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the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for the comp.os.vms and vmsnet.misc newsgroups. (comp.os.vms is
bidirectionally-gatewayed to the INFO-VAX mailing list. It contains answers to frequently asked
questions about OpenVMS operating system and the computer systems on which it runs.
Ask the Wizard questions and answers |
30 November 2004
- (1661) Debugging synchronization problems? (SMP)
- (2358) Benefits of FAST_PATH?
- (2738) OpenVMS Upward-Compatibility Issues?
- (3752) OpenVMS (VAX, Alpha) Version Support Matrix?
- (4292) Error code 22?
- (4492) MAIL, SMTP, MIME, and attachments? (take II)
- (4818) File creation notification?
- (5316) UIS? (VWS vs UIS-Archive)
- (6829) Application Upward-Compatibility?
- (6926) Disk Bad Block Processing?
- (7555) OpenVMS Upward-Compatibility Statement?
- (7699) Total Timeline Tracking Tool (T4) Kit?
- (7888) Meaning of bad pages and memory holes?
- (8725) Which Host Prints the Job Banner?
- (9614) Configuring TCP/IP Services, NICs?
- (9689) Performance and Tuning of RMS Files?
- (9699) Dvorak Keyboard Layout?
- (9817) Random Number Functions, Algorithms?
- (9822) FMS C Prototype Header Definitions?
- (9825) Printer Shadowing Options? Replicated Output?
- (9826) AlphaServer Hardware Errors?
- (9827) DECwindows, Alternate Console, PBXGA/ZLXp-E?
- (9828) Seeking C Coding Examples of SMG Calls?
- (9829) Resolving OpenVMS Boot Failure?
- (9830) C, Fortran and String Descriptors?
- (9831) OpenVMS and future Integrity (Itanium) Hardware?
- (9833) Third-party Software? (Legato)
- (9834) Seeking Old Training Records?
- (9835) Shadowing and Shadow Copies?
- (9836) Finding Pascal Coding Examples?
- (9837) Macro32 Assemblers and Compilers? OpenVMS I64?
- (9838) Password Management, Lifetime, Expiration?
- (9839) Disk Device Names?
- (9840) DECnet-Plus Network Performance?
- (9841) Matters of URL (link) rot and remediation?
- (9842) Network Hardware CRC Errors? (NIC, LAN)
- (9843) Which Upgrade First? OpenVMS or Advanced Server?
- (9844) Argument-Passing Documentation?
- (9845) MAIL Command Syntax, Distribution List?
- (9846) SCSI Tape Hardware Support?
- (9847) Text-formatting DCL Lexical Functions? F$FAO?
- (9848) C++ _THROWC? throw, try, catch and exceptions?
- (9849) AlphaStation 255 and Fiber Fast Ethernet?
- (9850) LMF, Licensing, and Clusters?
- (9851) Protecting a Serial Terminal Port?
- (9852) Microsoft Windows and DECnet Network?
- (9853) Suspected Bad Blocks? (BBLHEADER)
- (9856) Securely Erasing a Disk?
- (9857) Third-Party Hardware? (DECserver)
- (9858) Java 1.4.2 URLEncode Encoding?
- (9859) Multisession CD and DVD media?
- (9860) Network Authentication? User Access Restrictions?
- (9861) StorageWorks SWCC Agent Error?
- (9862) Per-Thread CPU Time? PCA and Threads?
- (9863) Batch SUBMIT Process ID (PID)?
- (9864) Files, Versions and DCL COPY?
- (9865) Seeking Software Menu Package?
- (9866) Text and Binary UIC Values?
- (9867) Asymmetric Network NIC Performance?
- (9868) ATMworks 350 on OpenVMS V7.3-2?
- (9871) Seeking DRQ3B Installation Kit?
- (9872) Third-Party Software? (DSM)
- (9873) Monitoring Disk (and Application) Status?
- (9874) Character Set Printing to HP LaserJet 1300?
- (9875) Recovering from BACKUP errors?
- (9876) RUN/DEBUG image, and RUN/NODEBUG?
- (9877) Suppressing DCPS Print Banner?
- (9878) Hardware Troubleshooting?
- (9879) DECwindows and Keyboard Language Selection?
- (9880) SSH and Password Expiration?
- (9881) Causes of No Such File Errors?
- (9882) ENCRYPT product and AES support?
- (9883) PING and EXQUOTA Errors?
- (9884) Telnet SSL Support?
- (9885) Creating directories with Version Limits?
- (9886) Opening a file for shared access?
- (9887) Software Support? Current and Prior Version Suppor
- (9888) Java Performance and Tuning?
- (9889) Security and Password Verification?
- (9892) Fibre Channel and Disk Allocation Classes?
- (9893) Third-party Software? (Oracle Rdb)
- (9894) Image INSTALL and Global Pages?
- (9896) RADIUS Configuration Support?
- (9897) Documentation?
- (9898) Personal Workstation Failsafe Loader?
- (9901) Network Hardware Address?
- (9902) System Time Management, Daylight, TDF, DST?
- (9903) Java r.exec, Error Codes, File Specs?
- (9904) What ECO Kit(s) do I need?
- (9905) What OpenVMS version do I need?
- (9907) Error in BASIC string function?
- (9911) BACKUP and INSVIRMEM Insufficient Virtual Memory?
- (9912) MicroVAX II KA630 Console Bootstrap Command?
- (9914) TCP/IP Services Docs, Examples?
- (9915) Shadow Copies and HBMM, Volumes, File Structures
- (9916) Migrating VWS/UIS Applications to DECwindows?
- (9917) Resolving Memory Management Violations? (ACCVIO)
- (9919) File Record Structures in Heterogenous Networks?
- (9921) Java jar files and corruptions?
- (9923) LAT, Firewalls, and Network Security?
- (9924) Spurious SYSMAN INVLOGIN Errors?
- (9926) Multi-Headed DECwindows Displays?
- (9927) How do I set up IP printers?
- (9928) Relocating Application Files?
- (9929) StorageWorks DLT Media Compatibility?
- (9931) File Access (or Creation) Notifications?
10 September 2004
- (1020) HP Printers and Blank Pages?
- (2881) Availability of Java on OpenVMS?
- (4590) Seeking CORBA or RPC middleware?
- (6685) SCSI disk errors, mount verification?
- (8540) Single Synchronized Password? Exernal Auth?
- (9010) Seeking WEBES documentation?
- (9265) File Sharing, BACKUP /IGNORE=INTERLOCK?
- (9742) C Compiler HPARITH Arithmetic Trap?
- (9743) INSVMEM?
- (9744) Seeking SRM Firmware?
- (9745) Java and classpath(cp) processing?
- (9746) Non-Postscript Printer (LG14+) and DCPS?
- (9747) Duplicate device names in cluster?
- (9748) Using RSH for File Transfer? FTP?
- (9750) Troubleshooting Licensing, VMSLICENSE?
- (9751) Seeking Software Connectivity Recommentations?
- (9752) Setting up LaserJet Printer?
- (9753) Recommended Printers and NICs?
- (9754) DLT Media Compatibility?
- (9755) ANALYZE/PROCESS_DUMP Failures?
- (9756) DCL Symbols, Processes and Subprocesses?
- (9758) PB2GA-JD S3 Trio64 V+, 9FX Motion 331?
- (9759) Mailboxes, Quotas and Kernel-Mode C Code?
- (9761) OpenVMS and Blank/Null Passwords?
- (9762) Apache/CWS, Kerberos External Authentication?
- (9763) Logical Name Translations? SS$_TOOMANYLNAM?
- (9764) TCP/IP Services and setsockopt?
- (9765) Case-Sensitive Filenames?
- (9766) Code Consumes Heap? Memory or Pagefile Leak?
- (9767) Seeking Mail Server? (Forwarding)
- (9768) AUTOGEN, MODPARAMS.DAT, and duplicates?
- (9770) Boot Driver Initialization Bugcheck?
- (9771) DCL and Error Handling?
- (9772) DECwindows NODEVICE no graphics device?
- (9773) TCP/IP Services Packaging, Licensing?
- (9774) C and RMS writes, I/O caching, flushing?
- (9775) Seeking DECnet Node Logical Names?
- (9776) Resolving Application Errors? NOMOREACE?
- (9777) GIF files and FTP corruptions? GIF tools?
- (9779) Asymmetric Ethernet Link (NIC) Performance?
- (9780) OMS (Management Station) Character Set Mapping?
- (9781) Back-porting DCL Procedures?
- (9782) IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM Support?
- (9783) Controlling lib$spawn access to DCL? CAPTIVE?
- (9784) Process Deletion and Locking?
- (9785) Subsystem Identifers, Security, and Messages?
- (9786) Remote System Management, CD/DVD Access?
- (9787) Seeking StorageWorks Wizard?
- (9788) DECnet EVL and Security Audits?
- (9789) VPM$SERVER and Password Security Alarms?
- (9790) IP and remote username info?
- (9791) Windows XP, Advanced Server and RPC Errors?
- (9792) DCL commands and string variables?
- (9793) eSNMP MIB Details?
- (9794) Processes, Subprocesses, Logicals, Symbols?
- (9795) Wildcards in Security ACE Format?
- (9796) TCP/IP Services FTP Connection Limit?
- (9798) Reset the Queue Node Name?
- (9799) Debugging Application DECthreads Deadlock?
- (9800) BASEstar Open and Siemens Simatic PLC?
- (9801) Exit Handlers, $forcex and $dclexh?
- (9803) Host and Network Security, Firewall?
- (9804) Meaning of Mount Verification (MNTVER) Error?
- (9805) Direct SYSGEN parameter changes unbootable?
- (9806) What is FAQ? What is AskQ? Example Code?
- (9807) OpenVMS and Quorum, VOTES and EXPECTED_VOTES?
- (9808) Subsystem Identifiers and SPAWN?
- (9809) Longest RMS indexed file key string?
- (9810) Third-party Hardware? (PrintServer)
- (9811) STOP (or sys$delprc) and Privileges?
- (9812) PowerStorm 4D series? 4D60T?
- (9813) C #include files for OpenVMS?
- (9814) POP3 and IMAP Clients, SMTP mail?
- (9815) Undocumented $getrmi code doesn't work?
- (9816) DoD Disk Storage Erasure; Data Remanance?
- (9818) File and Directory Security, ACEs, ACLs?
- (9820) Create Bootable Optical Media (CD, DVD)?
- (9821) Third-Party Software? (VAX-11 RSX, RT-11)
15 July 2004
- (2795) How to request a system bugcheck?
- (5313) DCL and Julian Dates?
- (6790) Comparision, Absolute, and Delta Times?
- (9692) Print Queue Stalls, Lost Jobs?
- (9693) Apache SWS Password Authentication?
- (9694) LMF Management and Terminated PAKS?
- (9695) COBOL Routine Names and Librarian?
- (9696) Printing, Forms, and Device Control Lib?
- (9697) CONVERT/FDL, EDIT/FDL and RMS Tuning?
- (9698) BACKUP BTCROUT, an RMS Syntax Error?
- (9700) TYPE/PAGE=SAVE and Escape Sequences?
- (9701) Bus Error Dump with Java V1.1.8-5?
- (9702) TCP/IP and large (64KB+) $qio transfers?
- (9703) SYSTARTUP_VMS Startup Debugging, Verification?
- (9704) Print Queues and Changing IP Addresses?
- (9705) 64bit stdarg.h variable arguments?
- (9706) ACME and Detached Process Errors?
- (9707) CMKRNL, Auditing, and SET UIC?
- (9708) TCP/IP V4 and Jumbo Frames?
- (9709) Third-party Software? (Microsoft Windows)
- (9710) SCSI Disk Limits on Old OpenVMS Alpha?
- (9711) Third-party Software? (Process Multinet)
- (9712) IP Path Selection? Routing?
- (9713) Accounting, Auditing and Periodic Batch?
- (9715) Seeking BASIC Kit on Distribution Media?
- (9716) Security, Accountability and SUBMIT/USERNAME?
- (9717) Counting Records in RMS File?
- (9718) FTP File Transfers? Microsoft Windows?
- (9719) Details of NTP Protocol?
- (9720) CMS Libraries and CMS Versions?
- (9721) Configure TCP/IP DNS Logging?
- (9722) Foreign File Syntax and FTP?
- (9723) Serving http traffic on port 80? Web server?
- (9725) OpenVMS Alpha and DECserver 250 Terminal Server?
- (9726) Blank Lines on LA420? Printer?
- (9727) Ethernet NIC Driver $qio counters?
- (9728) Password Security Audits? Alarms?
- (9730) DEGXA GbE NIC Support?
- (9731) Determining Cluster Membership?
- (9734) Advanced Server as BDC? Member Server?
- (9735) Radeon 7500 GKS Display Error?
- (9736) Identifiers and Security System Services?
- (9737) Translating Error Codes to Messages?
- (9738) Extending DCL? Counting Users?
- (9739) Controlling Shadow Merge Host?
- (9740) Mouse and Keyboard Freeze? Input Hang?
- (9741) Causes of system parameter changes?
16 June 2004
- (1745) problems with global sections?
- (2720) Upgrade to newer VAX systems?
- (2794) Tuning applications for use on SMP systems?
- (9053) BACKUP and BTCROUT RMS Syntax Error?
- (9646) Debugging Errors? From PC Address to Source Code?
- (9649) DECnet Routing, MOP and LANCP?
- (9650) Software and Hardware RAID, Shadowing?
- (9651) C Signal Handling?
- (9652) Selecting Landscape Printing?
- (9653) Office Server, External Authentication? (Take II)
- (9654) Logging Console Activity, Startup, Upgrades?
- (9655) ABS ABS_XN_FAILED, Completed with failure status?
- (9656) DCL MAXPARM too many parameters error?
- (9657) Console Prompts for Time and Date, Boot Disk?
- (9658) Altering/Forging SMTP mail from address? (take II)
- (9659) Source Network Address? (IP or DECnet)
- (9661) Resetting SRM Console for Bootstrap?
- (9662) Network Datalink Errors and Telnet?
- (9663) DECnet NetRAIN-like Capabilities? Failover?
- (9664) Configuring NTP? Polling Time-Base?
- (9665) Enterprise Toolkit (ETK) Support, Plans?
- (9666) LAT Networking: Gateway, Router, or Bridge?
- (9667) PATHWORKS And Windows Server 2003?
- (9668) RMS records, index keys, and RFA access?
- (9670) Seeking ANT port? (makefile)
- (9671) TadPole AlphaBook, DEC 2000, DECpc 150 AXP?
- (9673) AlphaBook portable and TKZ62 3490 Library?
- (9674) Command for hexadecimal file DUMP?
- (9675) Customizing the EVE Editor?
- (9676) ANALYZE/DISK and OPENQUOTA Error?
- (9677) Seeking Java for OpenVMS Alpha?
- (9679) Use of F$FAO DCL Lexical Function?
- (9681) Errant DCL$OUTPUT*.LOG files?
- (9682) Spawned FTP Subprocess Stalls?
- (9683) Hardware Support Information? (NICs, etc)
- (9684) Logging Support Call? (WIS, SCM, ITRC)
- (9685) Clustering, Performance, Conversational Boot?
- (9686) Tuning and Performance Comparisons?
- (9687) Seeking ECO Information? V31Z1?
- (9688) Batch usage of SSH or SET HOST?
- (9690) Windows (Attached Printer) Support? (take III)
- (9691) Standalone BACKUP, Device DEVOFFLINE Errors?
6 May 2004
- (0151) OpenVMS Documentation?
- (4802) Topic numbering in Ask The Wizard?
- (5585) Finding a referenced topic number?
- (8147) Seeking OpenSSL? OpenSSH? stunnel?
- (8178) ssl, ssh, scp, sftp, encryption, security?
- (9349) Dynamic Disk Volume Expansion?
- (9568) Printers and NICs, HP JetDirect, Net Port?
- (9569) lib$spawn and RUN/DETACHED process?
- (9570) Managing Batch Job Entries ($getqui)?
- (9571) Debugging Application Errors (INSVIRMEM, etc)?
- (9572) SEARCH and Multiple Files?
- (9573) Copying SYSUAF (Security) Authorization Files?
- (9575) Fortran Output Conversion Error (OUTCONERR)?
- (9576) Disks Logging Errors? Bad Blocks?
- (9578) SWAPPER Process Activity?
- (9579) DECnet required for Cluster Communications?
- (9580) Parity Errors? Operator Requests?
- (9581) Reverse-Engineering and Memory Leaks?
- (9582) ASCII dump files, database EXPORT?
- (9583) Blinking, Bold Text? Escape Sequences?
- (9584) RMS $open, $close, I/O performance, transactions?
- (9585) Pinouts, Adapters, Cabling, Wiring?
- (9586) Seeking larger mouse pointer? (DECwindows)
- (9587) DELHEADER file marked for delete?
- (9588) Files, Lexicals and DCL Programming?
- (9589) COBOL and parsing text records (CSV file)?
- (9590) Seeking SSH and SFTP documentation?
- (9591) Hardware Troubleshooting, Boot Errors?
- (9592) Debugging DCL Batch Job?
- (9593) BASIC programming and symbol scoping?
- (9594) Bulk File Transfer? Copy?
- (9595) TCP/IP Routing, Cluster Alias Reachability?
- (9596) PATHWORKS (Server) Support, Versions?
- (9598) Advanced Server and TCP/IP Services Error?
- (9599) Hardware Errors, Support, Troubleshooting?
- (9600) Secure HTTP (SHTTP), SFTP, SCP, STUNNEL?
- (9601) Active Server Page (ASP) Webserver? Apache?
- (9602) ASTs and DECthreads Upcalls?
- (9604) OpenVMS Operating System Support?
- (9605) VAX BASIC command MAP, and definitions?
- (9606) TCP/IP Services (UCX) Version Requirements?
- (9607) Security Auditing, Accounting?
- (9608) OpenVMS Alpha and AlphaServer Support Plans?
- (9609) Seeking StorageWorks RAID Wizard?
- (9610) Post-Upgrade PAGEFILE, SWAPFILE, DUMPFILE errors?
- (9612) Advanced Server and Authentication?
- (9613) LMF License Units Requirement Table (LURT)?
- (9615) C programs and timekeeping?
- (9616) Resolving IP Application Instability?
- (9617) Extending the Storage Bitmap?
- (9618) TCP/IP use_maccaddr_as_id incompatibility?
- (9619) TCP/IP Services Log File Management?
- (9620) IntraCluster Communications (ICC) Buffer Limits?
- (9621) Bootstrap Invalid Boot Block Errors?
- (9623) INSFP1POOL, CTLPAGES, Symbols and Logicals?
- (9625) Timekeeping, Drifting, System Clock Accuracy?
- (9626) Third-Party Software? (Process Multinet)
- (9627) Configuration, Commands for SCSI I/O Performance?
- (9628) VAX Hardware Emulation?
- (9629) Microsoft File Format Support? (Word)
- (9630) Seeking SRM Firmware, Details?
- (9631) Windows (Attached Printer) LPD Support? (take II)
- (9632) Remote DECwindows Session Manager?
- (9633) Callable COPY interface (copy API)
- (9634) Seeking SRM Firmware Information, Replication?
- (9635) TCP/IP Services SNMPv3 Plans?
- (9636) Disk Defragmentation Options? (Software Catalog)
- (9637) Help with JetDirect and IP Printing?
- (9640) Managing ERRLOG.SYS Error Log?
- (9641) Java and OpenVMS File System? DELETE version?
- (9642) Debugging BASIC Program Lost, Sorry (PROLOSSOR)?
- (9643) Redirecting AUTHORIZE? (SYSUAF, RIGHTSLIST, etc)
- (9644) AlphaServer SRM Console Bootstrap Commands?
- (9645) SYSMAN and Startup Customization, Debugging?
22 March 2004
- (0915) Performing a cluster divorce?
- (9490) BIND Server Journal File Management?
- (9491) Seeking Help with UNIX Shell?
- (9492) Version and Hardware Support?
- (9493) LPD_UNREACHABLE Lost Connection to Printer?
- (9494) Third-Party Software? (Oracle, SQL*Plus)
- (9495) Apache, with COBOL and DCL CGI?
- (9496) Third-Party Software? (Veritas NetBackup)
- (9497) Process(es) Holding RMS File Open? (FLK)
- (9498) Layered Product Minimum Versions? (Rollout)
- (9499) Seeking (Portable) Middleware? Microsoft .Net?
- (9500) AlphaServer DS25 and third-party IDE CD-RW?
- (9501) SORT and INSVIRMEM Errors?
- (9502) Trapping Broadcasts in Detached Processes?
- (9503) Recovering from Corrupt PCSI Database?
- (9504) Terminals and Escape Sequences? (SMG)
- (9505) Bootstraps and Invalid HWRPB Errors?
- (9506) DECwindows Russian Language Support?
- (9507) Corrupted Patch (ECO) Kits?
- (9508) External (Password) Authentication?
- (9509) Seeking Hobbyist License Information? (ABS)
- (9510) Seeking Device Control I/O?
- (9511) Postscript to PCL Printer Conversion?
- (9512) DECnet Adjacency down, adjacency rejected?
- (9516) Seeking Windows 2000 Server Capabilities?
- (9517) Comparing and re-using DTM benchmark data?
- (9518) Tracking and Auditing Access, Usage?
- (9519) OpenVMS and Product Upgrades, Version Requirements
- (9521) Debugging SS$_EXQUOTA Exceeded Quota errors?
- (9523) DECwindows can't start transport?
- (9524) Troubleshooting telnet communications?
- (9527) TCP/IP Services (FTP) Log Management?
- (9528) NFS or SMB Disk Server and Security?
- (9530) lib$spawn, sys$sndjbcw, and I/O redirection?
- (9531) DSSI (RF) disks do not autoconfigure?
- (9532) Problems with Windows LPD Printing?
- (9533) Clustering, Ethernet/802.3, Path Selection?
- (9534) DCL, lexicals and file and directory processing?
- (9535) SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE and 64 Logins?
- (9536) Third-party software (VAX Document, DECdocument)
- (9537) SCSI Device Troubleshooting?
- (9538) DCPS and Third-Party Printers?
- (9539) Information on Error Messages and Recovery?
- (9540) DECwindows on unsupported graphics cards?
- (9541) CTRLERR, fatal controller error? Bad Hardware?
- (9542) Problems with JNI and C++ LINK?
- (9543) OpenVMS Date and Time Formats?
- (9544) lib$spawn and Termination Mailbox (TRMMBX)?
- (9545) BACKUP and INVATTVAL Invalid Attribute?
- (9546) Finding the OpenVMS Patch/ECO FTP Server?
- (9547) DCOM RPC Failure?
- (9549) Seeking Example Source Code?
- (9550) Seeking DECwindows DECterm documentation?
- (9552) Seeking PCI USB Adapter?
- (9553) Windows XP, Firewalls and Map Network Drive?
- (9555) EFS/ODS-5 System Disk?
- (9556) SYSUAF UIC Text-Format Group and Member?
- (9557) VAXstation and Licensing?
- (9558) Meaning of PARITY (Hardware) Error?
- (9559) Macro32 and STORCODLAB, DATINCODE errors?
- (9560) BASIC and TCP/IP Services?
- (9561) What does DECevent DIAGNOSE Not Installed Mean?
- (9562) Creating Bootable OpenVMS CD Media?
- (9563) SORT and File Lock (FLK) Errors?
- (9564) Locking Rates, Lock Waits?
- (9565) Insufficient Virtual Memory (INSVIRMEM)?
- (9566) Problems with TCP Listener?
- (9567) APACHE$WWW and Bad Group Name? Identifiers?
10 February 2004
- (4907) Calculating capacity of magtape?
- (7794) Seeking Example Programming Code?
- (7975) Locating Frequently-Accessed (Hot) RMS Files?
- (8524) LIB$CVT_DX_DX, Text, and X Floating?
- (8920) DCPS DECprint Services and Xerox Printer?
- (9144) PBXGA-AA ZLXp-E1 Graphics?
- (9187) Seeking SSH EAK?
- (9266) Booting OpenVMS from CD-R Media?
- (9268) Performance and Interrupt Stack Time?
- (9269) PATHWORKS 32 and Windows LAT Client?
- (9270) GOLD (PF1) and BLUE (PF4) Keys?
- (9271) Documentation for NFS Export?
- (9272) DEFINE and I/O Redirection?
- (9273) What is SYSUAF.DAT?
- (9274) Callable FTP?
- (9275) Java and Global Sections?
- (9276) Meaning of WAKEPEN Wake Pending?
- (9278) Random AlphaServer Reboots?
- (9279) Current version of C?
- (9280) C references to LIB symbols?
- (9281) Seeking Command Cheat Sheet?
- (9285) OpenVMS and Windows Networking?
- (9286) Causes of Invalid Bootblock?
- (9287) SID, SYS_TYPE and System-Dependent? (KA41)
- (9288) C and /WARN=INFO=(PTRMISMATCH1)?
- (9292) TLZ07 and DDS-2 tape media?
- (9293) TQE Quota and Kernel-mode TQE Processing?
- (9294) Configuring LaserJet Printer?
- (9295) Configuring LaserJet Printer?
- (9296) PWS-au Intel SIO and ATA/ATAPI devices?
- (9297) C++ and DCE IDL TYPNOLNKFUN error?
- (9298) Removing Spaces from File Records?
- (9300) Net-Work and TCPware error?
- (9302) Can OpenVMS Read Old BACKUP Tapes?
- (9303) Seeking X Windows Clock?
- (9304) telnet, auto-login facility (ALF)?
- (9306) Bootstrap Failure?
- (9307) Read and Write I/O Performance?
- (9309) Unable to Power Up? Bad Hardware?
- (9310) SSH and SSL Availability?
- (9311) Windows Attached Printer?
- (9313) Seeking KA650 (VAX) Instruction Set?
- (9314) Bootstrap and Halt Errors? Bad Hardware?
- (9315) device already allocated to another user?
- (9317) FTP (port 21), Security, Breakin Evasion?
- (9319) Cluster Failover, Network Outage?
- (9323) Cluster Failover, Shared Roots?
- (9324) Disabling Audit Server?
- (9326) Cluster state transition coordinator?
- (9327) Third-party Hardware? (DECserver)
- (9328) DCPS and LaserJet 8100N?
- (9332) Mixing UNIX and OpenVMS Printing Forms?
- (9333) Sending MIME-encoded MAIL Attachments?
- (9335) DECforms Upgrade, and Terminal Display Errors?
- (9336) SMTP and MAIL Forwarding?
- (9337) System Thermal (Temperature) Data?
- (9338) Help Debugging ACCVIO?
- (9339) New NFS Server Unreachable?
- (9341) Rebooting an AlphaServer?
- (9342) Tracking Batch Job Completion?
- (9343) Third-party Software? (TCPware)
- (9344) Third-party Hardware? (Seagate)
- (9345) Third-party Software? (Freeware)
- (9346) LAT Print Symbiont (PSM) Errors?
- (9347) VAX Console Firmware Commands?
- (9350) Cause of Automatic Process Logout?
- (9351) Seeking Hardware (Error) Troubleshooting?
- (9353) Troubleshooting pool and pagefile leaks?
- (9354) System time lost? (Clock skew)
- (9355) Mailbox SS$_NOREADER or SS$_NOWRITER timeout?
- (9358) IPsec Support?
- (9359) StorageWorks SAN and EMA configurations?
- (9361) DCPS and HP Printers?
- (9362) Changing IP Address?
- (9363) JSP and ODS-5 requirements?
- (9364) INVRSPID and INVLOCKID bugchecks?
- (9365) Seeking Microsoft .Net and C##?
- (9366) Seeking Alpha SRM Firmware, Documentation?
- (9367) Monitoring remote RAIDset status?
- (9368) Unable to connect to X11 window server?
- (9369) Software or Hardware Purchasing? (Buy, Prices)
- (9370) COBOL and External Variables?
- (9372) Transient Perl error on file rename?
- (9373) FTP passive port range?
- (9375) Periodic Batch SUBMIT (Process Rescheduling)?
- (9376) OpenVMS Installation and TCP/IP Services?
- (9377) Time Synchronization Utilities, Tools?
- (9378) SPAWN and an Associated Mailbox?
- (9379) Oracle Rdb and MSA1000 Storage?
- (9380) System Disk Full, Conversational Bootstrap?
- (9381) Seeking DECevent License PAK?
- (9382) Seeking Part Numbers, Prices?
- (9383) Controlling Auditing and Audit Log Space?
- (9392) Volume MOUNT Error Log Messages?
- (9393) RMS Sequential File Capacity Limits?
- (9394) Security and Network Console Access?
- (9395) Changing the SCS and DECnet host nodename?
- (9397) LDAP External Authentication?
- (9398) C code porting assistance?
- (9399) Seeking Russian-Language DECwindows?
- (9400) RWZ Optical Disks, OSDS and OSMS Software?
- (9401) Seeking C Run-Time Library (RTL)?
- (9402) $sndjbc and FNF No Such File errors?
- (9403) Fibre Channel Hardware Support?
- (9404) Application Processing of Printer?
- (9405) Part Numbers, PAKs, Licenses, Prices?
- (9406) DVD Recording Software?
- (9407) TCP/IP bad IOSB 556 device timeout?
- (9408) dismissing i/o device interrupt?
- (9409) Seeking non-privileged rndc (BIND) access?
- (9410) Host-Based Volume Shadowing (RAID) support?
- (9413) Porting C Code, and dscdef.h definitions?
- (9414) System (Listener) Overloaded by Security Auditing?
- (9415) LPD/LPD Queue Configuration?
- (9416) Windows (Attached Printer) LPD Support?
- (9420) Recommended Numbers of Users?
- (9422) Debugging IP Socket Application Hang?
- (9423) RMS Indexed File and Key Changes?
- (9425) SUBMIT, Queues, and Batch Jobs Retained?
- (9426) Seeking FTP Command Documentation, Help?
- (9429) Supported Versions, Current and Prior Version?
- (9430) PATHWORKS and Windows 2003 Server?
- (9431) Fibre Channel Controller WWID?
- (9432) Password Security and Parameters?
- (9433) EVE Editor and Global Replace?
- (9434) Selecting SRM Bootstrap Device?
- (9435) Seeking SSH and Documentation?
- (9436) Floating Point Conversions?
- (9437) DECnet-Plus DECdts documentation?
- (9438) Complex Network and LAT Connectivity?
- (9439) Seeking Null Print Symbiont?
- (9440) Ada and String Descriptors?
- (9441) Process Accounting, Batch Auditing?
- (9442) Processor and Platform (and SMP) Support?
- (9443) DECnet Communications Across Versions/Phases?
- (9444) Causes and Fixes for CPUSPINWAIT Crash?
- (9446) NTP Configuration? (Distributed Timekeeping)
- (9447) SYS$LOGIN: and Process Context?
- (9448) Mixing COBOL and C, C++ (Mixed Languages)?
- (9449) Third-party Software? (Raxco)
- (9450) Application Access Violation (ACCVIO)?
- (9451) Help With Error Log? Hardware Errors?
- (9452) PATHWORKS 32 Client I/O Performance?
- (9453) DECnet Routing, Node Reachability?
- (9454) DECwindows Language Variants?
- (9456) RMS File and Disk Bad Block? (Invalid VBN)
- (9458) Fortran Carriage Control in RMS Files?
- (9459) Seeking StorageWorks Wizard? (WWIDMGR)
- (9460) Seeking DECconnect (MMJ) Adapters, Pinouts?
- (9463) Managing Device Control Library?
- (9464) Downloading failSAFE TCP/IP EAK?
- (9465) Batch Jobs Stuck in Starting State?
- (9466) VAX Hardware Error?
- (9467) DLT Media Compatibility?
- (9468) DCL PIPE Command and Symbols? (FAQ)
- (9469) DCPS and Stopped (Holding) Print Jobs?
- (9470) MOUNT/BIND, Bound Volumes, and Disk Performance?
- (9471) Third-party Software? (Attunity Connect)
- (9473) Determining Source IP Address, Port?
- (9475) Hardware Errors, Support, Troubleshooting?
- (9477) Older IP Transport Limits, OSU Webserver?
- (9478) DEC 3000 OpenVMS installation failure?
- (9479) Recovering from RMS Bucket Check Errors?
- (9480) Comma Separated Value (CSV) Tool Recommendations?
- (9481) Hardware Errors, Support, Troubleshooting?
- (9482) On-line Electronic Payments? (Credit Card)
- (9483) Debugging BASIC MEMMANVIO, Mailboxes, $qio?
- (9484) NFS Performance Investigation?
- (9486) Russian (Cyrillic) X Windows Locale?
8 January 2004
- (4004) Measuring time, system cycle counter? (rscc)
- (7913) Host Names, Personas, Cluster Alias?
- (8024) Monitoring Application IP Network Data?
- (8077) Rebuilding Bliss REQ Libraries?
- (8092) DCPS And LaserJet 4100 Postscript?
- (8161) Third-party network hardware? (Cisco router)
- (8166) Meaning of DIRALLOC Directory Error?
- (8170) IP configuration and routing?
- (8190) Debugging lib$table_parse errors?
- (8192) DNS/BIND SET NAME and DCL Error?
- (8203) Seeking Statement of Support?
- (8205) Seeking StorageWorks Wizard?
- (8263) Seeking StorageWorks (DLT) Configuration Help?
- (8282) Maximum $qio I/O Size Limits?
- (8340) Locale Compiler ACCVIO?
- (8365) DE500 Ethernet Configuration?
- (8368) Text Editor Command Help?
- (8426) Disk-to-Disk BACKUP/IMAGE?
- (8430) DECprint (DCPS) and Printers Supported?
- (8443) Bulk Removal of SYSUAF Users in AUTHORIZE?
- (8505) EDIT/EDT and SUBSTITUTE command?
- (8512) Translating Error Code into Text?
- (8548) Seeking ECOs, Patches, Fixes, Updates?
- (8549) Transient FLK File Locked Errors?
- (8550) Missing Device, SCSI Bus Configuration?
- (8552) Checkpoint-Restart, Application State?
- (8553) Privileges for FTP Use?
- (8556) PWS-a support? PowerStorm 4D40T support?
- (8558) Troubled by FAL$LOG Output?
- (8562) Third-party Software? (Oracle Rdb)
- (8566) $ALPHADEF and HW_MODEL System Marketing Models?
- (8567) Seeking StorageWorks Upgrades?
- (8568) Seeking StorageWorks Tape Part Assistance?
- (8570) Windows 2000 (W2K) and PATHWORKS?
- (8572) Precision Timekeeping? (rscc, rpcc)
- (8577) $ALPHADEF, $VAXDEF, SMM and Model Names?
- (8578) Sending MIME-encoded MAIL Attachments?
- (8735) Seeking PATHWORKS V5.0F-ECO2 W2K02 Kit?
- (8816) Print Queues and Shared Devices?
- (8834) Purchasing, Licensing, Upgrades, Parts?
- (8841) Resetting New Mail Count?
- (8956) Console Owned by Non-Existant Process?
- (8960) Seeking $GETSYI CPU and Model Information?
- (9039) Changing the Host IP Address?
- (9067) DCPS on V7.1-2?
- (9149) Advanced Server Licensing (ABORT) Failure?
- (9160) Increasing dump file size?
- (9161) DLT Media Compatibility?
- (9162) Maximum System Disk (Console) Limit?
- (9163) Meaning of LKWSETFUL error?
- (9164) Adding or Appending Files in a BACKUP Saveset?
- (9167) UICs, ACLs, and System Security?
- (9168) Third-party Hardware? (DECserver)
- (9170) Standalone BACKUP Bootstrap?
- (9171) Upgrading Overloaded (HSD) Disk I/O?
- (9172) Printer and Condensed Font Selection?
- (9175) Seeking third-party firmware? (DECserver)
- (9176) Meaning of TT and SYS$INPUT?
- (9177) Seeking TSM (retired product)?
- (9178) TSM (retired product) enhancement request
- (9179) SCSI Disk Offline?
- (9180) Problems with Spooled Devices?
- (9181) Current Processor Mode?
- (9182) Seeking Software License Transfer Info?
- (9184) Filtering User Passwords?
- (9185) Stopping the Security Server?
- (9188) Trapping FTP Errors?
- (9191) Limiting IP ports to IP host addresses?
- (9192) Seeking NTP Client or NTP Server?
- (9193) SPAWN and mailbox full? (MBFULL)
- (9194) Translating Condition (Error) Codes?
- (9195) f$getqui DCL lexical example, context?
- (9196) PATHWORKS 32 Client DLL Errors?
- (9198) BACKUP, MOUNT, and Unknown Tape Label?
- (9199) Datatrieve, text file format, and FTP?
- (9200) Problems with VPN connectivity?
- (9201) VAX 4000 model 100 vs model 100A?
- (9202) Skipping savesets on Magtape?
- (9203) Cause of Machine Check (MACHINECHK)?
- (9204) Process Working Set?
- (9205) Parallel Port Device Type?
- (9207) Volume Shadowing Licensing?
- (9209) Ethernet Cluster Communications?
- (9210) BACKUP and Condition Handling?
- (9213) TCP/IP V4.2 ECO Kits, Version Support?
- (9214) FTP Download For OpenVMS, LP Kits?
- (9215) OpenVMS on Personal Workstation (PWS) -a?
- (9216) Clustering and Allocation Classes?
- (9219) Can TCP/IP Services Route IP?
- (9221) Installation Failure on AlphaServer 2100?
- (9224) Using FTP and Ping for Connectivity Checks?
- (9227) Why was package not on Freeware?
- (9230) Resolving Licensing Errors?
- (9232) TCP/IP SET SERVICE and INVRECORD error?
- (9234) EXE$CVT_EPID_TO_PCB, Exec Calls?
- (9236) Configuring Anonymous FTP?
- (9238) ctpop, Alpha count population instruction?
- (9239) uuid_create? sys$create_uid? GUID? UUID?
- (9240) SWS Apache Startup Fails?
- (9241) MAIL Command Fails in Detached Process?
- (9242) Network Data Corruptions?
- (9243) Usernames and SYSUAF Confusion?
- (9244) Default Protection (Access) Mask, Security?
- (9246) SMTP (mail) Symbiont Error?
- (9247) Telnet and Performance Degradation?
- (9248) Automating FTP File Transfers?
- (9250) Seeking ASN1 Compiler for OpenVMS?
- (9251) failure on the back translate address request?
- (9252) DECwindows and Matrox Graphics Controller?
- (9253) OpenVMS on AMD AMD-64 Opteron or Intel IA-32?
- (9254) KZQSA SCSI device compatibility?
- (9255) BACKUP and recorded backup dates?
- (9256) Exporting XLS or XML or CSV from RMS?
- (9259) Third-party Software? (MySQL)
- (9260) SCSI Device Naming, Configuration?
- (9262) Printer (Faint Printing) Problems?
- (9263) Problems with DMC-writing application?
- (9264) Tape device missing from configuration?