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HP OpenVMS Systems

Performance Data Collector (TDC)

HP OpenVMS Systems

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Software patch for OpenVMS Versions 7.3-1 and 7.3-2

File Description File Name
Fix for nonpaged pool leak »  TDCV1_SHARE_FIX.ZIP

Download instructions

  1. Unzip the patch kit, which contains a file that you need to copy to your OpenVMS system: TDC$SHR.EXE.
  2. Log into the OpenVMS system account.
  3. Stop TDC using the following command if you are running TDC as a detached process:
  4. Set your default to SYS$LIBRARY:
  5. Rename the existing TDC$SHR.EXE file:
  6. Copy the new TDC$SHR.EXE file (that has been supplied) to SYS$LIBRARY:
  7. Restart TDC.

» return to TDC home page
(Patch kit last posted August 17, 2004.)