» |
Andreas Fassl, Senior Consultant
While knowledge of
OpenVMS is a plus, this article's intention points to a broad audience.
The reading of Keith
Parris's article, Using OpenVMS Clusters
for Disaster Tolerance (http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/journal/v1/disastertol.htm),
is a must for a deeper understanding of the capabilities of OpenVMS.
If you're not familiar
with the IP world, you'll find a very comprehensive introduction in TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Concepts and
Planning (http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/73FINAL/6523/6523pro.html).
A good, hands-on
practice book, Linux and OpenVMS Interoperability, by John Robert Wisniewski, is
available from Digital Press.
To analyze your needs you can use a matrix of the possible
failures to your setup and the available counter measures. Table 1 shows possible failures and counter
Failure of... |
Single Node Counter Measure |
Cluster Counter Measure |
System disk |
Shadow system disk |
Same or cluster shared system disk |
Storage controller |
Multipath storage |
Multipath storage |
Network interconnect |
Second production LAN |
Same |
Node |
- |
Cluster IP |
Power |
Internet connection |
Second/third ISP |
Second/Third ISP |
Table 1: Possible Failures and Counter Measures
Many more failures are possible; the mileage of your
experience shows it.
Many vendors do provide counter measures mentioned above, but
many of them are very costly and often you have to do a complete redesign
combined with a major migration project to scale up your environment.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) |
Usually tied to the port 25 of a given IP host this protocol
is the core for most of all mail transfers. Being created in the "dark ages" of
electronic communication, people suffer under the design flaws made in the
past. The most "popular" suffering is called SPAM.
Only a few commands are needed to create an email (to illustrate the use of SMTP):
VMAL06 $ telnet /port=25 vmcl02.progis.net
%TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying ...
%TELNET-I-SESSION, Session 01, host vmcl02.progis.de, port 25
220 vmal06.progis.de V5.3-18E, OpenVMS V7.3 Alpha ready at Sun,
11 May 2003 18:03:09 +0200 (MET DST)
250 vmal06.progis.de Hello vmcl02, pleased to meet you, friend
mail from:afassl@progis.net
250 ... Sender OK
rcpt to:afassl@progis.net
250 ... Recipient OK
354 Start mail input; end with .
Short Message
250 OK
221 vmal06.progis.de Service closing transmission channel
%TELNET-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed
-TELNET-I-SESSION, Session 01, host vmcl02.progis.de, port 25
Due to this easiness, SMTP had to be extended many times to
fight misuse.
Be very careful while setting up an SMTP service attached to
the internet - an improper configuration will make your (or your company's)
mail server to another SPAM provider. There are many automatic robots scanning
around to find active SMTP-ports and probing them to determine their usability
for spammers' needs.
Spammers are very creative in their work. A new way observed
recently uses an improper proxy configuration of a web server to use a local
web server as a relay to a local mail server. The local mail server will accept
mail this way because it has been identified the local web server as a trusted
The "guest" will leave marks like this: - - [13/Apr/2003:07:47:43 +0200] "
CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 200 8959 "-" "-"
This is just an example to remind you - NEVER believe your
system (even if it's OpenVMS) is 100% secure.
Keep in mind - OpenVMS engineering uses a very secure-wise
approach while designing a new piece of software. When using IP based protocols
it always implies inheriting security problems.
A more detailed discussion about this topic you'll find in
the previous mentioned book "Linux & OpenVMS Interoperability".
Read more about SMTP on OpenVMS, see HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management
If you need more features and a very extensive solution, I'll
recommend Madgoat Software's MX package. It isn't very expensive; more
information can be found at:
Via POP3, Email clients connect to a server supporting this
protocol on port 110. The Emails are downloaded to the client and can
optionally be deleted on the server after download. Usually POP3 is used for
clients who are not online all the time.
Read more about POP3 on OpenVMS, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual:
IMAP is the most sophisticated non-proprietary Email
protocol. IMAP4 (using port 143) is a client/server application offering lots
of features to govern Email. The protocol has been implemented in TCP/IP-Services
for OpenVMS.
Read more about IMAP4 on OpenVMS:
Whilst planning an internet access structure, one of the
first claims is a firewall. In several
discussions I got a different view to the benefit of firewalls.
- Most attacks are done by insiders.
- Most successful attacks are using (unknown)
flaws within the application (buffer overflow e.g.)
In other words - it is verisimilar a firewall is defenseless.
You never are discharged from security liabilities just by setting up a
firewall. Actually a good secure application server without a firewall is even
superior to an unsecured application server protected by a perfect firewall.
With a simple accounting/summary you'll see, for example, the
trails of the attempts to misuse an ftp server (users like: admin, ftproot,
informix, linux, lizdy, oracle, pwrchute, rethat, suese, sybase, win2000,etc.)
Single node |
We'll start with the smallest configuration, the router will
be maintained by your ISP (Internet Service Provider), probably you want to add
your own router to separate more networks, but this is the minimum.
Figure 1: Single Node Configuration
To increase availability, one can configure Volume Shadowing for the system and
the data disks. This will minimize the risk of failing disks. For more information, see HP OpenVMS Volume Shadowing,
The configuration consists of a simple OpenVMS installation
using a plain SMTP/IMAP4/POP3 setup.
Dual Node |
A dual node configuration will reduce the risk of a failing
Figure 2: Dual Node Configuration
The configuration uses OpenVMS Cluster Technology, but you
have to consider some additional requirements.
Quorum Disk |
To ensure the clusters integrity, especially in a small
cluster setup, you have to configure a quorum disk. For more information, see "OpenVMS Cluster
Concepts" in HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems,
The quorum disk must be accessible for both members directly.
Reliable solutions are based on HSx-controller technology with the
corresponding interface cards in the nodes. Please never use unsupported
configurations. The components have a higher price with a reason. If you're
lucky, it will work. If not, no one will (and can) help you. Don't think about
standards when talking about SCSI or Fibre Channel, there are so many
proprietary enhancements. This is unavoidable to implement the features
customers want like improved monitoring, fault detection, etc. The standards
don't include those requirements, so every company has to develop and verify
their own supported configuration for a comparable small market. This means
lower trade volumes, higher prices.
Configuration of the IP Services |
All the TCP/IP services do support OpenVMS Clustering. For more information, see "Configuring and
Managing BIND Version 9" in HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management,
In this small configuration a simple cluster IP-address
should be sufficient.
Both nodes have a node-specific IP-address and a cluster-wide
VMAL06 $ mc sysman
SYSMAN> set env/clus
SYSMAN> do tcpip show inter/clus
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VMAL05
Interface IP_Addr Network mask Receive Send MTU
LO0 107 107 4096
WE0 324377 203105 1500
%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node VMAL06
Interface IP_Addr Network mask Receive Send MTU
LO0 2003 2003 4096
WE2 1210418 988863 1500
Cluster Impersonator
If a client program connects to a cluster address, it will
get typically (due to certain limitations in the implementation) only one node.
At the latest from this stage on OpenVMS will show it's
power. You can take over the complete configuration of the single node solution
as it is and you only need to move it in a cluster shared directory.
A single line in your SMTP Startup (for the TCPIP Services SMTP)
$ DEFINE/SYSTEM TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON cluster_device:<clusterdir>
represents the major changes to your configuration.
Multi Node |
The next step is to integrate more nodes to balance the load
among the members. As you can see, this
setup has an obvious flaw - the contact to the Internet.
Figure 3: Multi Node Configuration
To eliminate this bottleneck, you have to choose the next
complex solution.
To be honest, this is a setup needing a very careful
engineering, but it is possible with justifiable effort. The most expensive
part of this configuration are fibre channel links that have to configured,
providing possible line lengths up to 100 kilometers per link, using
single-mode fiber and up to 600 kilometers per link with FC/ATM links.
And - most important - you don't need to reengineer your
previous setup - you can use all the setup, all the user data, all the files
without any changes.
How does one proof the proper configuration of his
environment? There are many benchmarks available, I recommend the mstone
benchmark developed by Netscape now available as an open source project.
The former Netscape Server development had a customer
oriented stress test called Mstone.
Mstone is a multi-protocol stress and performance
measurement tool. Mstone can test multiple protocols simultaneously and
measures the performance of every transaction. The performance can be graphed
throughout the duration of the test.
Supported Operation Systems |
Mstone currently runs on recent versions of: Linux,
Solaris, AIX, OSF, HPUX, and NT. Any OS with POSIX threads support should be an
easy port. The test client machines can each be running different operating
systems. Common utilities like perl, gnuplot, and gd are used and can be
packaged with mstone for completeness.
Installation |
The easieast way to install mstone is to use a linux
box. In a later step we will provide a OpenVMS port of mstone.
Setting CVSROOT |
$ CVSROOT=":pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot"
$ export CVSROOT
The password for user anonymous is anonymous.
Getting the Source |
$ cvs co mozilla/mstone
cvs server: Updating mozilla/mstone
U mozilla/mstone/Building
$ cd mozilla/mstone
$ gmake rpackage
You should now have a complete runnable tree under a
platform-specific directory under build/package.
Initial Configuration |
Run "mstone config." It will ask you about your system
configuration. Fill in the appropriate values and create the optional user
accounts and broadcast account. When it
asks about client machines, enter them seperated by commas, with no spaces
(e.g. host1,host2,host3). If you need to
re-configure, run "mstone config".
The machine starting the test may also be a
client. For accurate results, clients
should not be run on the test mailserver machine (or its directory
server). If all the client machines are
not running the same operating system version, see "Configuring Client
Machines" below to configure for different OSes.
Setup only configures the most important
parameters. If you have more advanced
needs, edit conf/general.wld appropriately.
Run "mstone setup". It will now push the necessary files to each
client machine. If there are problems
(i.e. with rsh permissions), fix them and re-run "mstone setup" until
everything works.
Install Test Accounts |
With this small DCL-program you can create for example 100 users.
$ ! DCL-Script to generate MSTONE Test-Accounts
$ !
$ !
$ ! Start User Number
$ NUM=1
$ ! Start Group
$ START_GROUP=%o4000*%o200000
$ loop:
$ ! Create an username based on num
$ USERNAME="MST_''num'"
$ ! Calculate the UIC
$ uic = f$fao("!%I",START_GROUP + NUM)
$ write sys$output "Creating User : ''USERNAME'"
$ mc authorize add /UIC='uic' 'USERNAME'/owner=mstone/account=MBench/ -
$ create/dir/owner='username' $100$dka0:[mstone.accounts.'username']
$ num=num+1
$ if num.lt.100 then goto loop
$ exit
And with this one you can dump them
$ ! DCL-Script to remove MSTONE Test-Accounts
$ !
$ !
$ ! Start User Number
$ NUM=1
$ ! Start Group
$ START_GROUP=%o4000*%o200000
$ loop:
$ ! Create an username based on num
$ USERNAME="MST_''num'"
$ ! Calculate the UIC
$ uic = f$fao("!%I",START_GROUP + NUM)
$ write sys$output "del User : ''USERNAME'"
$ mc authorize rem 'USERNAME'
$ num=num+1
$ if num.lt.100 then goto loop
$ exit
If you want to, you can do some more programming to
be more flexible with your test setup, for the start this will be enough.
With this test suite it is possible to simulate all
thinkable load profiles. So can first watch and tune for a single user with one
message size, mixed message sizes, ascending user accounts, etc.
What you have to watch: |
- TCPIP-Ressources like per process memory
- IO-Saturation
- CPU-Load
You can use the basic tools like MONITOR, switching
over to more sophisticated tools like the „Availability Manager" or for more
professional (but costly) analysis use products like CAs performance advisor
(formerly known as Polycenter Performance Advisor). The newer (and free) ECP
(Enterprise Capacity Planner) should be worth a look as well.
Edit conf/general.wld to include CLIENT sections for
each machines to use. You can also specify the OS type for each client
machine. Set the "Arch"
parameter in each CLIENT section as appropriate (e.g. SunOS5.6, Linux2.2_x86,
AIX4.2, HP-UXB.11.00, IRIX6.5, OSF1V4.0, WINNT4.0). The directories under
"bin" specify the available OS types. For NT4.0 clients with a UNIX
test master, you will need to configure "command" and
"tempDir" for proper operation.
See the "HOSTS=winnt01" example in conf/sample.wld.
The total number of processes and threads that can be
supported on a client is dependent on the number of commands in the test, the
OS, and available memory. Check the
stderr log for messages about not being able to create processes or threads. Check on the client machines during the test
and make sure they aren't running out of CPU.
The UNIX programs "top" and "vmstat" are good for
this. If the client CPU is more than 75%
busy, use more machines. Also watch out for network saturation. You may have to use machines with separate
networks to the server to reach full server load.
The discussed configurations aren't very complicated. And they are:
- Easy to design
- Easy to implement
- Easy to maintain
If you start your configuration with the smallest cluster
configuration, the biggest advantage you'll get is an environment, that will
have no down time, especially for:
- OS Upgrades
- HW-Upgrade of single nodes
- Adding additional nodes
- Doing site movements
These are the great demands companies have on IT solutions.
OpenVMS meets the demands, and more ...
This configuration can be used for many other IP-based
To name only a few of them:
- NTP (for high reliable time stamps)
- NFS (as a 100% available UNIX file server)
- SMB (as a 100% available windows file server)