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DIGITAL SNA access server migration guide

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Summary and Next Steps

Table 3-9 summarizes the source of all Access Server configuration entries. Using the annotated configuration worksheet (Figure 3-4), the examples above, and this table as guides, you can fill in the Access Server Configuration Worksheet for your system.

The more closely you replicate the parameters of your existing DECnet SNA Gateway configuration, the more transparent and trouble-free the migration will be to you and the users of your network. Note that you only need to specify those parameters that you require for your particular network access environment.

See Chapter 5 in the Configuration & Installation Guide for full details about all the parameters in the Access Server.

See Chapter 4 in this guide for brief step-by-step descriptions for using these parameters to configure SNA Server and Access Server.

Table 3-9: Annotated Access Server Configuration Worksheet
Parameter Source/Notes
Access Name Create one, or use one from SET ACCESS NAME
LU List List of LUs or LU pool names; may want to reflect PU name and LU LIST parameters; used when no PU or session address is specified
Base Name Used with (Access Name) Base Radix; may want to reflect PU name; used when only a session address is specified
Base Radix Used with (Access Name) Base Name; may reflect LU LIST parameters; used when only a session address is specified
Logon Mode Create one, if you created a new Access Name; otherwise, use SET ACCESS NAME LOGON MODE parameter for specified Access Name from configuration file
Partner LU Create one, if you created a new Access Name; otherwise, use SET ACCESS NAME APPLICATION parameter for specified Access Name from configuration file
User Data Optional notes
Old-Style Name Use SET ACCESS NAME PU for specified Access Name
LU Name An LU name or pool name; used when a PU is specified but no session address
Base Name Used with (Name Mapping) Base Radix; may want to reflect PU name; used when both a PU and a session address are specified
Base Radix Used with (Name Mapping) Base Name; may want to reflect LU LIST parameters; used when both a PU and a session address are specified
Authorization Entry Create one
Node Name Use an existing DECnet node name
Internet Node Use existing TCP/IP node name from HOSTS file; or use IP address
Password Create one
Terminal Name Use an existing terminal definition
User Name List Add one or more
LU Name Use an established LU name or LU pool name
Authorization Entry Use an Authorization Entry established in the Authorization dialog box

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide