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Welcome to the first edition of the VTJ (OpenVMS technical journal). It is my
pleasure and privilege to be part of the team that has worked on this issue.
Our plans are to have two issues of VTJ each year. And as Mark Gorham has said,
the VTJ Team really values your input, and we will do our best to respond to
your comments and suggestions.
In addition to the articles, we will have a regular "Best of Ask the Wizard"
column and a section on OpenVMS partner technologies.
As you will see, this journal required a significant amount of work, first by
the authors, to whom we are greatly indebted, and also by the VTJ Team of Joan
Winslow, OpenVMS Documentation Manager; Warren Sander, OpenVMS Web Master; and
Steve Hoffman, Senior Member of Technical Staff. Special thanks to Suzy Kane,
Cindy Painter, and Carolyn Crowell for writing/editing support.
Warm Regards,
Sue Skonetski
Editor in Chief
An Inside look at DCL - [
» PDF] |
Author: Guy Peleg, OpenVMS Engineer, OpenVMS Ambassador
Bio: Guy Peleg, is an Engineer in the OpenVMS Engineering group, with a variety of
responsibilities. Guy is the maintainer and developer of DCL, Alpha/VAX Linker and other utilities.
He has been with HP since 1997.
Abstract: The article will cover basic data structures of DCL and will give a glimpse of what is
happening behind the scene. This article will be the first in a series of articles.
Author: Keith Parris, System/Software Engineer, OpenVMS Ambassador
Bio: Keith Parris is an engineer working in the Multivendor Systems Engineering group within HP Services.
He has 23 years of computer industry experience.
His specialties are clusters (particularly VMS disaster-tolerant
clusters), operating system internals, storage and I/O, and performance
issues. He has worked on the telephone hotline at
the Customer Support Center as an engineer in VAXcluster
Systems Engineering, as a developer working on VMS Cluster
code within VMS Engineering, and on StorageWorks RAID
software in Storage Engineering. Keith was an independent
consultant for a half-dozen years while he helped build several
disaster-tolerant clusters, including the worlds longest-distance
production VMS disaster-tolerant cluster. He is a regular
speaker at user group conferences around the world.
Abstract: Recent events have raised the level of awareness of the potential for disasters and
have increased the level of interest in building IT infrastructures that can survive a disaster. A
company can use OpenVMS to build a Disaster-Tolerant Cluster, which allows its business to
continue operating uninterrupted despite the loss of an entire data center.
Author (s): Johan Michiels, Nand Staes, Gerrit Woertman, Jan Knol
Johan Michiels works for HP C&I and has 20 years of experience on VMS.
Since the early nineties he is focusing on the implementation of VMS-based
management platforms, building and managing mission-critical VMSclusters, and
automation of operations.
Nand Staes has over 25 years of computer industry experience at Philips
and Digital, and is specialized in systems and network management, IT
operations, IT security and IT auditing. He is a Certified Information Systems
Auditor. Today Nand is a Sr. IT Auditor at Belgacom.
Gerrit Woertman studied Quantum Chemistry at Utrecht University, then
started to work for Digital Educational Services in 1981. He currently is a
Sales Consultant and OpenVMS Ambassador working for HP in The Netherlands.
Gerrit is also heavily involved in DECUS and Interex.
Jan Knol is working for HP C&I in The Netherlands as an OpenVMS
technology consultant. Jan has almost 25 years of experience in the computer
industry and is specialized in consolidating complete environments and managing
disaster-tolerant clusters.
Abstract: In this paper we present the VMS cockpit concept. The cockpit is a dedicated
VMS system that centralizes all management operations. The main task of this cockpit is
to monitor the entire OpenVMS production environment and to take care of event notification in a
uniform way. The cockpit assists the system manager 24 hours per day and automates routine
Best of "Ask the Wizard" - [
» PDF] |
Author: Stephen Hoffman, OpenVMS Engineer
Bio: Stephen "Hoff" Hoffman, is a Consulting Engineer in the OpenVMS Engineering group, with
a variety of responsibilities. Areas of experience include voice applications and telephony, factory
floor networking, databases, device drivers and ACPs, web and internet technologies, hardware,
bad puns, clustering, with other areas too numerous to mention. Writings include the second
edition of the "Writing Real Programs in DCL" book and an update (presently underway) to
another Digital Press OpenVMS-related book
Abstract: This article covers in depth responses to common questions received by the
Wizard. This issue covers the information needed to change the password for the SYSTEM username.
OpenVMS Backup Theory and practice - [
» PDF] |
Author: John Gillings, Systems Software Consultant, OpenVMS Ambassador
Bio: John Gillings is a Systems Software Consultant in Compaq Global Services based in the
Customer Support Centre in Sydney Australia, a position he has held for the past 14 years. Prior
to that he worked as a commercial programmer, and as an academic, teaching Computer
Science at Macquarie University in Sydney Australia. His experience with OpenVMS dates back
to VMS V1.0, running on the first VAX 11/780 to be commissioned in Australia. He holds a BSc in
Human Genetics, a BSc(Hons) in Computer Science and an MSc in Software Engineering.
John is an OpenVMS Ambassador, and the Technical lead for the OpenVMS track of the Compaq
certification programme.
Abstract: Most system managers get backups backwards. They concentrate on how to get the
bits off the disk onto tape, rather than how they will get them off the tape and back into the disk if
it ever becomes necessary.
Heterogeneous Console Management for the HP Enterprise - [
» PDF,
» HTML (NS3),] |
Author: William Johnson, President and CEO TECSys Development
Bio: Mr. Johnson formed TDi in 1993 and has served as President and CEO of TDi since its
inception. Prior to 1993, Mr. Johnson formed Johnson & Associates, serving as a management
consultant specializing in network integration and design for enterprise computers. Previously, the
Federal Land Bank, Mostek Semiconductor, International Telecharge, and Alcatel (DSC)
employed Mr. Johnson. He has a Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of
Louisville and has over 20 years of experience in the information-technology field. Mr. Johnson
has been an invited speaker for professional IT organizations around the world to speak about
data center automation and enterprise computing. He enjoys water skiing, hunting, and piloting.
Abstract: This article discusses implementing management of console ports and applications for
all HP hardware (host, networks, storage, and SANs) and operating systems with a secure web
browser on any HP operating system with knowledge of all HP hardware, software event
Legato NetWorker Support for OpenVMS - [
» HTML (NS3)] |
Author: Siobhan Ellis, NetWorker Management & OpenVMS Product Manager
Abstract: This paper discusses the Legato NetWorker Backup/Restore solution, now available on
OpenVMS. To many customers, a limitation of OpenVMS in heterogeneous systems
environments has been the lack of integrated backup and archival solutions. Until now, no single
solution has been available which could simultaneously meet the backup demands of OpenVMS,
Windows, Unix and other system platforms.