- What is the HP OpenVMS Educational License Program?
- Will the existing HP educational programs remain?
- Who is eligible for the HP OpenVMS Educational License Program?
- How does the program work?
- What software is included in the HP OpenVMS Educational License Program?
- Who may participate?
- What hardware is supported by this program??
- Do you offer multi-user license PAKs?
- Is the time frame for the license PAK renewal flexible?
- Are PAKs delivered in a loadable format?
- How many users can log on with the base OpenVMS license?
- Can the base OpenVMS PAKs be combined on a single system, resulting in more users?
- Does the person registering a school for this program, as well as everyone who requests
PAKs, have to agree to the same terms and conditions?
- How often are the CD-ROM binaries updated?
- Are rights to new versions included in this program?
1. What is the OpenVMS Educational License Program?
This program has been created in response to customer requests that we make
OpenVMS available to educational institutions at no cost. This program is
new, and it is patterned after the OpenVMS Hobbyist program.
2. Will the existing HP educational programs remain?
Yes. All existing educational programs remain.
3. Who is eligible for the OpenVMS Educational License Program?
All types of educational institutions are eligible for this program, such as high schools, colleges, and universities.
4. How does the program work?
A school administrator must request an access code from the license request page. The HP Educational License Program provides two
PAKs—An HP OpenVMS base license, which is a single user license with one user and one system manager, and an OpenVMS user license for AlphaServer or VAX systems, which is good for up to 25
users. An unlimited user license is available through the Campuswide Software License Grant (CSLG) Program. Layered products licenses provide unlimited usage for all users on an HP OpenVMS system.
5. What software is included in the HP OpenVMS Educational License Program?
The base license for OpenVMS is included and over 100 layered product PAKs may also be requested. The licenses are
good from August to August (one school year) and need to be renewed annually.
6. Who may participate?
Anyone associated with a school, such as a student, faculty member, or administrator, may use these licenses.
7. What hardware is supported by this program?
HP VAX or AlphaServer systems supported by the HP OpenVMS operating system are supported.
This includes Linux-ready systems,
used or donated systems, or other original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Alpha systems. Please note that not
all peripherals are supported by HP OpenVMS, even though other operating
systems may support these peripherals. Care should be taken when
ordering or configuring a system to ensure that all peripherals and
options are supported.
8. Do you offer multi-user license PAKs?
A 25-user license PAK is included with the program. If you need a license PAK for more than 25 users, please contact the
CSLG Program.
9. Is the time frame for license PAK renewal flexible?
No. The HP OpenVMS Educational License Program uses an August to August PAK time fame.
10. Are PAKs delivered in a loadable format?
Yes. All PAKs are delivered as an executable DCL command procedure (.COM file).
11. How many users can log on with the base HP OpenVMS license?
Twenty five users can log on with the user license and one user
and one system manager can log-on with the base OpenVMS license that is included with this program.
12. Can the base OpenVMS PAKs be combined on a single system, resulting in more users?
No. HP OpenVMS PAKs cannot be combined on a single system to achieve more than 25 users and one system manager.
Multi-user PAKs for HP OpenVMS are available through the CSLG Program.
13. Does the person registering a school for this program, as well as everyone who requests
PAKs, have to agree to the same terms and conditions?
Yes. The terms and conditions of the HP OpenVMS Educational License Program terms and conditions apply to anyone who registers and anyone who applies for PAKs.
14. How often are the CD-ROM binaries updated?
HP will provide an annual update with the latest copy of the
most popular products. If you would like the consolidated distribution
on the current yearly basis, please see the CSLG Program.
15. Are rights to new versions included in this program?
Yes. The PAKs delivered under this program can be used to install a new version
of the operating system or a layered product if a new version ships during the August to August