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HP OpenVMS Systems

Porting Library

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OpenVMS Porting Library

» download the OpenVMS porting library source kit
» download the OpenVMS porting library binary (run-time) kit

September 2003

HP is pleased to provide an updated (A9) release of the OpenVMS Porting Library, also known as "The Jackets."

See the OpenVMS Porting Library Release Notes for a list of new features included in the A9 release.

The OpenVMS Porting Library makes it faster and easier to port C and C++ applications from Unix to OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX.

The OpenVMS Porting Library includes:

  • Jacket routines for many of the C RTL functions (for example, creat, open, rmdir). Each jacket routine performs some additional work before calling the real C RTL function.

  • Routines to supplement the C RTL (for example, socketpair, writev ).

  • Header file to perform PTHREAD redefines (solves casing problem when compiling with /NAMES=AS_IS ).

  • Header file to perform MOTIF redefines (solves casing problem when compiling with /NAMES=AS_IS ).

  • Header files that are not usually shipped on OpenVMS (for example, poll.h ).

  • Makefile to build on OpenVMS.

  • gmake (3.76.1) image pre-built for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1.

  • OpenVMS Porting Library Release Notes (also available in text format) that contain instructions on how to build the Porting Library, and how to build and run your application.

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Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All rights reserved.

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