Hein van den Heuvel
your application use RMS Indexed files?
Do you know what a SIDR is? Do you know what a duplicate key chain is?
You probably should, since SIDRs and duplicate key chains can cause thousands
of read I/Os as the result of a single record insert. With that, they can have
a tremendous impact not just on the application doing the insert, but also on
total system performance. Application managers, of course, notice
a slowdown over time, and all too often they solve that by throwing more
hardware at the problem. But what if you already have the biggest box on the
market? Modest file tuning and a convert can help avoid all those read I/Os and
restore performance. I have yet to investigate an RMS application that did not
have this duplicate key chain problem. Maybe this is because I get called in
only for bad cases, or because indeed so many applications have this problem,
at least to some degree.
In recent years, HP
systems engineers have investigated and improved several applications in large
commercial systems where more than half of the resources for an entire system
were wasted by updating duplicate key chains. In one case, a simple CONVERT of
a single indexed file changed application end-user response time from several
minutes to subseconds. In another case, the total system I/O rate was reduced
from 1500 I/Os per second to 200 I/Os per second, all without changing
application functionality. Why did this happen? Because of duplicate key
Duplicate key chains
are a (long) series of (single) linked RMS data buckets containing records all
with the same key value and identified only by a single index entry. (The next
section clarifies this definition.) Although the problems described in this
paper can occur with primary keys, in real-life applications they typically
occur with secondary keys. Therefore, the illustrations in this paper show
duplicate key chains in secondary keys. It may be that application designers
tend to pick unique or nearly unique keys for the primary key.
To establish a frame
of reference, the following section describes the internals of an RMS indexed
file. Subsequent sections describe how to identify the problem and suggest a
number of possible solutions. You will
see that some solutions are very easy to implement and can be very rewarding.
For additional
information about indexed files and tuning, refer to the Guide to
OpenVMS File Applications in the OpenVMS documentation set.
RMS stores user
data records(UDRs) in
primary-key order in buckets. Buckets are the unit of I/O to and from
the file. Typically, a bucket contains 5 to 50 records. Records cannot cross
bucket boundaries. If an entire record does not fit in a bucket, then a new
bucket is added to hold the record. This process is called bucket split. You can identify records both by their key and by a record file address(RFA). The latter consists of the starting virtual block number
(4-byte VBN) of the bucket in which the record is stored and the record's ID (2 bytes). The index structure is a
balanced b-tree with pairs of key values and VBN addresses.
For secondary keys (referred to in this
article as alternate keys), the data records pointed to by their key structure
are called secondary index data records(SIDRs). A SIDR consists of a key value (optionally compressed)
and an array of one or more record retrieval vectors(RRVs). If your application allows
duplicates for the key in question, then there will be one RRV for each
duplicate value that a key has. Each RRV is 7 bytes in size and consists of a
flag byte plus an RFA pointing to the UDR.
The following figure illustrates an indexed file, a
number as primary key, and a name as first alternate key.
In addition to the
file internals described here, RMS follows three rules that work very well in
general but that can add up to serious performance problems in certain
- Duplicate key values are to be added in order of
- There is only one index entry for a given key value
that points to the first bucket that contains a record with that key value.
- If a new, duplicate value does not fit in the target
bucket, then a new record is created in a new bucket. That bucket is pointed to
by the old target bucket by using the next VBN field in the old bucket header.
What are the
implications? Suppose you have an alternate key on an item file to indicate a
status. That status can be 'Request', 'Active', or 'Done'. Every new item is
inserted into the file with a status of 'Request'. Appropriately, according to
rule 1, the item is added to the end of the array of 'Request' item. Next, the
item gets processed, and the status key is updated to 'Active'. Eventually, all
items are updated to the status 'Done'. Still, according to rule 1, as an item
status is updated to 'Done', it is placed at the end of the 'Done' array,
keeping the first item that was ever 'Done' as the first RRV in the SIDR.
Now, for the sake of
the illustration, assume a SIDR can hold up to 100 RRVs. (In actual files, this
is likely to be in the 150 - 1500 range.) The SIDR with the RRVs for the first
few 'Done records fits in the same bucket as the SIDR for the 'Active' key.
When the number of RRVs reaches more than a few hundred, multiple buckets are
needed. When the status for item 200 is updated to 'Done', RMS walks down the
index to find the first 'Done' record. RMS determines that this is the first,
but not the last, SIDR record for the target key, and it reads the next bucket.
RMS continues to read buckets until it reaches the final bucket. It then adds
the RRV for item 200 to that SIDR and writes that bucket out to the file. This is the crux of the problem. The series of linked
buckets, all with SIDRs for the same key value, is called a duplicate key
chain. The system will need lots
of read I/Os to perform the single write that it sets out to do. The following
figure summarizes this layout.
As long as RMS needs to
read just a few more buckets to find the last SIDR for a key, any additional
I/Os don't cause a problem. However, when there are millions of Done records
with thousands of continuation buckets to store their pointers, it starts to
hurt. These thousands of I/Os will bring any system to its knees, no matter how
big the box.
The biggest indicator
that an application may have a problem with duplicate key chains is excessive
I/O rates for seemingly basic functions. For a multiple-key indexed file
insert, you can expect 2 - 4 reads per key and 1 or 2 writes per key, for a
total of 10 - 20 I/Os for a typical file. If you observe an average of 100 I/Os
or more per insert, then you need an explanation and a fix, preferably an easy
A hot-file tool,
combined with the SET FILE /STAT command and the standard MONITOR RMS command
can help identify the files to analyze. You should also check out the rms_stats
freeware in the RMS tools directory with the OpenVMS Freeware.
The rms_stats software reports I/Os per record operation for files with RMS
statistics enabled.
A tell-tale sign for
the duplicate key chain performance problem is the presence of very short
alternate keys (1- 5 bytes) in files with large numbers of records. For
example, for a 1-byte field, there can
be 256 distinct values in a single byte (0 - 255). Practically speaking, a single-byte key has just two key values;
for example: M(ale)/F(emale) or Y(es)/N(o). If a file has a million records and
just two key values for a specific index, then there will be at least a half
million duplicates on one of those values. Even a 5-byte key (such as a zip
code, an item code, or a date ) often has but a few hundred frequently used
values; again, with a million records, several values will have tens of
thousands of duplicates.
The standard tool
ANALYZE/RMS/FDL can help identify the problem, but it can also be misleading.
Its DUPLICATES_PER_SIDR counter is reset for every new bucket, treating a
continuation SIDR just like a new SIDR. When ANALYZE reports
DUPLICATES_PER_SIDR=500, this is an average that, to the casual observer,
suggests a flat distribution. In reality, though, a single chain of 1000
buckets each with 1000 duplicates each for each single value, and 1000 more
SIDRs with a single entry, averages out to 500 but is more accurately
represented by a duplicate count of 1,000,000.
A better indication
within the ANALYZE stats is a large difference between the number of level 1
index records and the number of SIDR buckets. The difference indicates the
number of buckets without an index, that is, those in use by duplicate key
chains. The following example shows part of the analysis output for a file with
a bucket size of 12:
For 1968/12 = 143 SIDR
buckets, there are just 9 index pointers. This difference suggests an average
of 13 continuation buckets, or an average duplicate key chain of 12000 records.
More likely, there was a single duplicate key chain of 100,000 records spanning
100 or more bucket.
A powerful alternative
to the standard ANALYZE is the rms_tune_check tool. This tool is available on the recent RMS tools directory with the OpenVMS Freeware.
(An older tool called SIDR, which is similar to rms_tune_check, is available on
earlier Freeware CD-ROMs.)
The rms_tune_check
tool scans specifically for duplicate key chains larger then a specified
threshold. The help text for the tool shows an example script that will help
analyze all large indexed files.
The following is sample output from a single real file:
- SIDR: Key 2, 203801 Dups in 704 Buckets for value "11"
- SIDR: Key 3, 99252 Dups in 332 Buckets for value "902 "
- SIDR: Key 4, 24648 Dups in 88 Buckets for value " "
- SIDR: Key 5, 462729 Dups in 1580 Buckets for value "01"
The same program can
also report a "top ten" list of duplicate values.
That SIDR data,
together with a minimal understanding of the application, makes fixing the
performance relatively easy. The following two examples demonstrate a problem
situation as found in a real file earlier this year. Once you have read the next section I believe the solution for
both cases will become obvious. (Hint for later: think null keys and adding
Duplicate count, Buckets, Key value
17597484045 000000000
46 1 292164044
27 1 211941745
25 1 211147595
22 1 220995050
Duplicate count, Buckets, Key value
220461 189 CA
182738 156 NY
167123 143 TX
104023 89 FL
86792 73 PA
85524 72 MA
It is not always
possible to solve this performance problem entirely in all cases but more often
than not we can optimize the performance to a large extent. Here are a
few techniques to consider.
The easiest and most
effective solution for this duplicate key chain problem is to drop the key
altogether. You laugh; but it might just work for you.
- Maybe you have a key on a stray field in a file where
some data (perhaps a back reference or additional date stamp) was going to be
stored. However, that functionality in your application was not implemented and
the field was left filled with blanks all along. The blank key never seemed to
cause problems when the application was tested with a few thousand records, but
now that the file has grown over time to contain millions of record, it is slowing
the system down.
- How about that key in the Country or State field of an
address? Already the set of values to choose from is limited, and maybe not all
are used yet. For example, a company in the United States might do business
with 30 out of 50 states, but in reality the bulk of the records are from only
a handful of states. Perhaps this key is used only by a weekly batch job that
reports business across the states or for a particular state. Consider changing
that job to read the whole file by primary key and to filter for the selected
state. Alternatively, you could have it to pass records to (callable) sort.
Consider putting a process in place toconvert the file to add a key with the state field just before it
is needed, instead of maintaining it for each record inserted. In all
likelihood, there is very little business value in an online lookup (such as,
"Find the first customer in California.")
The null key is a
mechanism RMS has always provided specifically to avoid duplicate key chain
problems. Although it is restrictive, it is frequently useful.
The null key value is
a double-barreled key attribute you can define with FDL (or XABs for the
diehard programmers). First specify NULL_KEY
yes, then specify a single null key byte. For example, use NULL_VALUE
' ' for a single space. ANAL/RMS/FDL will report this as follows:
What's the consequence
for RMS? Ifa new record is inserted into the file (via the RMS $PUT
operation) and all bytes of this key's value are identical, and
this byte value is that of the one defined as the NULL KEY value (=SPACE=32
decimal), then no alternate
index entry is made for that record. This solution works immediately for cases
with a single-byte key. It also works for the unimplemented field (as in the
stray field example), since such fields often contain a string of space (or
null) characters. This solution does not work directly for the Status=Done
example or for the State=CA scenario, described earlier. For those cases, you need to adapt the
application to replace a single, frequently recurring word by a special,
reserved series of repeating characters; for example, DDDDDD instead of Done or
XX for a state. This works around the single-byte restriction.
For more information,
refer to the EDIT/FDL section on null values in the OpenVMS Record
Management Utilities Reference manual.
Strictly speaking,
increasing the bucket size is not a good solution. Rather, it is only an
effective workaround that hides the underlying problem. However, it might
provide enough time for you to implement a real solution. By making the buckets
larger, RMS needs far fewer I/Os to find where to insert a new RRV. There are
just as many kilobytes of SIDR data to wade through, but it can be done with
much less overhead. A small alternate-key bucket size of just 2 blocks (found
in some legacy applications) holds fewer than150 RRVs in a SIDR. A typical (and
more appropriate) bucket size of 12 blocks holds almost 900 RRVs. Remember that
the maximum bucket size is 63 blocks. Each such bucket can hold about 4600
Note that this should
be only a temporary solution, since the system is still doing excess work.
First, let's remember
that a duplicate key value is not a bad thing in itself. Duplicate keys are, in
fact, relatively efficient storage. They tend to be shorter than unique keys
and, since all key values are identical, they allow for 100% key compression.
As long as all duplicate pointers fit in a single bucket, there is no problem
using them. Also, many applications can easily tolerate a chain that spans a
few buckets. Only when an application frequently adds duplicate values to an
already long list that spans dozens or hundreds of buckets will duplicates cost
too much to update.
Key values are
deduplicated by adding additional, changing, bytes to a key field. Sometimes
this is done simply by increasing the key length. For example, suppose a State
field is followed by an adjacent zip code field. By adding a 5-character (or
9-character) zip code to the 2-byte state field key, the combined key clearly
does not become unique. And our goal is
not to make them unique. The millions of duplicates for California will be
reduced to a few thousand and will become manageable.
If no useful adjacent
field is available, a key segment can be added. (See the description of xab$w_pos in the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference
Manual). In the Status example, you might want to add a Done date or an MMDD from a date field to the Status
key, thereby reducing the number of duplicates from 99% of the file to the
number of records processed every day. (This example assumes that records are
purged yearly. If not, a year indicator also might be needed.)
Please note that no
data is added to the record; the Status field in the application is not
extended. Only the definition of the key that used to map directly, and only
onto the state field, changes to point to more data. No change in application
code is required.
For other
applications, you might be able to add a frequently changing single byte from
an unrelated binary field. With a perfect distribution, this divides the number
of duplicates by a factor of 256. Even with a skewed distribution, you can
still expect an improvement of two orders of magnitude. If only ASCII/decimal
bytes are added, then each byte will give only a factor of 10, and you will
need 3 or 4 bytes to sufficiently reduce duplicates. Again, in the Status
example, you can add all or part of an item code (or similar) field as an
additional segment.
Adding a segment can
be entirely transparent to the application accessing the file by that key as
RMS allows for partial or generic key lookup. The specified key length does not
have to match the full key size; rather, it can be equal to the original key
size. (See the description of rab$b_ksz in the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference
Possible snags
associated with adding key segments:
- RMS now honors the order of arrival within the new key
definition. It takes both the original field as well as the added segments into
account, which can result in a new sort order. This may or may not be relevant
for the application.
- Some languages verify that the key specification in the
program exactly matches the definition in the file itself when opening an
existing file. This verification creates no problem in MACRO, C, or BASIC.
Programs written in other languages might need to be adjusted and recompiled.
- Some languages do not support segmented keys.
Reminder: The goal is
not to make unique keys. To have some duplicates, even hundreds, is fine.
Because it's your turn
to be a hero!
There are three main
reasons for the occurrence of the duplicate key problem: Neglect, Time, and
Fear of All Things New.
As time passes,
applications scale to unimagined sizes, and they run with millions of records
although they were designed and tested only for thousands. Brute-force hardware
solutions can ease the pain, but at a price, and eventually hard limits will be
reached. Perhaps it will be an IOLOCK8 VMS internal bottleneck after doing too
many I/Os per second. Perhaps the duplicate key chain used to fit completely in
the disk controller cache and now no longer fits. You can buy still more cache,
which would be the "trusted" solution. However, it is far more advisable and
rewarding to change the application so that RMS no longer does all those read
Many believe that RMS tuning is "black magic," but it is
not. In a few days of effort, most of us can pick up the essentials. If you
don't make this effort, then tuning is done only once, shortly after
implementation. Others believe that all that's required for RMS tuning is a
modest automated procedure with ANAL/RMS … EDIT/FDL/NOINTERACTIVE … CONVERT.
Such procedures are great, but they are not sufficient over years of change.
You will have to make
changes to get changes, there is always risk involved with that. You will also need buy-in from operations,
development, and management. But if you find that missing null-key bit, you
could save your company millions of dollars. So use the tools, analyze the
data, and make the change. What a nice change it will be!
- The
RMS tools directory with the OpenVMS Freeware in freeware v50 contains several tools that may be useful for
RMS work, as well as a PowerPoint presentation about RMS tuning and an Excel
spreadsheet to review file design.
- When
dropping an unselective key, forcing an application to read all records by
primary key can help avoid I/Os. Unless there is an associated primary-key
order to the alternate key, you get 1 I/O per record read by an alternate key.
Reading a file by primary key, each single I/O will return a bucket full of
records, 5 - 50 records depending on the bucket and record sizes. Thus, even if
an alternate key selects only10% of all records, it may still be faster to read
all records, since more than 10 records fit in a bucket.
- Duplicate
key chains tend not to be cached by global buffers. The subtle reason
for this is that RMS targets buckets to the local cache, if they are not in the
global buffer cache yet, and are requested with write intent. When the
duplicate key problem occurs, there is write intent. On one hand, this is
unfortunate, since it would provide a seemingly easy workaround. On the other
hand, it would only hide a problem that ultimately needs to be fixed.
Furthermore, adding thousands of duplicate key buckets to the global buffer
cache can easily exceed the capacity of that cache and make matters much worse
for other users of that cache (that is, thrashing can occur).
- Duplicate
key chains are not restricted to alternate keys; they can also happen with the
primary key. But they don't, because
application designers tend to pick unique or near-unique primary keys.