HP Pascal (formerly known as Compaq Pascal and DEC Pascal) runs on OpenVMS for VAX systems, OpenVMS for AlphaServer systems, and OpenVMS for Integrity servers. With HP Pascal, your source code investment is not only protected,
it is extended.
HP Pascal supports code compatible with either level of the ISO specification,
meets Federal Information Processing Standard Publications (FIPS-109)
requirements, and supports many features from the Extended Pascal
Standard. HP Pascal has a solid reputation as a robust, production-quality,
high-performance compiler. It is a full compiler, not an interpretive
one. Tightly integrated with VAX systems, AlphaServer systems, and Integrity servers, it delivers optimal
power and speed.
» Announcing HP Pascal V6.0 for OpenVMS on HP Integrity servers and AlphaServer systems
» HP Pascal fact sheet
» HP Pascal registration
» HP Pascal feedback