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HP OpenVMS Systems

XML Technology

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XML Technology Documentation

HP provides an Installation Guide and Release Notes for XML C and XML Java Technology for OpenVMS. The XML C and XML Java Samples are provided by the Apache Software Foundation.

XML C Technology Version 3.0 for HP OpenVMS Installation Guide and Release Notes

» XML C Samples

XML C Technology Version 2.0-2 for HP OpenVMS Installation Guide and Release Notes

» XML C Samples

XML Java Technology for HP OpenVMS Installation Guide and Release Notes

» XML Java Samples

Also available are downloadable archives of the Apache Software Foundation's XML documentation for the components offered in this OpenVMS release.

XSLT Translator in Java (Xalan Java 2.4.1 from 10-31-2002):

» API documentation zip (6.9MB)

XML Parser in Java (Xerces Java 2.3.0 from 1-27-2003):

» API documentation zip (4.2MB)

XSLT Translator in C++ (Xalan C++ 1.5 from 4-25-2003):

» API Documentation Zip (16.7MB)

XML Parser in C++ (Xerces C++ 2.2.0 from 2-7-2003):

» API documentation zip (3.86MB)

XSLT Translator in C++ (Xalan C++ 1.10 from 10-22-2005):

» API documentation zip (16.8MB)

XML Parser in C++ (Xerces C++ 2.7.0 from 09-08-2005):

»  API documentation zip (5.65MB)

The Apache XML Project documentation supplied here is for your convenience. This documentation applies to the releases that were selected for porting to OpenVMS. More recent documentation sets may be available from the Apache XML Project web site at http://xml.apache.org/.

Note: When unpacking a documentation archive, you must preserve the directory structure of the archive to maintain internal links and images. Before you unzip the archive, create a directory in which to extract the files. Begin viewing the documents by opening the readme.html file in the top-level directory.


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