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PATHWORKS/Advanced Server

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PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)

The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) provides support for OpenVMS VAX customers, and provides a PATHWORKS upgrade path for customers who are not ready to (or cannot) upgrade their OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or 7.1 operating system to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-2 or later.

HP intends to provide support for the latest HP OpenVMS releases as well as the latest Windows operating systems.

More Information

» Latest Release of the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
» PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager)
» OpenVMS Services and Support
» File and Print Servers Homepage

Main Features

PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) features include:

  • File and printer sharing in a Windows networking environment
  • Microsoft Windows domain functionality, including trusts
  • Microsoft Windows share and NTFS-style permissions, plus the option to use OpenVMS protections and ACLs to control access to resources
  • Enhanced integration with Microsoft Windows and enhanced compatibility with legacy applications, such as support for:
    • The option of configuring the server as a member server, enabling participation in pure (native-mode) Microsoft Windows domains (domains in which all domain controllers are Windows systems).
    • Alias file names created for files whose names do not conform to the limited format conventions imposed by legacy applications.
  • Load balancing and automatic failover for client service requests sent to servers participating in an OpenVMS Cluster
  • Support for WINS, LMHOSTS file, and DNS to resolve NetBIOS names, enabling Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity
  • Ability to allow domain users to log in to their OpenVMS account using their domain user name and password (domain and OpenVMS passwords are synchronized automatically; only one password for users to remember, and only one user name/password combination for administrators to manage!)
  • Comprehensive ADMINISTER command line interface for local and remote management of domains and servers
  • Remote management of the server from Windows systems
  • Full Browser service functionality
  • Support of TCP/IP, DECnet and DECnet-Plus, and NetBEUI