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HP Digital Continuous Profiling Infrastructure

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HP DCPI installation

Hardware prerequisites
HP Digital Continuous Profiling Infrastructure (HP DCPI) for OpenVMS is available only on the Alpha platform. It runs on all existing Alpha-based systems that support OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 or later.

Software prerequisites
The following software is required in order to successfully run HP DCPI: OpenVMS Version 7.2 or higher.

Note: Support for CPU transitions, which is new in HP DCPI T2.0 requires OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 or later, with the following patches installed:

  • VMS73_UPDATE-V0100
  • VMS73_SYS-V0300
Note: HP DCPI cannot be run at the same time as other tools that use the built-in Alpha hardware performance counters (for example, Iprobe).

Account quotas
Most normal account quotas will suffice. To run the daemon (dcpid) a PGFLQUOTA of at least 100000 is required.

System parameters
HP DCPI requires no special system parameter settings. However, HP DCPI uses fairly large portions of nonpaged pool to store the data during sampling. Make sure there is room for at least 1/2 MB of nonpaged pool per active CPU in the system.

Download and install the DCPI kit

  1. Download the release kit
    Read the license and accept the terms, then fill in and submit the registration form. Once you have registered, you will be sent the location of the download kit. HP DCPI software is available for the Alpha platform as a compressed self-extracting file. The size of the compressed kit is 36485 blocks. The size of the uncompressed kit is 42576 blocks.
  2. Expand the release kit
    To expand the DCPI self-extracting file, enter the following command:


    The system expands the file and names the decompressed file CPQ-AXPVMS-DCPI-T0200--1.PCSI.

    Do not rename this file.

    Note: If you expand the kit on an ODS-5 disk, the filename defaults to lowercase. PCSI requires all uppercase characters. Rename the file to the same name, but containing all uppercase characters, before you begin the installation.
    After you expand the DCPI kit, you can delete the .SFX_AXPEXE file.
    Alternatively, you can first install DCPI, delete the .PCSI file, and keep the smaller .SFX_AXPEXE file in case you need to re-install the kit.
    Note: Only a single user can run HP DCPI at any given time.
  3. Install DCPI
    To install the HP DCPI for OpenVMS Alpha kit, enter the following command:
    For a description of the features you can request with the PRODUCT INSTALL command when starting an installation, such as running the IVP, purging files, and configuring the installation, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide. Refer to the sample installation.
    Note: If you upgrade the OpenVMS operating system, you will need to reinstall DCPI afterwards.
  4. Read the README file
    The DCPI installation procedure creates file SYS$HELP:DCPKIT$README.TXT. Be sure to see the Known Problems and Hints section.
    Add the following line to your site-specific system startup file:

    This will load the DCPI driver when you reboot OpenVMS. (Installing DCPI also loads the driver.)

How to start sampling

  1. Setup database directory, symbols, and logical names data
    Create a directory for the profile database. For example:

    Set up symbols and logical names. For example:

    Note that the database directory is an input parameter to DCPI$SETUP.COM.
  2. Collect data to analyze Note that dcpid runs interactively by default. To run dcpid in the background, run the following command (this assumes you do not logout your main process):

Uninstalling DCPI

  • To remove DCPI and its files from the system, enter the following command:
    $ product remove dcpi

    Refer to the sample uninstallation.
    Note: Sampled data reports will not be removed.