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DECnet: NET$PROXY file & DSNlink
The Question is:
Two questions. The first one is easy, but it wasn't on the
FAQ or mentioned anywhere on the server.
How do I subscribe to DNSlink? I am taking over
a VMS system at a site that noone here knows anything about it.
Now the harder question. I am trying to get the OSU Decthreads
http server to run scripts. The discussions and help I have gotten
so far leads me to believe that my NETPROXY file is screwedup
and that I should "rebuild it." How do I do that. I am on
v6.1 and I am unclear as to whether I should have a NETPROXY.DAT
or a NET$PROXY.DAT file or both. Where does Digital recomment
that this file(s) reside, and should I have logical names
set up for either or both files.
The Answer is:
1 - DSNlink comes when you get a support contract from Digital. You then
contact your Customer Support Center, and ask for a DSNlink kit.
2 - Under V6.x you should have a NET$PROXY file. It does not matter
where it is as long as: it is accessible, and we can find it. The
default is in SYS$SYSTEM. You only need a logical name poiting to
it if it is not at the default location. To rebuild it, delete the
old one and re-create it in AUTHORIZE. If you have a large one
that is corrupted you can use CONVERT to try to recover it.