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OpenVMS Technical Journal V10

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OpenVMS Technical Journal - V10 June 2007

Welcome to the June 2007 of the OpenVMS Technical Journal. As always we have a number of excellent articles for your reading pleasure. In this issue you will find a wide variety of articles ranging from Strategies for migrating from Alpha and VAX Systems to HP Integrity Server Systems on OpenVMS to the dispelling of myths around Java in the Java and OpenVMS: Myths and realities article. Ted Saul has written and excellent article on OpenVMS: Striving to provide the support you need which I am sure you will enjoy. We have another web article Implementation of a web application maintenance and testing environment which will be very useful. We also have a continuing segment in the T4 space with another article titled Taking T4 to the Next Level. And last but certainly not least is an article by Bruce Claremont on Simplification thru Symbols.

The OpenVMS Technical journal is a volunteer effort by the authors and a team within HP without them this would not be possible, they continuously go above and beyond the call of duty.

We would appreciate your feedback not only on this issue but the OpenVMS Technical Journal as a whole.

If you would like to submit an article for the Jan 2008 issue please click here


Warm Regards,
Sue Skonetski

Table of Contents

OpenVMS Technical Journal - V10
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OpenVMS Technical Journal V10
Strategies for migrating from Alpha and VAX systems to HP Integrity server systems on OpenVMS » Abstract » HTML » PDF
OpenVMS: Striving to provide the support you need » Abstract » HTML » PDF
Java and OpenVMS: Myths and realities » Abstract » HTML » PDF
Implementation of a web application maintenance and testing environment » Abstract » HTML » PDF
Simplification thru Symbols » Abstract » HTML » PDF
Taking T4 to the Next Level » Abstract » HTML » PDF

Stratagies for migrating from Alpha and VAX Systems to HP Integrity Server Systems on OpenVMS

Article Title: Stratagies for migrating from Alpha and VAX Systems to HP Integrity Server Systems on OpenVMS » HTML, » PDF

Article Abstract: The ideal method for migration to OpenVMS on the Intel® Itanium® architecture is to recompile, relink, and requalify. For many users, this strategy has been highly successful. Many applications, each comprised of hundreds of thousands of lines of source code, have been ported virtually overnight.

Other organizations face more challenging circumstances. Restricted budgets, operational commitments, dependencies on layered products, staff shortages, the sheer number of applications, and the size of the aggregate source bases make the "all at once" strategy infeasible.

OpenVMS provides unique capabilities that allow an organization to assimilate HP Integrity servers in a phased, structured, extremely low-risk approach. This strategy decouples the different phases to the maximum extent possible, permitting the assimilation process to proceed transparently to users, with minimal disruption to operations and minimal business risk.

OpenVMS has clustering and image translation capabilities that offer end-user management and technical staff a unique degree of flexibility. In the past, this flexibility has enabled OpenVMS to confound critics by enabling the assimilation of Alpha processors and, more recently, Intel Itanium processors. The same capabilities that enabled the rapid assimilation of radically different hardware architectures by the OpenVMS Engineering organization itself are fully available to independent software vendors and end users.

Author Bio: Robert Gezelter, CDP, CSA, CSE, Software Consultant
Robert Gezelter, CDP, CSA, CSE, Software Consultant, guest lecturer and technical facilitator has more than 29 years of international consulting experience in private and public sectors. He has worked with OpenVMS since the initial release of VMS in 1978, and with OpenVMS Cluster systems since their announcement in 1982. He has worked with portable software, translation, and cross compilers since 1975.

Mr. Gezelter received his BA and MS degrees in Computer Science from New York University. He also holds Hewlett-Packard's CSA and CSE accreditations relating to OpenVMS.

Mr. Gezelter is a regular guest speaker at technical conferences worldwide such as the HP Technology Forum and Encompass (formerly DECUS) events. His articles have appeared in the Network World, Open Systems Today, Digital Systems Journal, Digital News, and Hardcopy. He is also a Contributing Editor to the Computer Security Handbook, 4th Edition (Wiley, 2002) and the author of two chapters in the Handbook of Information Security (Wiley, 2005), including the chapter on OpenVMS Security. Many of his publications and speeches are available through his firm's www site at http://www.rlgsc.com.

He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and a member of Infragard, Encompass, and International Association of Software Architects. He is an alumnus of the IEEE Computer Society's Distinguished Visitors Program and is a Director of the New York City chapter of IASA.

His firm's consulting practice emphasizes in-depth technical expertise in computer architectures, operating systems, networks, security, APIs, and related matters.

His clients range from the Fortune 10 to small businesses, locally, nationally, and internationally on matters spanning the range from individual questions to major projects

He can be reached via his firm's www site at http://www.rlgsc.com.

OpenVMS: Striving to provide the support you need

Article Title: OpenVMS: Striving to provide the support you need » HTML, » PDF

Article Abstract: The last year has seen significant change in how Hewlett-Packard provides support for the OpenVMS customer. Some of the change has been viewed negatively while other aspects in a positive manner. Throughout the change there has been on-going work to provide customers with the best possible support while remaining consistent with HP's long-term goals. This article seeks to describe how OpenVMS support is currently structured and what steps are being taken to ensure success for both the customer and HP. It seeks to provide understanding to those not familiar with all the work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the customer problems are solved in a timely and efficient manner. The OpenVMS Global Competency Center will provide the ma in case study in demonstrating how one team has grown globally and has been able to partner with its resources around the world to provide seamless support.

Author Bio: Ted Saul, OpenVMS Offsite Consultant and Global Project Manager
Ted Saul has been a support consultant with Digital/Compaq/HP for over 18 years. His primary role has been to provide support for the OpenVMS customer base. But also as important he spends his time managing various projects that affect the support strategy of OpenVMS. Working directly with customers and understanding their needs provide an advantage when working these types of projects and helps to provide customer centric solutions. Most recently his responsibilities have extended into the global model including working with teams from all regions.

Java and OpenVMS: Myths and realities

Article Title: Java and OpenVMS: Myths and realities » HTML, » PDF

Article Abstract: This article discusses certain myths regarding the use of Java™ programs in the OpenVMS environment. We have identified three myths that, although dispelled by the facts, remain prominent within the OpenVMS and Java communities:

  • Java is slow.
  • Java is poorly adapted to OpenVMS.
  • Java is totally portable.

Author Bio: Jean-Yves Bourlès and Thierry Uso, Consultants
Jean-Yves Bourlès has spent the last ten years as a system architect. Before that, he worked as a system manager in OpenVMS and Unix environments. He has special interests in OpenVMS and Unix interoperability and Open Source software.

Thierry Uso has spent the last ten years as a telecom consultant. Before that, he worked as a system and network manager in OpenVMS environments. He has special interests in OpenVMS cluster and middleware.

Implementation of a web application maintenance and testing environment

Article Title: Implementation of a web application maintenance and testing environment » HTML, » PDF

Article Abstract: The article is based on experience gained in the process of transition from one webserver to another, setting up multiple virtual servers using one webserver, and setting up a system with different webservers active concurrently, for testing purposes. It will mainly cover the differences found in the services, some hints on how to overcome them, or limitations found because of a different handling. It will show some data taken from configuration files, logs and screendumps.

It is NOT intended to give a qualification of each server involved.

Author Bio: Willem Grooters, VX Company BV, OpenVMS developer and system manager
Willam Grooters is an avid OpenVMS user, developer and system manager since 1984, and is mainly involved in the development and maintainer of applications that involve distributed data, processing or access. Recently he has been involved in web servers, services, and responsible for the technical side of installed servers at his work site

Simplification thru Symbols

Article Title: Simplification thru Symbols » HTML, » PDF

Article Abstract: DCL procedure development and maintenance can be simplified through judicious use of DCL symbol assignments. This article provides an outline of how to use symbols to improve procedures and the user interface.

Author Bio: Mr. Bruce Claremont, Software Migration & OpenVMS Consultant
Bruce Claremont has a degree in Computer Science and has been working with OpenVMS since 1983. Mr. Claremont has extensive programming, project management, and system management experience. He has worked all sides of the fence, as a customer r, software engineer, system manager, delivery specialist, project manager, and business owner. He founded Migration Specialties in 1992 and continues to deliver OpenVMS, software migration, and legacy hardware replacement services. More information about Migration Specialties products and services can be found at http://www.MigrationSpecialties.com.

Taking T4 to the Next Level

Article Title: Taking T4 to the Next Level » HTML, » PDF

Article Abstract: It is hard to believe that the T4 approach has now been around for almost seven years, and that year by year it has achieved wider acceptance while incrementally improving its underlying capabilities.  This is easily seen in the long list of enhancements added to the T4 collector, the large number of productivity changes for TLViz and CSVPNG, and the step-by-step increase in the number of T4 compatible collectors, now totaling more than 20.  We have seen time and again that the T4 approach encourages collaboration while doing performance work.

This article briefly looks back at T4's origins and where it has been, and then projects the likely trajectory it will take in the years to come as it builds even further improvements onto an already solid foundation.  This article also provides you with references to all the latest T4-related resources and to where you can turn for help and advice so that your OpenVMS performance work can achieve the maximum benefit from this approach.

Author Bio: Steve Lieman, Performance Architect, TrendsThatMatter
Steve Lieman has made hands-on practical use of T4 from its earliest beginnings. He actively employs T4, TLViz & CSVPNG as essential ingredients of his performance work for TrendsThatMatter. Steve's audio segments on T4 technical tips are a regular feature of the VMS Podcast Network (VPN) program and Steve wrote the first in-depth article on T4 that appeared in Volume 3 of the OpenVMS Technical Journal. The easy reader version of the article (just created recently) is a great way to begin learning about T4 and to get a sense for the visual nature and the power of this approach.

Steve was a member of the OpenVMS Engineering Performance Group for 11 years and he has more than 25 years of enterprise system performance management experience. Steve has been a regular speaker about T4 at every OpenVMS Boot Camp and at the popular OpenVMS Technical Updates in Europe and in the United States. He has delivered seminars and hands-on workshops on practical performance management at more than two dozen locations in the U.S, Canada, Europe, and the Pacific Rim. Steve also participated on the Transaction Processing Council in its formative years while it was developing and defining the TPC-C benchmark. You can learn more about Steve at TrendsThatMatter.com

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