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PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager)

PATHWORKS V5.0F for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) provides Microsoft Windows Server interoperability and OpenVMS clustering support. Based on Microsoft LAN Manager 2.2, the PATHWORKS V5.0F server can be a Backup Domain Controller to Microsoft Windows.

PATHWORKS V5.0F supports OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 only. For later versions of OpenVMS please refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS or PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) products.

PATHWORKS V5.0F server and LAN Manager clients and servers can function in the same domain with the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). LAN Manager users can add the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) to an existing network and upgrade to the new PATHWORKS technology at their own pace.

V5.0F supports both the new Client Access License and the older Designated Access and PC Concurrent Licenses. (The Designated Access and PC Concurrent Licenses are no longer sold.)


More Information

» U.S. Prices: OpenVMS Software Catalog
» European Prices: EMEA Software Catalog
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