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DIGITAL SNA access server migration guide

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Authorization Dialog: Create Authorization Entries

You can secure an LU (restrict access to it) by creating one or more authorization entries and then associating them with the LU. You create Authorization Entries in the Authorization dialog box and you associate them with LUs in the Secure LUs dialog box. 

The parameters you specified in the AUTHORIZATION section of the Access Server Configuration Worksheet are configured in the Authorization dialog box (Figure 4-4). Click on the Authorization tab to display this dialog box. 

Figure 4-4: Authorization Dialog BoxAuthorization Dialog Box 

You can define one or more Authorization Entries, depending on how you planned to configure your network and how the existing DECnet SNA Gateway is configured. An Authorization Entry must be saved (by pressing OK after the appropriate parameters are entered) before you can create another one. 

For each Authorization Entry you define, use the configuration information from the Configuration Worksheet to fill in the parameters, as follows: 

  • Specify a Node Name, an Internet Node, a Password, and a Terminal Name.

  • Add at least one User Name to the User Name List.
See Chapter 5 of the Installation & Configuration Guide for specific and detailed information on using the Authorization dialog box. 

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