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HP is very pleased to announce the availability of the HP Archive Backup System (ABS) for OpenVMS, Version 4.5, on both the Integrity servers and the AlphaServer systems. With this release of ABS V4.5, we bring to you its latest feature, Software Encryption with Key Management.
ABS now supports both Software and Hardware Encryption. The Software Encryption feature is an extension of the encryption facility (using AES and DES cryptographic algorithms) already available in the OpenVMS Version 8.3 Backup Utility. In addition, both Manual and Automatic Key Management for software encryption will be provided. Manual Key Management requires the Storage Administrator to manually keep track of the keys used for data encryption. This is risky since the data cannot be retrieved if the key is forgotten. Automatic key management, available in ABS Version 4.5, involves key generation during data encryption and automatic key retrieval during data restore.
ABS supports hardware drive-level encryption by supporting the LTO4 drives that belong to both the Enterprise Class and Business Class tape libraries, but they must be used in association with the corresponding key management device (SKM or MSL LTO-4 Encryption kit). ABS supports an LTO4 drive in an EML/ESL library (hardware encryption) and also the Secure Key Manager (SKM) which performs the key management for these enterprise class libraries. ABS V4.5 also has been qualified with the latest MSL LTO-4 encryption kit that provides key management functionality for LTO-4 drives in an MSL G3 library (business class libraries).
The ABS V4.5, on both the Integrity and Alpha platforms, is already available for download from http://www.hp.com/software/SPL.
» Key features of ABS V4.5 (pdf, 336 KB)
» FAQ on ABS Version 4.5 with Encryption (pdf, 328 KB)
Hardware Encryption is the process of encrypting data with a separate hardware device that has encryption capabilities. |
Software Encryption & Key Management is performed by ABS using encryption algorithms like AES & DES. |
The LTO4 drive in an EML/ESL library with a Secure Key Manager provides hardware encryption capabilities for enterprise class libraries. ABS V4.5 has also been qualified with the encryption kit for business class tape libraries called, MSL LTO-4 Encryption kit. |
The encrypted data can be backed up on any of the tape devices & libraries that have been qualified with ABS previously. |
Faster & better encryption performance than software encryption. |
Uses more of the host's processing capacities which results in a larger backup window. |
Tape drives with encryption capabilities and sophisticated key management devices are expensive. |
This is a less expensive solution than hardware encryption and sophisticated key management devices. |