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HP OpenVMS Systems

Performance Data Collector (TDC)

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The Performance Data Collector (TDC) for OpenVMS Version 1.5

Product description Using the Performance Data Collector (TDC) Version 1.5, you can gather performance data for either an Alpha or a VAX system running OpenVMS Version 7.1 7.2, 7.3-1, or 7.3-2.
  Data You Can Collect Using TDC Version 1.5
  The following table lists and describes the categories of data that you can collect, when data is collected, and where data is stored. By default, all categories of data are collected.
Data Category Description of Data When Data Is Collected
Cluster configuration and communication (CFG) Characterizes the communication of the system with other cluster members. For each cluster connection, this data is recorded once during each recording interval, resulting in the writing of an array of records.
CPU utilization (CPU) Characterizes the performance of individual CPUs attached to the system. For each CPU, this data is recorded once during each recording interval, resulting in the writing of an array of records.
Disk performance (DEV) Characterizes the utilization and performance of the disks that are visible to the system. For each disk, this data is recorded once during each recording interval, resulting in the writing of an array of records.
Systemwide performance metrics (MET) Characterizes overall system performance. This data is recorded once during each recording interval.
System parameters (PAR) Lists parameters that are assumed to remain constant during each recording session. This data is stored once, at the start of each recording session.
Process (PRO) Characterizes the utilization of system resources by each process running on the system. For each process, this data is recorded once during each recording interval, resulting in the writing of an array of records.

» Software download (updated July 11, 2002)

» Patch kit for OpenVMS Version 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 (updated August 17, 2004.)