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Where can I get a C++ Standard Template Library that works on VMS with the DEC compiler ?
The Question is:
Where can I get a C++ Standard Template Library that works on
VMS with the DEC compiler ?
Commercial supplier ObjectSpace claims it can not be done. If
they are right, do DEC have any plans to upgrade the compiler
and when ?
Many Thanks
The Answer is:
Yes, we are currently working on this for our next release
of DEC C++ after V5.2. (V5.2 is in manufacturing and is about
to ship.) We plan to support a Standard Template Library based
on the Oct 1995 ANSI draft standard (but excluding the new Allocator
class semantics.) We expect to start field testing this support
early in 1996. ObjectSpace is correct that it's tough to get far
with STL using the current version of the compiler.