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HP OpenVMS Systems

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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Other information resources available to you include:

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Select a topic below to see Questions Frequently Asked by partners

» Using the online documentation library(installing BNU from the asap SDK)
» Global sections(how to create and use.)
» xx$CREATE_BUFOBJ system service(usage)
» Ethernet address(methods of determination)
» Shareable images(cookbook approach to creating one)
» Sharing data/code at absolute addresses(a guide with examples)
» Determining the Alpha microprocessor
» Using GETSYI to get hardware status

Evolving business value

» Business Systems Evolution
» AlphaServer systems transition planning
» Alpha RetainTrust program

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Ask the Wizard Questions

Boost memory through Internet

The Question is:


The Answer is:

    Assuming you are looking to purchase, contact Digital's electronic
    store.  Here is some general information -- from the comp.os.vms
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) monthly posting -- on the various
    Internet-accessable resources available from Digital.

DOC2.   What online information is available from Digital?

On your OpenVMS system, the HELP command can provide a wealth of information,
not only on DCL commands but on system services (HELP System_Services) and
Run-Time Library routines (HELP RTL_Routines).  The introduction displayed
when you type the HELP command with no additional keywords provides further

In SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.VMSDOC] (OpenVMS V6.0 or later) you'll find the
following three files:

        VMSDOC_GLOSSARY.TXT - Glossary of OpenVMS terminology
        VMSDOC_OVERVIEW.TXT - Overview of OpenVMS documentation
        VMSDOC_MASTER_INDEX.TXT - Master index of OpenVMS documentation

These files are optionally installed; some system managers may have selected
not to install them or to put them in another location.  If you cannot
locate them, ask your system manager.

OpenVMS Marketing runs a WWW server at http://h71000.www7.hp.com/
Here you'll find sample OpenVMS documentation, strategy documents,
the contents of the latest OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM and much more.

Digital's Multivendor Customer Services organization also hosts an
Internet server.  If you have a software support contract you can obtain
patches from here - even without a contract you can browse through the
"readme" files for correction kits.  The WWW URL is

Digital's Electronic Connection, also called "E-store", provides product
information, prices and even lets you order online.  For free access,
TELNET to order.sales.digital.com or connect via modem at 800-234-1998.
If you're on TYMNET, connect to ECONN.  If you need to get pricing for
Digital software licenses for your configuration, this is the place to get

Information on Digital and on Digital hardware, software, products
and services is available through various telephone numbers:

    1-800-DIGITAL       : voice : DECdirect products, books and services
    1-800-PCBYDEC       : voice : Digital PC hardware and software
    1-800-DECINFO       : voice : General Corporate Information
    1-603-884-0924      : voice : (alternate number for above)
    1-800-234-1998      : modem : The Digital Electronic Connection
    1-800-DEC-2717      : voice : The DECchip Hotline
    1-508-568-6868      : voice : (alternate number for above)