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ISE Inc. specializes in developing enterprisewide job scheduling and system backup tools for the government services, education, technology, retail, healthcare, and insurance sectors. ISE system
management solutions and backup utilities provide reliable, high-performance process execution and data protection for large or small networks operating multiple platforms.
ISE and HP share a solid, strategic partnership and have developed industry-leading solutions together for a quarter of a century. HP and ISE Inc. provide continuous data processing for companies
in any industry, increasing productivity and efficiency.
» AGENT, a remote system-control solution
» EnterpriseBACKUP, a systems backup software suite
» EnterpriseSCHEDULE, a job-scheduling solution
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» Trial software
AlphaServer system ready
AGENT is a client/server remote system control tool that uses TCP/IP communication to invoke jobs, initiate backups, provide pop-up message windows, create operational command messages, wait for a
remote process to finish, and copy data files across a network. AGENT enables the management and creation of remote tasks from a single point of control, providing efficiency of task execution for
universities, electronics manufacturers, wholesale foods distributors, and clothing retailers running complex, multi-platform networks.
HP AlphaServer systems running OpenVMS enable AGENT to initiate cross-network jobs using fully secure operations. Together, OpenVMS and AGENT provide a central node to issue commands that can be
executed on any remote node, giving IT professionals increased visibility and control over the network to improve overall system performance.
» More about AGENT
AlphaServer system ready
EnterpriseBACKUP is a suite of products that supports enterprisewide data backup and media management for research companies, furniture retailers, managed care organizations, and more.
EnterpriseBACKUP supports any combination of local or remote removable media devices, stackers, and robotic systems and functions on most of today's major platforms, allowing for centralized or
distributed backup, complete data protection, and comprehensive cataloguing of removable media.
Disaster-tolerant HP AlphaServer systems running OpenVMS give EnterpriseBACKUP a reliable platform for storing and protecting vital information. Highly scalable OpenVMS platforms allow operations
managers using EnterpriseBACKUP to accommodate future growth requirements, cutting growth costs and increasing the protection of critical company data.
» More about EnterpriseBACKUP
Integrity server certified
AlphaServer system ready
EnterpriseSCHEDULE from ISE is an enterprisewide job-scheduling solution that manages the flow of batch processes across multiple platforms, giving telecommunications companies, water management
districts, network service providers, and higher education institutions centralized job scheduling and execution capabilities. EnterpriseSCHEDULE uses nearly identical job data descriptions for every
system and enables job scheduling, modification, monitoring, and analysis from a single versatile client.
Taking advantage of the load-balancing and clustering features of HP AlphaServer systems running OpenVMS, EnterpriseSCHEDULE provides reliable execution of mission-critical batch processes with
high throughput volumes. Together, OpenVMS and EnterpriseSCHEDULE deliver 24 x 7 job processing automation in even the most complex heterogeneous environments, streamlining the learning curve for IT
professionals and optimizing the efficiency of any infrastructure.
» More about EnterpriseSCHEDULE