for Integrity servers Version 8.2, allows system managers to increase the size (the number of logical blocks) of a mounted volume. Although often associated with OpenVMS Host-Based Volume Shadowing,
DVE can be implemented on nonshadowed volumes.
The early groundwork for DVE began with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2. Prior to that release, the size of the [000000]BITMAP.SYS file was limited to 256 blocks. In Version 7.2, the maximum size of
BITMAP.SYS was increased to 65,536 blocks. The initial impact of this change was to allow disks to be initialized with much smaller disk cluster sizes than was previously possible. Prior to Version
7.2, the smallest disk cluster size was approximately equal to the total blocks on the volume divided by 1 million (255 x 4096). For large volumes that contained many small files, this limitation
resulted in much wasted space. With the change in Version 7.2, volumes as large as 400 GB could have a disk cluster size of 3 blocks. As we discuss in this article, allowing for a larger BITMAP.SYS
file was a key prerequisite for DVE.
At the present time, the maximum volume size supported by OpenVMS is slightly less than 1 TB. The actual number is 2,147,475,456 blocks decimal or 7FFFE000 hexadecimal. The OpenVMS file system
(Extended QIO Processor, or XQP) as well as current versions of SYS$DKDRIVER enforce this limit. For the history buffs among us, in OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and earlier versions, the maximum
supported volume size was 16,777,215 blocks decimal or 00FFFFFF hexadecimal. The maximum number of files on an OpenVMS volume is 16,711,679. This value is calculated as follows: 2**24 - 2**16 - 1.
Prior to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2, when a volume became full, the system manager had a couple of choices. They could delete or purge files on the volume to free up some space, or they could move
all the files and directories via BACKUP or COPY to a larger volume. The output of the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command was often used to monitor free space. The output showed the total blocks on the volume
plus the number of free blocks on the volume. The total blocks was the value from the unit control block (UCB) field UCB$L_MAXBLOCK. This same value was also stored in the storage control block (SCB)
field SCB$L_VOLSIZE. (The SCB is virtual block number, or VBN, 1 of BITMAP.SYS.) Figure 1 is an example of the output of the pre-Version 7.3-2 SHOW/DEVICE/FULL command.
$ show device dsa218/full
Disk DSA218:, device type MSCP served SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-
oriented device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 670148
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYS,SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RW,W:RW
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 2050353 Sectors per track 57
Total cylinders 2570 Tracks per cylinder 14
Volume label "DISK18" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 1708314 Maximum files allowed 256294
Figure 1 - Pre-Version 7.3-2 SHOW DEVICE/FULL Command Output
To help manage DVE, two new items were added to the SHOW DEVICE/FULL output in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2: Logical Volume Size and Expansion Size Limit. Logical Volume Size is the value from the
SCB$L_VOLSIZE field in the SCB. Expansion Size Limit is calculated when the volume is mounted, as shown in Figure 2. The value calculated is stored in the volume control block (VCB) field
Expansion Size Limit = (blocks allocated to BITMAP.SYS - 1) *
disk cluster size * 4096
Figure 2 - Calculating Expansion Size Limit
Figure 3 shows an example of the new SHOW DEVICE/FULL output.
$ show device/full dsa218:
Disk DSA218:, device type MSCP served SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-
oriented device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled,
device supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).
Error count 0 Operations completed 228
Owner process "" Owner UIC [FIELD,SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 2050353 Sectors per track 57
Total cylinders 2570 Tracks per cylinder 14
Logical Volume Size 2050353 Expansion Size Limit 2052096
Volume label "DISK18" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 3 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 1708314 Maximum files allowed 256294
Figure 3 - Version 7.3-2 SHOW DEVICE/FULL Output
In this version of the command output, the Total blocks value is still displayed and continues to represent UCB$L_MAXBLOCK from the UCB. The UCB$L_MAXBLOCK value represents the number of logical
blocks presented to OpenVMS by the storage controller. Logical Volume Size is the number of logical blocks on the volume currently in use by the OpenVMS file system (the XQP). In Figure 3, the Total
blocks value equals the Logical Volume Size value, which is often the case on disks that cannot be expanded (local SCSI disks), or on disks that have already completed DVE. Expansion Size Limit
represents the largest number of logical blocks that can be mapped by the current size of the BITMAP.SYS file. In Figure 3, Expansion Size Limit is slightly higher than Total blocks and Logical
Volume Size for two reasons:
- The number of blocks allocated to BITMAP.SYS must be divisible by the disk cluster size.
- Logical Volume Size might not be evenly divisible by 4096 (512 bytes x 8 bits per byte).
Figure 4 shows the relationship between Expansion Size Limit and the size of the BITMAP.SYS file.
$ dir/size=all dsa218:[000000]bitmap.sys
Directory DSA218:[000000]
BITMAP.SYS;1 168/168
Total of 1 file, 168/168 blocks.
$ expsize = (168 - 1) * 3 * 4096
$ show symbol expsize
EXPSIZE = 2052096
Figure 4 - Relationship between Expansion Size Limit and size of BITMAP.SYS
In addition to the new items added to the SHOW DEVICE/FULL output, new qualifiers were added for the DCL commands INITIALIZE and SET VOLUME. The INIT/LIMIT, INIT/SIZE, SET VOLUME/LIMIT, and SET
VOLUME/SIZE commands were added to implement DVE. For both commands, the /LIMIT qualifier affects the size of BITMAP.SYS and, ultimately, the Expansion Size Limit value for the volume. The /SIZE
qualifier sets or increases (you can not decrease) the Logical Volume Size. The Logical Volume Size value can never exceed the Expansion Size Limit for the volume.
Now that we have some background, let's see how DVE works. If you are initializing a new disk from an OpenVMS system, preparing for a future expansion of this volume is easy. Simply add the /LIMIT
qualifier to the INIT command. This results in preallocating sufficient blocks to BITMAP.SYS to map up to the current 1TB volume-size limit. The actual size of the BITMAP.SYS file created depends on
the disk cluster size on the volume. In Figure 5, OpenVMS defaults to a disk cluster size of 8 blocks because 8 blocks is the smallest disk cluster size possible for a 1TB volume.
$ init/limit $1$dga150: scratch
%INIT-I-DEFCLUSTER, value for /CLUSTER defaulted to 8
$ mount/system $1$dga150: scratch
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$DGA150: (HSV2AL)
$ show device/full $1$dga150:
Disk $1$DGA150: (HSV2AL), device type HSV210, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, device has multiple I/O paths,
error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 1274
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0010-3F6B-0000-9000-052E-0000
Total blocks 75497472 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 4608 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 75497472 Expansion Size Limit 2147450880
Allocation class 1
Volume label "SCRATCH" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 8 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 75427792 Maximum files allowed 16711679
$ dir/size=all $1$dga150:[000000]bitmap.sys
Directory $1$DGA150:[000000]
BITMAP.SYS;1 2305/65536
Total of 1 file, 2305/65536 blocks.
$ expsize = (65536 - 1) * 4096 * 8
$ show symbol expsize
EXPSIZE = 2147450880 Hex = 7FFF8000
Figure 5 - INIT/LIMIT Command Example
In Figure 5, if $1$DGA150: becomes full, the volume can be expanded without dismounting. The system manager must first increase the size of $1$DGA150: from the storage controller. Because $1$DGA150:
is an EVA-based disk (LUN), the system manager can use the StorageWorks utility Command View EVA to increase the size of $1$DGA150:. In this example the size was increased from 36 GB to 72 GB.
Next, the system manager enters the SET VOLUME/SIZE command on the OpenVMS system. If the volume is mounted by multiple cluster nodes, it is necessary to enter the SET VOLUME/SIZE command from only
one node. The other cluster nodes acknowledge the larger volume size the next time an I/O involving the XQP occurs. In Figure 6, the blocks allocated to the BITMAP.SYS file do not increase; only the
"used" blocks increase.
At this point $1$DGA150: was grown from 36 GB to 72 GB at the controller.
$ set volume/size $1$dga150:
$ show device/full $1$dga150:
Disk $1$DGA150: (HSV2AL), device type HSV210, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, device has multiple I/O paths,
error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 8045
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0010-3F6B-0000-9000-052E-0000
Total blocks 150994944 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 9216 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 150994944 Expansion Size Limit 2147450880
Allocation class 1
Volume label "SCRATCH" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 8 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 150925264 Maximum files allowed 16711679
$ dir/size=all $1$dga150:[000000]bitmap.sys
Directory $1$DGA150:[000000]
BITMAP.SYS;1 4609/65536
Total of 1 file, 4609/65536 blocks.
Figure 6 - SET VOLUME/SIZE Command Example
As easy and straightforward as this example is, most system managers do not have the luxury of being able to start with a brand new disk. Rather, they must implement DVE on existing volumes that
already contain data. In these cases, the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command must be used instead of the INIT/LIMIT command to extend the existing BITMAP.SYS file. The one significant restriction when using
SET VOLUME/LIMIT is that the volume must be mounted privately. Failure to do so results in the following error:
$ set volume/limit $1$dga150:
%SET-E-NOTMOD, $1$DGA150: not modified
-SET-W-NOTPRIVATE, device must be mounted privately
This restriction is by far the biggest hurdle that system managers face when using DVE. It is the one aspect of DVE that is not truly dynamic. However, once BITMAP.SYS has been extended, the Logical
Volume Size value can be increased again and again by using SET VOLUME/SIZE commands while the volume is mounted using the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifier, as shown in Figure 7.
$ init $1$dga150: scratch <---- Notice That /LIMIT Was Not Specified And
Disk Cluster Size Defaulted to 145 Blocks
$ mount/system $1$dga150: scratch
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$DGA150: (HSV2AL)
$ show device/full $1$dga150:
Disk $1$DGA150: (HSV2AL), device type HSV210, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, device has multiple I/O paths,
error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 8962
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0010-3F6B-0000-9000-052E-0000
Total blocks 150994944 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 9216 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 150994944 Expansion Size Limit 171642880
Allocation class 1
Volume label "SCRATCH" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 145 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 150993575 Maximum files allowed 517105
At this point $1$DGA150: was grown from 72 GB to 144 GB at the controller.
$ set volume/limit $1$dga150:
%SET-E-NOTMOD, $1$DGA150: not modified
-SET-W-NOTPRIVATE, device must be mounted privately
$ set volume/size $1$dga150:
$ show device/full $1$dga150:
Disk $1$DGA150: (HSV2AL), device type HSV210, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, device has multiple I/O paths,
error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 9121
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0010-3F6B-0000-9000-052E-0000
Total blocks 301989888 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 18432 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 171642880 Expansion Size Limit 171642880
Allocation class 1
Volume label "SCRATCH" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 145 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 171641430 Maximum files allowed 517105
Notice that the above SET VOLUME/LIMIT command failed; however, the SET VOLUME/SIZE
command did increase the "Logical Volume Size" up to maximum number of blocks
that the current size of BITMAP.SYS could map.
$ dismount $1$dga150:
$ mount/over=id $1$dga150:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$DGA150: (HSV2AL)
$ set volume/limit $1$dga150: <---- Command Works; Volume Mounted Privately
$ set volume/size $1$dga150: <---- This Bug Will Be Fixed In The
%SET-E-NOTSET, error modifying $1$DGA150: Next Round Of F11X Remedial Kits;
-SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value Workaround Is To DISMOUNT And
$ dismount $1$dga150:
$ mount/system $1$dga150: scratch
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$DGA150: (HSV2AL)
$ set volume/size $1$dga150:
$ show device/full $1$dga150:
Disk $1$DGA150: (HSV2AL), device type HSV210, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, device has multiple I/O paths,
error logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 9788
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
WWID 01000010:6005-08B4-0010-3F6B-0000-9000-052E-0000
Total blocks 301989888 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 18432 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 301989888 Expansion Size Limit 2152366080
Allocation class 1
Volume label "SCRATCH" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 145 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 301984975 Maximum files allowed 517105
Figure 7 - Expanding an Existing Volume
Dynamic volume expansion also works in conjunction with another new feature in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2: dissimilar device shadowing (DDS). Prior to Version 7.3-2, all members of a host-based
shadow set (DSAnnnn: device) were required to have the same number of logical blocks. Dissimilar device shadowing allows a larger disk to be added to an existing shadow set. Once the
full copy operation completes, the smaller shadow members can be removed from the shadow set. Dynamic volume expansion can then be used on the virtual unit (the DSAnnnn: device) to
increase the Logical Volume Size value.
Note: At some point the virtual unit must be mounted privately to extend BITMAP.SYS. Removing a member, performing DVE on this removed member, and then adding this removed member back into the
shadow set accomplishes nothing because the removed member becomes a full copy target when it is re-added to the shadow set. The following scenario illustrates the recommended way to migrate the data
on an existing host-based shadow set to a larger volume.
A system manager has an existing 2-member shadow set, DSA100:, which is running low on free blocks. The system manager wants to use DDS and DVE to migrate the data on this shadow set to a larger
volume. During the migration, down time must be kept to a minimum and availability of the data on this shadow set must be kept to a maximum. The current physical members of DSA100: are $1$DGA160: and
$1$DGA170:. Both of these disks (LUNs) are 18 GB in size. At the storage controller, the system manager has created two new 36GB disks -- $1$DGA180: and $1$DGA190: -- and has presented these new
disks to OpenVMS. Figure 8 shows the initial setup in this scenario.
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 323 3
$1$DGA160: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$ show device/full dsa100:
Disk DSA100:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device
supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).
Error count 0 Operations completed 57833416
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 322 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 37748736 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 2304 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 37748736 Expansion Size Limit 39100416
Volume label "PROD_DATA" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 37 Transaction count 325
Free blocks 1248084 Maximum files allowed 496693
$ init $1$dga180: scratch
$ init $1$dga190: scratch
$ mount/over=id $1$dga180:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL)
$ mount/over=id $1$dga190:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL)
$ show device $1$dga180:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) Mounted alloc 0 SCRATCH 75496527 1 1
$ show device $1$dga190:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) Mounted alloc 0 SCRATCH 75496527 1 1
$ dismount $1$dga180:
$ dismount $1$dga190:
Figure 8 - Using DDS and DVE on an Existing Shadow Set - Initial Setup
Step 1: The first step is to add one of the larger, 36GB disks to the DSA100: shadow set, and then to allow the full copy operation to complete. The shadow set now contains three physical
members, $1$DGA160:, $1$DGA170:, and $1$DGA180:, as shown in Figure 9.
$ mount/system dsa100:/shadow=$1$dga180: prod_data
%MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMCOPY, _$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) added to the shadow set with a copy operation
%MOUNT-I-ISAMBR, _$1$DGA160: (HSV2AL) is a member of the shadow set
%MOUNT-I-ISAMBR, _$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) is a member of the shadow set
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 336 3
$1$DGA160: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) ShadowCopying 0 (copy trgt DSA100: 8% copied)
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 318 3
$1$DGA160: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
Figure 9 - Using DDS and DVE on an Existing Shadow Set - Step One
Step 2: At this point, one of the original, smaller disks ($1$DGA160:) can be removed from the shadow set and the second, larger disk ($1$DGA190:) can be added into the shadow set. As before,
allow the full copy operation to complete. Figure 10 illustrates this step.
$ dismount $1$DGA160:
$ mount/system dsa100:/shadow=$1$dga190 prod_data
%MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMCOPY, _$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) added to the shadow set with a copy operation
%MOUNT-I-ISAMBR, _$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) is a member of the shadow set
%MOUNT-I-ISAMBR, _$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) is a member of the shadow set
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 297 3
$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) ShadowCopying 0 (copy trgt DSA100: 27% copied)
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 302 3
$1$DGA170: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
Figure 10 - Using DDS and DVE on an Existing Shadow Set - Step Two
Step 3: The third step is to remove the one remaining small disk ($1$DGA170:) from the shadow set. Disk DSA100: now has just $1$DGA180: and $1$DGA190: as its physical members; however, there
is still only 18GB of usable space on the volume. The Total blocks value has increased to 36 GB, but the Logical Volume Size value is still 18 GB, as shown in Figure 11.
$ dismount $1$DGA170:
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 291 3
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$ show device/full dsa100:
Disk DSA100:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device
supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).
Error count 0 Operations completed 892037
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 282 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 75497472 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 4608 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 37748736 Expansion Size Limit 39100416
Volume label "PROD_DATA" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 37 Transaction count 285
Free blocks 1248084 Maximum files allowed 496693
Figure 11 - Using DDS and DVE on an Existing Shadow Set - Step Three
Step 4: We have maintained data availability during the migration by ensuring that there are at least two members in the shadow set at all times. This final step requires a short period of
down time because the volume was not originally initialized with the /LIMIT qualifier. We have to use the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command to extend BITMAP.SYS, and this command requires that the volume be
mounted privately. On each cluster node, the system manager must reduce the transaction count to 1 prior to dismounting DSA100:, as shown in Figure 12.
$ show device dsa100:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA100: Mounted 0 PROD_DATA 1248084 1 3
$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) ShadowSetMember 0 (member of DSA100:)
$ dismount/cluster dsa100:
$ mount/over=id DSA100:/shadow=($1$DGA180:,$1$DGA190:)
%MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) is now a valid member of the shadow set
%MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) is now a valid member of the shadow set
$ set volume/limit dsa100:
$ dismount dsa100:
$ mount/cluster DSA100:/shadow=($1$DGA180:,$1$DGA190:) prod_data
%MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$1$DGA180: (HSV2AL) is now a valid member of the shadow set
%MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$1$DGA190: (HSV2AL) is now a valid member of the shadow set
$ set volume/size dsa100:
$ show device/full dsa100:
Disk DSA100:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device
supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).
Error count 0 Operations completed 22573
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 47 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 75497472 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 4608 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 75497472 Expansion Size Limit 2147491840
Volume label "PROD_DATA" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 37 Transaction count 50
Free blocks 38982904 Maximum files allowed 496693
Figure 12 - Using DDS and DVE on an Existing Shadow Set - Final Step
In Figure 12, notice that the Expansion Size Limit for DSA100: is now 1 TB; therefore, future dynamic volume expansions on this shadow set can be done without mounting privately. Disk DSA100: can be
grown to 72 GB, 144 GB, or even larger while the volume is mounted and in use clusterwide.
The preceding scenario makes multiple references to the BITMAP.SYS file and to the SCB, which is VBN number 1 in the BITMAP.SYS file. The following discussion takes a more in-depth look at some of
the fields in a SCB and at the contents of an actual bitmap block. The SCB shown in Figure 13 is from the DSA100: shadow set, which we used in the previous DDS/DVE example. I have identified some of
the more important and interesting fields.
$ set default dsa100:[000000]
$ dump/block=count=1 bitmap.sys
Dump of file DSA100:[000000]BITMAP.SYS;1 on 30-AUG-2007 07:54:05.47
File ID (2,2,0) End of file block 500 / Allocated 14171
Virtual block number 1 (00000001), 512 (0200) bytes
00000080 00000001 04800000 00250201 ................ 000000
^^^^^^^^ <---- SCB$L_VOLSIZE Field - 75497472 Decimal
00000000 0000000E 00001200 00000080 ................ 000010
21772020 20415441 445F444F 52500001 ..PROD_DATA .. 000020
00A6CDB6 BAE76216 000000A6 CDB6B5A9 ................ 000030
|||||||| |||||||| ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ <---- SCB$Q_MOUNTTIME Field
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ SCB$Q_GENERNUM Field
00000000 A0A00001 12610064 00000000 ................ 000040
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ <---- SCB$Q_UNIT_ID Field - Virtual Unit
10E100BE 00000001 10E100B4 00000001 ................ 000050
|||||||| |||||||| ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ <---- SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS (Index 0)
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS (Index 1)
00000202 022CF4A8 00000000 00000000 ..........,..... 000060
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ <---- SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS (Index 2)
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000070
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000080
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000090
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000A0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000B0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000C0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000E0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000F0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000100
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000110
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000120
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000130
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000140
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000150
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000160
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000170
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000180
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000190
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001A0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001B0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001C0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001E0
E9A10004 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..............!i 0001F0
||||^^^^ <---- SCB$W_SHADOWING_STATUS Field
^^^^ <---- SCB$W_CHECKSUM Field
Figure 13 - Example Storage Control Block (SCB)
The SCB$Q_UNIT_ID field and the SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS fields have a unique format. In each of these quadword fields, the low-order longword contains the allocation class, the low-order word in the
high-order longword is the unit number, and the high-order word in the high-order longword contains a special 5-bit encoding scheme for the controller designation. Let's decode the SCB$Q_UNIT_ID
field and the SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS fields.
The SCB$Q_UNIT_ID field contains 12610064 00000000. The allocation class is 0 (low-order longword), and the unit number is 100 decimal (low-order word in the high-order longword). The 1261 hex is
0001 0010 0110 0001 in binary. Starting with bit 0 on the right, group these bits into groups of 5 bits: 0 00100 10011 00001. Ignore the lone 0 on the left and translate the 5-bit groups into decimal
to yield 4, 19 and 1. The corresponding letters of the alphabet are D (4th letter), S (19th letter), and A (1st letter). This yields DSA as the controller designation. The complete device name is
The SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS field for index 0 contains 10E100B4 00000001. The allocation class is 1 (low-order longword), and the unit number is 180 decimal (low-order word in the high-order longword). The
10E1 hex is 0001 0000 1110 0001 in binary. Starting with bit 0 on the right, group these bits into groups of 5 bits: 0 00100 00111 00001. Ignore the lone 0 on the left and translate the 5-bit groups
into decimal to yield 4, 7, and 1. The corresponding letters of the alphabet are D (4th letter), G (7th letter), and A (1st letter). This yields DGA as the controller designation. The complete device
name is $1$DGA180:.
The SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS field for index 1 contains 10E100BE 00000001. The allocation class is 1 (low-order longword), and the unit number is 190 decimal (low-order word in the high-order longword). The
10E1 hex is 0001 0000 1110 0001 in binary. Starting with bit 0 on the right, group these bits into groups of 5 bits: 0 00100 00111 00001. Ignore the lone 0 on the left and translate the 5-bit groups
into decimal to yield 4, 7, and 1. The corresponding letters of the alphabet are D (4th letter), G (7th letter), and A (1st letter). This yields DGA as the controller designation. The complete device
name is $1$DGA190:.
The SCB$Q_MEMBER_IDS field for index 2 contains 00000000 00000000 because there is no third member in this shadow set.
Figure 14 provides a closer look at the contents of an actual bitmap block. In a bitmap block, a clear bit (0) means the corresponding disk cluster is allocated. A set bit (1) means the corresponding
disk cluster is free.
$ dump/block=(start=2,count=1) bitmap.sys
Dump of file DSA100:[000000]BITMAP.SYS;1 on 30-AUG-2007 10:50:33.45
File ID (2,2,0) End of file block 500 / Allocated 14171
Virtual block number 2 (00000002), 512 (0200) bytes
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000010
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000020
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000030
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000040
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000050
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000060
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000070
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000080
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000090
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000A0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000B0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000C0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000E0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0000F0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000100
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000110
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000120
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000130
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000140
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000150
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000160
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000170
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000180
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 000190
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001A0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001B0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001C0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001E0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001F0
Figure 14 - Example Bitmap Block - All Disk Clusters Allocated
The bitmap block in Figure 14 is not very interesting. All the bits are clear, which means the first 4096 disk clusters (the first 151,552 blocks) on DSA100: are allocated. The 151,552 number was
calculated by multiplying 4096 times 37, the disk cluster size. What would this same bitmap block look like if a large file on DSA100: was deleted, as shown in Figure 15?
$ dir
Directory DSA100:[000000]
Total of 11 files.
$ delete/log BIG_FILE.DAT;1
%DELETE-I-FILDEL, DSA100:[000000]BIG_FILE.DAT;1 deleted (36500019 blocks)
$ dump/block=(start=2,count=1) bitmap.sys
Dump of file DSA100:[000000]BITMAP.SYS;1 on 30-AUG-2007 10:52:56.69
File ID (2,2,0) End of file block 500 / Allocated 14171
Virtual block number 2 (00000002), 512 (0200) bytes
Figure 15 - Example Bitmap Block - Most Disk Clusters Free
This reveals quite a different picture. Most of the disk clusters are now free. The very first longword in this block contains F7FFFFFC. All of the other longwords contain FFFFFFFF. In F7FFFFFC, bits
0, 1, and 27 are clear. This means that out of the 151,552 blocks mapped by this bitmap block, only blocks (LBNs) 0 through 73 and 999 through 1035 are allocated.
The topics discussed in the next few paragraphs were taken directly from calls about DVE and DDS that were logged to the Customer Support Center. In most cases, these problems and pitfalls have been
reported on more than one occasion.
When a customer implements DVE, one error they might encounter if they run ANALYZE/DISK is: %ANALDISK-I-SHORTBITMAP, the storage bitmap on RVN 1, does not cover the entire device. Although this
informational error appears ominous, in almost every case it can be safely ignored. To understand this SHORTBITMAP error, we need to examine the conditions under which it occurs.
A word-length field at offset 508 decimal (1FC hex) in the SCB is used to hold status flags. The name of this field is SCB$W_SHADOWING_STATUS. As of OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, three bits are defined in
this field. Bit 0 is the SCB$V_INIT_NO_ERASE bit. This bit is set when the INIT/SHADOW/NOERASE command was used to initialize the volume. Bit 1 is the SCB$V_DVE_ENABLED bit. This bit is set when
either the Expansion Size Limit or the Logical Volume Size value does not equal the Total blocks value when the volume is initialized. Bit 2 is the SCB$V_HBVS_MEMBERS_MAY_DIFFER bit. Figure 16 shows
the SCB$W_SHADOWING_STATUS field in the SCB.
$ dump/block=count=1 dsa600:[000000]bitmap.sys
Dump of file DSA600:[000000]BITMAP.SYS;1 on 8-OCT-2006 09:17:28.70
File ID (2,2,0) End of file block 1087 / Allocated 65536
Virtual block number 1 (00000001), 512 (0200) bytes
00000020 00000001 021EAE18 00080201 .....Z...... ... 000000
00000000 00000006 000087AC 00000020 ...Z........... 000010
79212020 20314B53 49445245 53550001 ..USERDISK1 !y 000020
00A59093 1A8A34FA 000000A5 8D85D4E3 cT..#...z4....#. 000030
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001E0
A5120002 00000000 00000000 00000000 ...............% 0001F0
^^^^ SCB$W_SHADOWING_STATUS Field, Bits 0 & 2 Are Clear, Bit 1 Is Set
Figure 16 - SCB$W_SHADOWING_STATUS Field in an SCB
The SHORTBITMAP error occurs only if the SCB$V_DVE_ENABLED bit (bit 1) is clear in the SCB$W_SHADOWING_STATUS field, and if the Total blocks value on the volume is greater than the current Logical
Volume Size. Initializing a disk device with either the /SIZE or the /LIMIT qualifier sets the SCB$V_DVE_ENABLED bit. Using the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command does not set the SCB$V_DVE_ENABLED bit.
$ show device/full $6$dka200:
Disk $6$DKA200: (WSC236), device type COMPAQ BF01885A34, is online, mounted,
file-oriented device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error
logging is enabled.
Error count 0 Operations completed 814899
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 1 Default buffer size 512
Current preferred CPU Id 0 Fastpath 1
Total blocks 35565080 Sectors per track 32
Total cylinders 34732 Tracks per cylinder 32
Logical Volume Size 5000000 Expansion Size Limit 2147450880
Allocation class 6
$dump/block=count=1 $6$dka200:[000000]bitmap.sys
Dump of file $6$DKA200:[000000]BITMAP.SYS;1 on 8-OCT-2006 09:56:23.13
File ID (2,2,0) End of file block 154 / Allocated 65536
Virtual block number 1 (00000001), 512 (0200) bytes
0000002F 00000001 004C4B40 00080201 ....@KL...../... 000000
00000000 0000000E 000008D8 0000002F /...X........... 000010
FF822020 20202048 43544152 43530001 ..SCRATCH .. 000020
00000000 00000000 000000A5 90A480AB +.Z.#........... 000030
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001D0
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0001E0
90D00000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..............Z. 0001F0
$ analyze/disk $6$dka200:
Analyze/Disk_Structure for _$6$DKA200: started on 8-OCT-2006 09:56:37.97
%ANALDISK-I-SHORTBITMAP, storage bitmap on RVN 1 does not cover the entire device
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file
Figure 17 - Example of the %ANALDISK-I-SHORTBITMAP Error
There is no corruption on this volume. The conditions described are likely to occur if the system manager has grown the volume from the storage controller and has used the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command,
but has not yet used the SET VOLUME/SIZE command.
Another pitfall when attempting to expand a volume is the dreaded SYSTEM-W-DEVICEFULL error. Often the volume is being expanded because free space is insufficient. Why, then, do you get this error
(shown in Figure 18), which essentially tells you what you already know?
$ set volume/limit $1$dga300:
%SET-E-NOTSET, error modifying $1$DGA300:
-SYSTEM-W-DEVICEFULL, device full; allocation failure
Figure 18 - Example SYSTEM-W-DEVICEFULL Error
The "device full" error occurs when there is insufficient contiguous free space on the volume to create the new, larger BITMAP.SYS file. If the volume in question is totally full, you have no choice
but to free up some disk space and then re-enter the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command. If there is some free space on the volume, try a small increase in volume size first. Then, using this newly created
space (which, by definition, has to be contiguous), enter the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command again to extend BITMAP.SYS to map up to 1 TB. In Figure 19, the volume in question was originally 36 GB and was
nearly out of free space. From the storage controller, the system manager had grown the volume to 72 GB.
$ mount/over=id $1$dga300:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$dga300: (HSV2AL)
$ set volume/limit $1$dga300:
%SET-E-NOTSET, error modifying $1$DGA300:
-SYSTEM-W-DEVICEFULL, device full; allocation failure
$ set volume/limit=80000000 $1$dga300:
$ dismount $1$dga300:
$ mount/over=id $1$dga300:
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$dga300: (HSV2AL)
$ set volume/size $1$dga300:
$ set volume/limit $1$dga300:
$ dismount $1$dga300:
$ mount/system $1$dga300: scratch
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SCRATCH mounted on _$1$dga300: (HSV2AL)
$ set volume/size $1$dga300:
Figure 19 - Workaround to the SYSTEM-W-DEVICEFULL Error
Do not try to expand a volume by just a few blocks. If the expansion requested in the SET VOLUME/SIZE command is less than 256 times the disk cluster size, the expansion requested is ignored;
however, no error is returned.
Note: The SET VOLUME/SIZE command cannot be used to decrease the size of a volume. If the new Logical Volume Size is less than the present Logical Volume Size, an SS$_UNSUPPORTED error is
returned, as shown in Figure 20.
$ show device/full dsa100:
Disk DSA100:, device type Generic SCSI disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented
device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled, device
supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).
Error count 0 Operations completed 297277
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 251 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 37748736 Sectors per track 128
Total cylinders 2304 Tracks per cylinder 128
Logical Volume Size 37748736 Expansion Size Limit 39100416
Volume label "SCRATCH" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 37 Transaction count 254
Free blocks 37748103 Maximum files allowed 496693
$ set volume/size=17000000 dsa100:
%SET-E-NOTSET, error modifying _DSA100:
-SYSTEM-E-UNSUPPORTED, unsupported operation or function
Figure 20 - SS$_UNSUPPORTED Error
Finally, the exact number displayed for the Expansion Size Limit in the output of the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command depends on the version of the VMSxxx_MOUNT96 patch kit that is installed on the
system. As mentioned previously the Expansion Size Limit for a volume is calculated as follows:
Expansion Size Limit = (blocks allocated to BITMAP.SYS - 1) *
disk cluster size * 4096
Based on this formula, systems with older or no MOUNT96 kit installed might display a number larger than 2,147,475,456 decimal for Expansion Size Limit. The display of this errant number is only
cosmetic. The latest versions of VMSxxx_MOUNT96 kits properly limit the number displayed to 2,147,475,456 decimal blocks.
Dynamic volume expansion and dissimilar device shadowing are two of the most useful new features in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 and HP OpenVMS for Integrity servers Version 8.2. When using the INIT
or SET VOLUME commands, the /LIMIT qualifier is used to preallocate space to or extend BITMAP.SYS. The /SIZE qualifier is used to set or to increase the Logical Volume Size. Remember that when you
use the SET VOLUME/LIMIT command, the volume in question must be mounted privately.