The HP Smart Plug-in for Rdb brings market-leading HP management and control capabilities to Rdb environments. It enables you to perform business-centric service management, event management and
performance monitoring on your Rdb environment, in support of your critical business processes by monitoring many of the same conditions as Rdb's RMU Show Statistics tool.
This Smart Plug-in (SPI) helps Rdb administrators efficiently monitor distributed enterprise-wide Rdb Database environments from a central, best-in-class console. The SPI helps you increase Rdb
availability and performance and lower the overall cost of maintaining your Oracle Rdb databases.
The Rdb SPI - with more than 40 predefined event conditions that are easily deployed to Rdb instances - works to proactively identify database problems before they affect end-users and informs
administrators of the tasks to perform to optimize their Rdb database environment. Rather than providing thresholds for raw data such as Synchronous Reads, the SPI provides thresholds for ratios and
percentages so administrators know which commands or actions to subsequently use.
The Rdb SPI reduces mean time to recovery (MTTR) through intuitive instructional text available to the operator with the notification of the problem.