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HP OpenVMS Systems


HP OpenVMS Systems

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HP OpenVMS systems

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Application compilers and environments

HP OpenVMS provides complete and comprehensive 3GL and TP development environments that can be used by customers who develop and deploy applications completely on OpenVMS. We also provide a Development Environment, which allows users to develop on Windows NT and deploy on OpenVMS. The OpenVMS Enterprise Toolkit for Visual Studio—a programming environment that extends the capabilities of Microsoft's Visual Studio 98—lets users develop, edit, compile, debug, and build applications for OpenVMS and Windows NT systems. HP also works with business partners to provide 4GL tools and development environments.


» HP Ada
A native, production-quality compiler that generates highly optimized, shareable, and position-independent code.

Provides high performance for application development by generating online native mode instructions.

» HP C
Allows you to design and deploy robust, seamless enterprise applications across a multiplatform environment.

» HP C++
Generates optimized object code without employing an intermediate translation to C.

A high-level language for business data processing that operates on OpenVMS for VAX systems, OpenVMS for AlphaServer systems, and OpenVMS for Integrity servers; and Tru64 UNIX on AlphaServer systems.

» HP Fortran
HP offers a line of high-performance, compatible FORTRAN 90 and FORTRAN 77 compilers on multiple platforms.

» HP Pascal
Generates optimized, shareable code that takes full advantage of the hardware floating point and character instruction sets and the virtual memory capabilities of VAX systems, AlphaServer systems, and Integrity servers.

» Java™ Technology
No other vendor goes to such extremes to provide high-performance, high-reliability Java technology supported by flexible development tools and advanced server-side Java platforms.


A TP monitor that runs on the OpenVMS operating system. It is intended for businesses that require high performance, security, data integrity, and both centralized and distributed processing.

» BASIC Translator
Migrates established DEC and VAX BASIC applications to a distributed environment by accepting DEC and VAX BASIC source code as input and generating Visual Basic source code that compiles and executes on Windows NT and Windows 95 platforms.

» HP BridgeWorks
A code generator that enables you to easily create reusable, distributable components from your existing OpenVMS applications.

An Advanced Development Kit that permits continuous low-overhead profiling of entire systems, including the kernel, user programs, drivers, and shared libraries.

» HP DECforms
A product for the development and deployment of forms-based user interfaces for interactive applications running on OpenVMS systems.

» HP DECset
Provides an integrated programming toolset that supports the coding, testing and maintenance phase of software development.

» HP DECset Clients for CMS and MMS
Provides access from the desktop PC to the HP Code Management System (CMS) libraries and frequently used CMS and MMS (Module Management System) functions that reside on OpenVMS systems.

» HP Enterprise Toolkit — OpenVMS Edition
Runs on Windows NT systems and allows software developers to develop OpenVMS applications using an interactive PC environment.

» HP OpenVMS Migration Software tools
OpenVMS offers tools to migrate your software applications from VAX systems to AlphaServer systems, or from AlphaServer systems to Integrity servers.

» VAX system to AlphaServer system migrations
» AlphaServer system to Integrity server migrations

» HP Visual Threads
A unique tool to help you analyze and refine multithreaded programs, including Java programs. Use it to debug thread-related logic problems, including those hard-to-find problems that are timing-dependant. Use it to monitor performance and highlight bottlenecks or hotspots related to thread usage.

» Java™ Technology from HP
No other vendor goes to such extremes to provide high-performance, high-reliability Java technology supported by flexible development tools and advanced server-side Java platforms.

» NetBeans™ for OpenVMS Alpha
NetBeans is a modular, integrated development environment (IDE) for Java and JavaBeans development. Written in 100 percent pure Java™, it was open-sourced by Sun Microsystems. Its popularity is a result of its versatility, extensible architecture, and relative ease of use.

Application development business partners

» Prolifics
» Compuware