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Ask the Wizard Questions

Convert failure

The Question is:

Whilst trying to convert a file of 655427 blocks I get the error of
insufficient virtual memory. I am running under system account and
increased bytlm to 36000 and pgflquo to 32000.

I have come to a halt as I have no idea how to overcome this problem
or where to start looking.

We have several files that need to be converted and it has become a
performance issue

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

The Answer is:

Your process is probably runing out of PGFLQUO.  Increase this in
reasonable increments up to the SYSGEN parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT.  Make suer
you logout and back in again after making a change so that the change will
take effect.

  Or PQL_MWSEXTENT being set too high by AUTOGEN. Since V6, AUTOGEN sets
  PQL_MWSEXTENT=WSMAX, unless told otherwise. If WSEXTENT
  is near or above PGFLQUOTA, SORT can get a bit ambitious and request too
  much memory to fit in the page file, hence INSVIRMEM. There are several
  ways around this without raising PGFLQUOTAs

  1) Try CONVERT/NOSORT - if the input file is indexed, it shouldn't
	be necessary to sort it anyway

  2) SET WORK/EXTENT=(something much lower than PGFLQUOTA) prior to CONVERT

  3) System wide, review the *real* process needs for working sets and
	quotas. Adjust PQL_MWSEXTENT in MODPARAMS to a more reasonable value
	and define *balanced* working set values and PGFLQUOTAs in the UAF.