Effective December 1st, 2014,
Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP)
for OpenVMS will undergo a support status change from
Standard Support to Mature Product Support without Sustaining Engineering.
As a result of the support status change,
Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP)
for OpenVMS will no longer have active engineering development to produce
subsequent versions. This change will affect all the supported versions of the
on both OpenVMS for Alpha and OpenVMS for
Integrity servers.
For more information on the support available, see
- You can replace ECP Data Collector with
Performance Data Collector (TDC).
- You can replace ECP Performance Analyzer
with TLViz and T4.
OpenVMS has provided at no additional costs, the rights to use a data collector (ECP Data Collector) and performance analyzer (ECP Performance Analyzer). Both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX platforms
are supported with these performance applications. Software Support Service for these products is sold separately and may be purchased. Please contact your HP Services representative for further
details on support for these products.
For Alpha systems running OpenVMS Version 8.2 and later, the ECP Data Collector is replaced by the Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS (TDC). TDC is installed with OpenVMS and not distributed with
ECP. For Alpha systems running OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, data can be collected using either ECP Data Collector or TDC. For Alpha systems running earlier versions of OpenVMS, and for VAX systems running
OpenVMS Version 7.3 and earlier, only the ECP Collector is available for data collection. The ECP Analyzer can process files created by Version 2.1 and later of the Performance Data Collector.
Further information about the Performance Data Collector can be found at URL:
» http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/tdc/
Note that ECP Analyzer is not supported on OpenVMS Version 8.2 I64. The collections done on I64 can be analyzed using ECP Analyzer running on an OpenVMS Alpha system with TDC installed on it.
The Data Collector metrics include CPU, disk I/O, memory, process, network, lock, cluster, and diskset configuration information. The ECP Analyzer provides both graphic (MOTIF-based) and tabular
reports for the data assembled by the collectors, including metrics for CPU, disk I/O, memory, paging, processes, locks and SCS. ECP Performance Analyzer provides a detailed historical performance
analysis and reporting of OpenVMS environments. The ECP Performance Analyzer is a powerful application that will provide value added performance utility to your OpenVMS system.
The current version of the data collector and performance analyzer released in June 2006 is V5.6A which offers bug fixes for ECP V5.5A.
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