Steve Hoffman "Hoff"
HP OpenVMS Consulting
HP provides a variety
of support resources including web sites and customer support centers. In addition, contract support customers have
access to associated databases and services.
To aid its customers, HP workers also have access to a problem escalation
process and problem tracking, discussion forums, and research tools.
Many of the available
OpenVMS support resources are accessible to all OpenVMS customers. Among these, the OpenVMS Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) and the OpenVMS Ask The Wizard area contain answers to many
common questions, such as:
- How to reset a forgotten password on the
SYSTEM username.
- How to set up or troubleshoot an IP
- How to get support for OpenVMS
The FAQ and the Ask
The Wizard areas are both available at the following web site:
The HP Natural
Language Search Assistant (AskQ) area provides direct access into the HP
support databases; access to a subset of the source code examples and the
support articles that are available to contract support customers. A natural-language search engine is provided
at the AskQ web site:
Major and active
OpenVMS discussion forums include the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.vms and the
DECUServe notes conferences:
» news://comp.os.vms/
» telnet://
Search engines are
also available for these forums.
Other newsgroups, web
sites and discussion forums are available as well. The OpenVMS FAQ has a complete list of these support resources and
pointers to common applications and to many of the available Freeware
packages. If searching for commercial
applications and options, the HP DSPP web site and its search engine are
available for locating commercial applications for OpenVMS. The FAQ also has pointers to AskQ and to the
online OpenVMS documentation web site.
Pointers to example source code are also available within the FAQ.
Information on the OpenVMS
ECO (patch) kits is available by FTP file server and by search engines. The following ECO search engine can acquire
lists of ECO kits by installation rating, making it easier for you to keep the
current mandatory ECO kits installed for your particular OpenVMS release:
Email notifications
of new ECO kits are also available. The
ECO notification subscription web site is:
For customers wishing
to request direct and formal HP assistance, the customer support centers are
the best initial contacts. When your
request for support is received at the local or regional support center for
your geography, the information you need to provide includes an initial
description of the particular problem.
Specific information on logging calls and on your support center
telephone number are all available within your hardware or software support
contract documentation.
To speed the
resolution of your support call, please follow these tips:
- Be very specific in your problem
description. Generic problem statements such as, "It doesn't
work" or "It crashed", can and often do cover huge numbers
of potential problems and even larger numbers of potential causes.
- Provide the product version and OpenVMS
platform information, as many problems can be version- or
- Reference the specific commands or
utilities that might provoke the problem, the full text of any error
messages displayed, and the expected outcome.
- Provide information on any installed ECO
The more general the
problem statement, the longer it often takes to determine the details of the
problem and to then provide you with the resolution.
Regardless of the
nature of the particular problem, providing HP with a method to easily reproduce
the reported problem can be invaluable in providing you with the quickest
response. Accordingly, HP will often
request a reproducer, a way to trigger and to localize the problem and to subsequently
verify the correctness of the resolution.
Note that the smaller, simpler, and more targeted the reproducer; the
faster HP can obtain a resolution.
An example of a
concise software source code reproducer follows:
$ set noon
$ if f$search("sys$share:zzzshr.exe") .nes. ""
$ then
$ known = f$file_att("sys$share:zzzshr.exe","known")
$ if known
$ then
$ install delete sys$share:zzzshr.exe
$ endif
$ delete sys$share:zzzshr.exe;*
$ endif
$ if f$search("sys$scratch:zzz.exe") .nes. ""
$ then
$ known = f$file_att("sys$scratch:zzz.exe","known")
$ if known
$ then
$ install delete sys$scratch:zzz.exe
$ endif
$ delete sys$scratch:zzz.exe;*
$ endif
$ cc zzz/def=ZZZ/obj=sys$scratch:zzz.obj
$ cc zzz/def=ZZZSHR/obj=sys$scratch:zzzshr.obj
$ goto 'f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME")'
link/notrace/nodebug -
$ goto common
$ macro sys$input/object=sys$scratch:zzzxfr.obj
.title $$$xfrvec transfer vector(s)
.ident /zzzxfr v1.0/
.psect $$$xfrvec,exe,shr,nowrt,rd,pic,quad
.macro xfrvec entrypoint
.align quad
.transfer entrypoint
.external entrypoint
.mask entrypoint
jmp l^entrypoint+2
xfrvec ChkPrv
$link/notrace/nodebug -
$ goto common
link/notrace/nodebug -
/execu=sys$scratch:zzz.exe sys$scratch:zzz,sys$input/opt sys$share:zzzshr/share
$! SYSLCK disabled, not installed, not installed with SYSLCK privilege
$ set process/privilege=nosyslck
$ run sys$scratch:zzz
$! SYSLCK enabled, not installed, not installed with SYSLCK privilege
$ set process/privilege=syslck
$ run sys$scratch:zzz
$ set process/privilege=nosyslck
$ install create sys$share:zzzshr
$! SYSLCK disabled, installed, not installed with SYSLCK privilege
$ run sys$scratch:zzz
$ install create sys$scratch:zzz
$ run sys$scratch:zzz
$! SYSLCK disabled, installed, installed with SYSLCK privilege
$ install replace sys$scratch:zzz/priv=syslck
$ run sys$scratch:zzz
$! clean up...
$ install delete sys$scratch:zzz
$ install delete sys$share:zzzshr
$ delete sys$scratch:zzz.exe;*
$ delete sys$share:zzzshr.exe;*
$ exit
#include <prvdef.h>
#include <ssdef.h>
#include <starlet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef ZZZ
int RetStat, ChkPrv();
RetStat = ChkPrv();
return 1;
#ifdef ZZZSHR
int ChkPrv()
int RetStat;
int PrvQWIn[2] = {0,0}, PrvQWOut[2]= {0,0};
RetStat = sys$setprv( 0, PrvQWIn, 0, PrvQWOut );
if ( PrvQWOut[0] & PRV$M_SYSLCK )
printf("SYSLCK enabled\n");
printf("SYSLCK disabled\n");
return RetStat;
This example shows a
complete and concise problem reproducer that was constructed by HP in response
to a problem report reputing errors within the OpenVMS handling of the SYSLCK
privilege and installed images. Based
on this reproducer, the problem report was shown to be incorrect or incomplete,
and there were additional factors involved in the problem trigger.
The most serious
OpenVMS problems can involve a system bugcheck. When an unrecoverable error is detected within OpenVMS, a
bugcheck system crash is triggered. By
default, OpenVMS is configured to write the system state to the system dumpfile
or potentially to the system pagefile during the bugcheck processing. The contents of this system dump file can be
central to the resolution of fatal system failures. Your own applications can utilize similar process-state, logging
mechanisms; process-level dumps can be generated upon application
failures. For details on configuring
and utilizing the process dump mechanism, please see the debugger documentation
and the details of the ANALYZE/PROCESS_DUMP command.
If OpenVMS generates
a bugcheck, you will want to acquire a synopsis of the crash. The ANALYZE/CRASH system Dump Analyzer (SDA)
CLUE CRASH callout easily provides this synopsis of the system dumpfile, and --
when the CLUE CRASH output is written out to a file -- the synopsis can be
provided to and examined by HP using HP-internal automated scanning tools. When compared against known crashes, this
synopsis can speed the resolution of known problems. Whether the bugcheck is known and an answer is available, or if
the bugcheck is a previously-unknown problem, the synopsis typically helps
quickly isolate the particular cause and correlate this report with any other
similar reports.
HP offers services that
can help you to avoid, or to even weather, the occurrences of many problems, either
by the preemptive application of critical ECO fixes, or by correctly
configuring your OpenVMS systems and clusters for best reliability. Service offerings ranging from installation
assistance, system healthcheck offerings, system management outsourcing, and
consulting services such as custom programming and disaster-tolerant cluster
configurations are all available.
In addition to the
resources and services already mentioned here, additional OpenVMS support
information and services are available to you.
Further, if you are unsure of where to find the information you need or
potentially how to best utilize the resources available to you, please see the
OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and the HP services web site. If you do decide to utilize formal HP
assistance, you can help expedite the response by providing HP with critical
information. With access to the
appropriate information and to the available HP services, you can speed the
resolution and speed your OpenVMS systems back into the business of serving
your own customers.