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HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Chapter 5
5 Data Division
     5.1     Logical Concepts of Data Storage
         5.1.1         Record Description Entries
         5.1.2         Level-Numbers
         5.1.3         Multiple Record Description Entries for the Same Data
     5.2     Physical Concepts of Data Storage
         5.2.1         Categories and Classes of Data
         5.2.2         COBOL Standard Alignment Rules
         5.2.3         Additional Alignment Rules for Record Allocation
         5.2.4         Alpha and I64 Alignment and Padding
     5.3     DATA DIVISION General Format and Rules
         5.3.1         FD (File Description) Sequential, Line Sequential (Alpha, I64), Relative, Indexed, and Report File Descriptions
         5.3.2         SD (Sort-Merge File Description)
         5.3.3         RD (Report Description)
         5.3.4         Data Description
         5.3.5         Report Group Description
         5.3.6         Screen Description (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.7         ACCESS MODE
         5.3.8         ALTERNATE RECORD KEY
         5.3.9         AUTO
         5.3.10         BACKGROUND-COLOR (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.11         BELL
         5.3.12         BLANK
         5.3.13         BLANK WHEN ZERO
         5.3.14         BLINK (Alpha)
         5.3.15         CODE
         5.3.16         COLUMN NUMBER
         5.3.17         CONTROL
         5.3.18         Data-Name
         5.3.19         DATA RECORDS
         5.3.20         ERASE (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.21         EXTERNAL
         5.3.22         FILE STATUS
         5.3.23         FOREGROUND-COLOR (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.24         FULL (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.25         GLOBAL
         5.3.26         GROUP INDICATE
         5.3.27         HIGHLIGHT (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.28         JUSTIFIED
         5.3.29         LABEL RECORDS
         5.3.30         Level-Number
         5.3.31         LINAGE
         5.3.32         LINE NUMBER (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.33         LOWLIGHT (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.34         NEXT GROUP
         5.3.35         OCCURS
         5.3.36         PAGE
         5.3.37         PICTURE
         5.3.38         RECORD
         5.3.39         RECORD KEY
         5.3.40         REDEFINES
         5.3.41         RENAMES
         5.3.42         REPORT
         5.3.43         REQUIRED (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.44         REVERSE-VIDEO (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.45         SECURE (Alpha, I64)
         5.3.46         SIGN
         5.3.47         SOURCE
         5.3.48         SUM
         5.3.49         SYNCHRONIZED
         5.3.50         TYPE
         5.3.51         UNDERLINE
         5.3.52         USAGE
         5.3.53         VALUE IS
         5.3.54         VALUE OF ID

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