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HP OpenVMS Systems

Solutions and Applications

HP OpenVMS Systems

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Enterprise File and Print

Many organizations have invested heavily in high-performance server and printer hardware, as well as databases and supporting applications, and providing continued support for these assets is a high priority.

HP provides a series of services to help you leverage your file and print assets. Our highly trained service professionals can help you implement NT-based enterprise file and print services throughout your enterprise on reliable OpenVMS and Windows platforms.

HP's Enterprise File and Print integration solution solves common OpenVMS/Windows enterprise file and print equipment and data sharing issues created by providing shared access to Windows clients.

Our series of solutions provides maximum utilization of existing resources for both Windows and OpenVMS environments, which makes it easy to host heterogeneous operating systems within one consistent and reliable environment.

These capabilities apply to all your networked file and print resources, so you can continue to leverage past investments you've made in your IT environment.

In addition, the Enterprise File and Print integration solution allows you to determine the level of redundancy built into your environment. So not only can you maximize your asset and resource utilization, you can selectively invest in fallback systems to guarantee critical infrastructure resources are always available.

HP Services has been solving Windows integration problems like yours for years, and we have developed a formidable track record in delivering NT services in real-world situations. Our experience ensures we'll build a robust, scaleable infrastructure that meets your IT needs for years to come.

» Advanced Server for OpenVMS
PATHWORKS Advanced Server